Part 4
*Error POV*
I followed the paw prints into the forest and saw the she-wolf still had the meat with her. She looked like she was headed somewhere so I decided to follow her. She arrived at a small den and dropped the meat in front of it. Once she did that two young foxes came running out and immediately started eating it. They both had brown legs that fade into their orange-reddish coat and had fluffy orange-reddish tails.
One looked like a male while the other looked female, I'm guessing that their siblings. The female finished before her brother and started to play with the she-wolf's tail. It actually looked kinda cute. The male came over and sat in front of the she-wolf. I looked around but I couldn't find the kits mother. I wonder what happened. I guess something bad happened and she took them in.
~time skip brought to you by little baby kits~
After a while of watching the she-wolf and the kits mess around I saw that the kits had started going back into their den. I saw that the she-wolf was about to go back so I decided to approach her. I stepped out of my hiding place and chuckled. She snapped her head in my direction but once she saw me she relaxed. "So your an adopted mother huh?" I said. All she did was nod before walking up to me.
"So what are their names?" I know your asking 'why are you even talking to an animal? They're stupid! They don't know how to talk!'(ERROR WHY?!?! *grabs bandages and glue*) ya ya shut up night! anyway back to what I was saying. Actually that's kinda true but think about it! This wolf actually responded to my question! IT ACTUALLY RESPONDED!
I saw the she-wolf look around before grabbing a stick and writing something in the dirt. Once she was done i saw that she wrote two names, Snapper and Fawn. I guess 'Snapper' was the male and 'Fawn' was the female. I then though of another question. If this she-wolf is so intelligent then maybe I could ask if she had a name instead of me calling her 'she-wolf' all the time.
I looked at her and said "Do you have a name too?" she nodded and started to write something else. Once she was done i saw a name, (Y/N). I smiled and said "Well nice to meet you (Y/N)." I looked at the sky to see it almost covered in black. 'we should head home. Ink and Jammy must be worried by now' I thought. "Welp we should probably start heading home now. Ink and Jammy might be really worried about us." I say as I start walking.
(Y/N) barked in agreement as she started following me.
~Time skip~
*(Y/N) POV*
After a long walk we finally arrived home. Error opened the door only to be crushed in a hug by both Ink and Jammy. I smiled slightly and walked past them since they were in the doorway. I sat at the foot of the couch and laid my head down in between my paws. I guess walking to the den and back with an injured paw made me tired. I slowly felt sleep take over. The last thing I felt was a tiny body cuddling into my side before being completely consumed be darkness.
Its just been so hard to find the time to make stories now that school is starting up again not to mention I don't have that much ideas.
Anyway I hope this made up for the time I have been gone and i swear i will try and post every other weekend. But until next time goodbye my little nightmares!
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