Part 2
Hey guys sorry for not posting in a while! I've been really busy with school! But since I'm on summer break I will try to post often! Anyway enough chit chat and let's continue with the story!
After awhile we came across a small village which I'm guessing Ink, error, and Jammy lived at. They took me inside a house and set me on a couch. Ink took Jammy upstairs and into one of the rooms. Error came over to me with some supplies to treat my wounds. He kneeled next to me and started putting some sort of liquid on my bleeding neck and paw.
I howled in pain but it quickly left. He then started to wrap a cloth around my paw. I believe it was called 'bandaids' as to what I heard people call it. He took the rest of the supplies into another room and left with his gun. Most likely going hunting. I looked around and saw that it was a two story house. On the first floor there was a kitchen, a T.V, and a couch. On the second floor there was a bathroom and three rooms.
Ink then came out of the room he put Jammy in. He saw me on the couch and came over to me. I felt like I was gonna get in trouble so I laid my head down on my paws. When he was infront of me I used my paws to cover my eyes.
(Kinda like this)
I stayed in that position until I felt a hand pet my head. I uncovered one of my eyes to see ink in front of me petting my head. I uncovered both my eyes and relaxed. "Thank you" ink whispered to me. I licked his face to say your welcome. I then shifted so there was room on the couch for ink to sit. He sat down next to me and I put my head on his lap. He turned on the T.V and petted my head.
I started to do a wolf like purr due to the satisfaction of him petting my head. I soon felt my eyelids become heavy and eventually fell asleep. When I woke up I saw that the T.V was still on but ink was asleep. I was about to move but I felt a weight on my side. I shifted to see little Jammy in between me and the couch. I heard a door open so I turned around to see error coming into the house with a freshly caught deer.
He saw everyone asleep except me. He chuckled and petted my head. I licked his hand and he went into the backyard. He came back in and kneeled infront of me. "Could you wake up Ink for me?" He asked me in a whisper to make sure not to wake up little Jammy. I did a wolf nod and lifted up my head. I lifted my head up to ink's and licked his cheekbone. He shifted a little and opened his eyes. He saw error and was about to get up. But I growled at him.
He looked at me confused but then looked down at the sleeping Jammy. He slowly got up and kissed error before going to the back. Error picked up Jammy but I bit down on the bottom of his shirt. He looked at me and chuckled knowing that I didn't want him to take Jammy. I shifted a little so he could put Jammy next me. After he put Jammy down he went to the back. Most likely to help ink. I saw Jammy was starting to shiver so I put my tail on him since my tail was practically a blanket.
I then saw him stop shivering. I laid my head back down before taking another nap. After awhile I felt someone petting my head. I opened one eye to see Jammy petting me. I lifted my head and licked his cheekbone. He laughed a little before I picked him up and set him down on my back. I then limped over to the kitchen to see Ink and error preparing dinner. When ink heard my claws clinking with the ground he turned around to see me with a half awake Jammy on my back.
He then chuckled and came over to me. He picked up Jammy and kissed his head. Jammy laughed and said "mommy when is dinner ready?". Ink just chuckled and said "actually we were just about to wake you up for dinner!". Ink then sat Jammy at the table with error. He started to pass out the food. I was going to go back to the couch when I felt someone petting me. I looked at who it was to see Ink with a bowl of meat in it.
He set the bowl in front of me and washed his hands before going to his spot at the table. They started to eat but I went to the front door with the meat in my mouth. I made sure no one could see me before I changed into my human form and opened the door. When the door was opened I turned back into my wolf form and walked out with the meat still in my mouth.
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