James x Jaiden Basketball!AU
Shooting To Your Heart (Sad Ver.)
"And Mr.Rallison just tipped the last straw!" And the crowd goes wild, as the basketball team, Evaiger, had just finished the game victoriously. The team captain, James, received the golden cup for who knows how many times, and took a photo of his new golden trophy with his teammates.
He each gave his members a high five and others, a bro hug, and had congratulated them all. As he was giving an inspiring and thank you speech. There was an announcement made.
"Everybody, on October 1st. There will be a tournament here. Today's team champion, which is the Evaiger. Will be playing against females' best basketball team. The Skyfall."
Then, the team came waltzing in with ladies. The leader was in the front walking. The leader appears to be Asian. With brunette hair and dark brown eyes. She was quite tall for Asian. Maybe she's American-Asian perhaphs? Who knows.
But what James know. Is that his team will be the Skyfall's downfall. Then, the Skydall and the Evaiger were face-to-face. Captain-to-captain. Both had mischievious smiles. "I'll be looking forward to play with you. Mr.Rallison" she said, as they had moved out of the way as they prepared themselves for their tournament against some female team.
James was quite clueless who she was. He have never heard about her before. Sure he was always updated to the current trend. But boy was he clueless of that team.
"Who are they?" James asks one of his team, which was Adam. "Oh James, that's the Skyfall. Females' best basketball team lately"
The male's brows arcs into a cave "Lately?". Adam hums a reply "Yeah. They've been just started playing basketball with cameras just this past three months. Somehow, they were recognized to be the best! Which was true!"
James rubs his chin in interest "Interesting... Do tell me more". But then, Adam laughs awkwardly "Uhm. About that. I don't know more. Ask Tim about that" as he pushes Tim to his face (not too close) and left.
"Say Tim. Tell me more about... Skyfall" he says, emphasizing the team name. "Well. The team has won over thirty trophies within just those three months, and currently in this month, they've had achieved three trophies."
James nods "Go on" he convinces. "The team composes of Emirichu, Rebecca, Spechie, Cypher, and Jaiden."
"So... Who's team captain there?" He asks. As his curiousity just arouse. "Jaiden. Jaiden Animations. Before she even rose to this basketball fame. She's already been popular with ladies' tennis."
"So. She's born an athlete"
"It seems so"
James then thanked him for the information and told them that they could all go home now. As for him... He had planned to stay and watch how this Jaiden plays.
As he was sitting. He found how quick and agile her team were. They were very fast. As if they were robots disguised as beautiful ladies.
After the game, when team captain, Jaiden, was on her way to the exit. James had blocked her way. "Hm? Oh, Mr.Rallison, Evaiger's team captain, if I'm not mistaken? Pleasure to see you again" she said good-naturedly. As if she wasn't intimidated by James' self, like what people usually do when they see him with a serious face. Scared.
James was quite... Shocked. How could this girl nit be scared by him? Anywho... "I must say Ms.Animations, you did a great job there" he said, as a smirk appears on his lips.
"What are you implying..." Jaiden asked suspiciously, as she could feel there's a huge avalanche rolling down to her small cottage that says f*ck you and crashes.
The blonde male just shrugs "Just complimenting you, is that bad?" He says, his smirk growing even bigger. She squinted her eyes "No... Of course it isn't" she slowly replies. Being cautious, although. Then again, not intimidated still.
"Anywho. Just remember. We will be the reason why your sky will fall when you play against us" James replies, as if he was blackmailing her.
But Jaiden just smiled sweetly "Sure Mr.Rallison. Sure. I'll be looking forward for that tournament for the next three weeks. See ya around Rallison" she said, saluting to him and left with her purple bag.
"Oh I will Ms.Animations. Oh I will"
Three Weeks Later...
"Ladies and gentlemen!!" The commentator says, extending the 'l's. "Welcome to the basketball tournament between males and females!"
As he rambles about some 'inspiring greeting', Jaiden ties her shoelaces. When someone had lightly punched her upper arm. "Hey" the team captain of Evaiger says.
"'Sup" she nods as she stands up, the James gave her an intimidating look, which was surprisingly, not intimidating to her "Hey. Just remember that my team will be your cause of your sky falling. We never had lost, and never will. And, your team are new to this. So that doesn't mean you won lots in the previous, you'll win this one too..."
The noirette giggles "Alright Mr.Rallison" she says, as her team were called out to play. After a moment passed by, the Evaiger were called next.
The team captain went face-to-face and both had different faces. Jaiden has a smirk look, and James' pretty much has a questionable look. Undefined, whether if he's amused, or thinking dirty with the play.
But the universe did not allow them to stare each other down until one had blinked, the horn had roared as its sound bounces off each side of the arena.
The referee then threw the basketball into the air and Tim had got it, he then passed it to BlackSen, then to Adam, then to Alex, then passes to James and had shot a point. The men goes wild.
Second round, the Evaiger did it again. It went this way until end of 1st quarter. The guys had scored 134 as the girls had just score 90. As his team passed by them to grab their drinks. He winked at him, well. More like a teasing wink. But the Asian girl played along with them.
2nd quarter. It took the Evaiger by surprise, as if a gust of wind had blew into their way. They were scoring more points even faster than they did in the first quarter... "So, they were going easy, eh? Well, the gloves are off. No more easy plays. If she wants something tough. She'll get it"
Then, the horns went honking again, cueing their return in the game. When the ball was threw by the referee, James got it, he had a tunnel vision forth the basketball ring. But then, the ball was snatched from his palms.
He turned his head swiftly as he found that same girl who he had winked to, dribbling away with his key to victory. His teammates were running towards the girls. When Jaiden realized the guys were after her, she passed the ball to Emirichu, but when she was about to do her actions...
Suddenly, her vision had blacked out all of a sudden. She fell onto her knees, and before you know it, she lays there sprawling. Jaiden heard gasps around her. She could hear her surroundings, although, she couldn't move.
"Jaiden! Jaiden!!" That's what she last heard. Before she had completely lost her conscious.
The Asian had woken up into a white ceiling. There were beeping sounds that filled her ears with. All she could hear was that. When she flinched, she noticed something connected to her.
She was connected into a something. There were few wires or tubes poked through her fragile skin, as packets of what seems to be blood and something that looks like water are connected to her, slowly pumping in back to her system.
"W-where am I..." she muttered quietly, as she found a blonde basketball player talking to what seems to be a doctor. They were talking gibberish in her view.
Jaiden groaned as she attempted to sit up. This caught the two people's attention, she heard the doctor say "She'll be out in a few days. Thank you" then the blonde had shifted its eyes to her. His hazel eyes fixated to hers.
The noirette looked around, as she just found herself at her worst condition. She was facing her opponent. She couldn't possibly let him see she's in this state!! She isn't the girl he first met!
The daring, the girl who doesn't get intimidated, the strong and fierce female basketball player. Her lips began to quiver, as her eyes began to fill with fear. She flinched away from James, who was at the right wing of her bed.
"G-get away from me" she whispered, still inching herself away from James, carefully trying not to knock down any of the wires. But she did not hear any response.
He was still looking at her. As if he was... Disappointed?
"You lost a lot of water and nutrients." He muttered, as his face remains emotionless. Jaiden became scared, what would her opponent think if her now? A weakling? A pathetic person who never took care of herself?
But suddenly, a pair or arms had hugged her. She opened her eyes to see James, the team captain of the Evaiger, was hugging her. "Why did you do that to yourself" he whispered in her ears.
"Why would you care. I've heard you wanted to crush me and my team. Win against us. Why did you even help me? You should've let me on the ground and keep playing 'till you got the most points..." she replies, refusing to answer his question.
James then untangled his arms around her and sat upstraight "I just... I don't know. I never liked the idea of something health related, y'know? It just scares me, and... I've been afraid to witness anyone fainting... The reason for that was, because my... Dad died. We thought it was just a simple faint, but actually, he died." He answer, fidgeting his fingers.
"Now tell me. How did this happen." He demanded an answer in a stern voice. Jaiden's heart pounded loudly, that she could hear it. But she just sighed "I just... Wanted to make my family proud. As you've heard in the news, my team was known to be famous, and have never lost a game. So the game between Skyfall and Evaiger was a huge pressure to me. So I had to skip all meals at cost. Just to make lots of time for the practice..."
Then, she closed her eyes shut in shame "But with all the pressure that's been on my shoulders... I've forgot to take care of myself. Which I replaced in making my fans, and family proud. Even for the girl nation... But now. I think I've just let the whol females and my family... Down."
A warm hand had been placed on her cheek, as James' thumb rubbed her soft cheeks "You're sweet, y'know? It's nice to think of everyone else. But remember to give yourself time too" he says with concern in his voice.
The brunette sighs as she held James' hand, and snuggling to it. But then, reality hit her. She hadn't completely known this guy! Why was she telling him all of these?
But before she could do anything else, there was a pair of lips on hers. At first, she was taken aback, but later had melted into it. When they had let go, James opened his mouth to speak "I know we haven't known each personally that much. But I'd like to get to know you better. Because, you shot your way into my heart" as he places his hand onto his chest.
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