I got up with my brother Ian, mummy got us both washed and dressed. We had our breakfast. Mummy took me and ian to the paper shop .
And for a suprise we got a puppy and we named him SHAN.
He is so cute, mummy bought a bed that he could sleep on , and tin dog bowl to eat his food, treats and dog toys to play with . Shan had all his injections and has been chipped
So if he gets lost, they can ring mummy. We went to the park, it was sunny but cold , because we got too hot we took our coats and jackets off, we done lots of running around and throw the ball to Shan. Mummy took us home , our cousins went home earlier on in the morning, we are going to knock for William and Debbie they just finished there dinner.
We were amongst the crowd, we met up with our cousins, the rest of the family and friends.
Nanny is not well , grandad is looking after her as well as shan, he was scared off all the loud bangs the fireworks were making. The fireworks were so noisy, it was very smokey , but fantastic everyone cheered in the crowd. Ian start crying he did not like , daddy picked ian up so that dad could cuddle him . It was over so quickly until next year , some off the older boys were throwing bangers into the crowd, and people were screaming, but the boys got taking away by the law.
To be continued. ......
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