Untitled Part 9
It's currently 1980. I'm 19. Tom is 18 and it is very weird. I don't know how to feel about my brother bring 18. He's going to be in a movie of his own. So he doesn't need my help staring in my movies. He was in two of Millie Bond movies till now so he doesn't have to me in my movies in my shadow any more. He does slightly complain about being in my shadow quite a lot. So this should be his change to get out of my shadow. So I am happy that he won't feel like he is hiding in my shadow.
"Mom." Tom yelled.
"I don't know why your asking mom you'll know she'll side with you." I said grabbing my stuff.
"What." Mom said walking to us.
"Don't you think Jamie should drive me to the shop on her way to work?" Tom asked as I grabbed my keys. I looked at him.
"Yes I think you should Jamie. The shop is on your way to set." Mom answered.
"Mom he's 18 he should have his own car." I complained. I looked between mom and Tom.
"Just take him Jamie." Mom said.
"Shouldn't you have your own house?" Tom asked. I looked at him and looked away.
"I'm having my house built." I answered.
"Yes but you still need to drive him." Mom said.
"No catch the bus." I said walking towards the door.
"If you don't I'm grounding you." Mom said.
"I'm 19 not 16 anymore." I said walking to the kitchen remembering I left my coffee in the kitchen. I brought my coffee supply to set incase I drank all my coffee.
"I don't care." Mom said.
"Mom you can't ground a 19 year old you lost that privilege when I turned 18. " I answered walking out. I noticed Tom was behind me.
"Jamie wait." Tom yelled. I looked behind me.
"What Tom." I yelled turning around.
"Can I ride with you?" Tom asked.
"Your my brother but get your own car really." I stated looking at him unlocking my car.
"Please Jamie." He begged.
"Fine you can ride with me." I answered nodding towards the passenger seat.
"Thank you thank you." He cheered running towards the car. It was always like this.
"If I'm late I'm blaming you." I said starting the car.
"Wouldn't expect anything else." He laughed as I started to take him to the shop. I swear he doesn't get a car because he knows I will always drive him places even if I do say no to him. Mom can't ground me because I am moving out soon so what's the point of trying to ground me. I mean what's the point I'm 19. She wants grandkids I don't know why she is expecting them off a 19 year old who is trying to get places without somewhat attracting drama. I mean I will have kids at some point but not right now. I mean what's the point when I'm still a teenager. If she wants one she does have to wait till I can be bothered to find love.
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