Part 8
I slowly woke up from my peaceful slumber and blinked a few times. I stretched and yawned before jumping off the couch and going to Jammy's room. I saw that his door was partially closed so I pushed it open with my head.
I saw that he wasn't in bed so I left his room and went towards Ink and Error's room. I saw that the door was shut so I quickly shifted into my human form and opened their door. I quickly shifted back and pushed open their door.
I jumped onto their bed to see little Jammy sleeping in between Ink and Error. I moved towards Jammy while avoiding stepping on anyone's arms or legs. Once I got close to his face I licked his cheek. His eyes fluttered open and looked at me with drowsiness.
I tilted my head a bit causing one of my ears to flop to one side. He smiled a bit before petting me. He slowly sat up and yawned before stretching, I yawned back because as I once stated before and I will state again, yawning. is. contagious.
He rubbed his eyes before waking up Ink. Once Ink was awake Jammy crawled off of the bed and waited for Ink to get up. Ink sat up and stretched before standing up and walking downstairs with Jammy in pursuit.
I jumped off the bed and went downstairs as well. When I got down there I saw Ink in the kitchen making dinner while Jammy was putting on a hot pink cloak that faded into yellow at the tip of the hood. He was wearing a lightish blue shirt with some orange-yellow shorts with a design on the side of it.
He grabbed a basket " I'm gonna be outside for a bit! Ok mommy? I'll be back for breakfast!" He said as he was putting on his hood. I then saw Ink poke his head out from the kitchen. "Ok then dear. Don't go to far from the house. Make sure you stay away from strangers and, please, bring the wolf with you for protection" he said while looking at me and Jammy.
"Ok mommy! I'll be back soon!" he said while smiling. He t opened the door before turning to me. "Let's go doggy!" he said with a big grin on his face. I got up and went outside. I waited for him to close the door before following him wherever he went.
We went into the forest and walked for a bit. It seemed that Jammy knew where he was going since he didn't look at all worried that we might get lost. We eventually reached a clearing that had a big patch of exotic looking flowers.
Jammy went to a part of the patch that didn't have any flowers and sat down. He started to pick some flowers and either put them into his basket or use them to weave into his flower crown that he was making. I walked to a shaded part of the clearing and laid down while surveying our surroundings.
It stayed like this for a while, Jammy kept working on his flower crown while collecting some flowers at the same time while I just stayed where I was watching him and making sure that nothing was gonna attack us.
I must've fallen asleep at some point because I woke up to the sound of rustling. I looked around for Jammy to see that he was snuggled up into my side with a flower crown on his head and a basket full of flowers at his side.
I smiled at him softly before hearing rustling again. I looked I up and tried to listen for where the rustling was coming from. Eventually the same skele-wolf that I saw the night before came out from a couple of bushes on the opposite side from where I was at.
He looked up and looked in my direction he smiled a bit before he saw Jammy resting on me. He tilted his head and I saw his shades change to 'WUT?' before changing back to 'woof'. He walked towards me and sat down a few feet in front of me, not sure if he could come any closer.
"Whaz up mah dudet? Hows ya leg feelin'?" he said while examining my leg. "It's fine. I just wanted to thank you for your help last night." He smiled a bit and his shades tpchanged to 'no prob'. "No worries mah broski! I'm Fresh by the way" I smiled at him before saying "I'm Y/N, and this little cutie that's sleeping on me is Jammy"
We stayed there talking until Fresh had to go. "Well, it was nice seein' ya again Y/N. Keep up da good work with dat leg of yours. I'll catch ya later broski!" He said has he got up and left. I smiled in his direction before feeling Jammy stirring next to me.
I looked at him to see him waking up. He slowly sat up and stretch before getting up and dusting himself off. He grabbed his basket before looking at me. "Come on doggy! We should head back now" he said as he readjusted his flower crown.
I got up from where I was and we both began to walk home....
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