Fairy Tales Collide (Fluff)
Requested by @Mystic_Ender
Sorry for taking so long my French friend
See if y'all can guess who's from what fairy tale!
A small man was trampling through a forest, dashing between branches and jumping over thick roots. Flashes of his blue vest could be seen in between the green foliage. When he could no longer hear footsteps chasing behind him, he slowed to a stop to catch his breath deep in the middle of the forest.
The man rested his hand against a tree, feeling paper crinkle beneath it. He looked up, snarling at the wanted poster as he tore it down. "They can't even get my nose right! Honestly, this is just getting disrespectful now." He scowled at the long, disproportionate nose sketched on his mugshot before tearing the paper in two and tossing the pieces to the ground.
The man huffed, before pulling his satchel around his body and dipping a hand inside to check for the recently stolen item he'd placed there. Pulling out the bejeweled tiara, he smirked as he admired the spoils of his biggest heist to date. Suddenly, a twig snapped a short distance away. He quickly tucked the treasure away before turning towards the noise. He could hardly make out anything through the dense wood that surrounded him.
He reached for the dagger strapped to his hip. "Show yourself." His voice was dangerously low in warning but loud enough to carry over to his possible assailant.
He watched as a tall figure stepped out from the shadows. His eyes traveled up from the clawed feet, extra hairy legs poking out from a pair of breeches, the patch of hair on the bottom of a rippled abdomen, a broad chest covered in coarse curls and the strong arms crossed over it that were just as hairy as the creature's legs, a sharp jaw with neatly trimmed stubble, thick lips that were curved into a wicked grin, striking facial features and warm brown eyes, and finally a cloud of dark brown hair with a second set of ears poking out of it. Although, these ears were dark blonde, furry points.
He hadn't even realized he'd lowered his dagger as the mesmerizing creature took a step towards him. Only then did he notice the long, bushy, dark blonde tail swishing back and forth languidly behind the creature.
"What is a sweet little thing like you doing walking through the forest all alone?" The creature drawled in a light southern accent.
"None of your business." The man dismissed his condescending question. "Who and what are you, Blondie?" He smirked, eyes coasting over the inhuman extremities that didn't match the rest of his hair.
The creature laughed, the smooth sound turning the tips of the man's ears red as it graced them. "You definitely must be new around here. Never heard 'beware of the Big Bad Wolf?'" When the man's only response was a puzzled look, the creature sighed and rolled its eyes. "Well, you're looking at 'im, Darlin'. A werewolf in the flesh and fur. Though I prefer to go by 'Thomas,' if you please." He winked flirtatiously and stuck his hand out, presumably for a shake.
The man skeptically took it, mindful of the razor-sharp claws pushing out of the otherwise seemingly human hand. "Alexander," he stated simply as he slid his tan hand into Thomas' large, warm palm.
Thomas' lips held a playful grin. He clasped Alexander's hand and flipped it, bringing the back of his hand up as he doubled over at the waist.
Kissing Alex's knuckles, he whispered, "charmed," brown eyes twinkling with mischief as he held the human's stare.
Part two?
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