James x Jaiden (Mario Edition)
Suggested by: SytheGaming6
"It's a me! Jamie!"
"Ugh man... Shut up. I'm trying to get sleep here" Tim groaned as he covered his face. "But brother! We need to save Princess Jaiden and Princess Spechie!"
Then suddenly. Tim's face lit up. "Okay. Let's go."
Then the two set afoot on the vast grassland, and started sprinting towards to who knows where. Maybe, bump right into trouble in Princess Jaiden's palace and see Adam.
You are now entering a fantasy world... Where James is Mario. Tim is Luigi. Jaiden is Peach. Spechie is Daisy. And Adam, is Bowser.
The same characters, with new set of roles. They each have their own use in this world. Jaiden and Spechie keeps the life of animations balance.
Ever since these two girls were crowned to protect the Animation World and keep everything afloat. They became well known. The news even reached to this weird-looking animal... Named Adam. (I'm sorry if I have offended Adam fans. But, just wait. Adam has the most important role here. He's casted as Bowser for a reason, you'll thank me after ;) )
"Brother! Hold up!" Time yelled. But with the James' burning desire and determination. He was unstoppable. "I'm sorry brother! But I have a feeling the princesses are in danger again!" He yelled while running.
Tim let out a sigh "Why does Adam always do this?! Always stirring up mischief, I hate it!" He complained. These two brothers were supposed to live a normal life. But from that very day, when they met Jaiden and Spechie, they became their 'knight in shining armor'.
Though, not one of them have ever spoke any interest in each other. But little do they know... One guy hides a secret as huge as the vast ocean.
An hour or so, they finally saw the two princesses' castle from the distance. It stood there proud and tall. The castle was designed like any other ordinary castle. Though, what made it so unique from others, were the light lavender color, which sort of appeared as color white, that is painted all over the walls. The roof was covered in light olive green.
There were was a royal purple on one roof of a tall tower, and the other tower has an olive green flag, dancing along with the summer breeze. "Were almost there!" James yelled happily, as a skip mixed along with it.
While they ran as fast as they could, they saw that the doors were locked shut. So, the used their jump boost to jump all the way to the nearest open window. after reaching upon their destination. They heard smacking. A loud thud. And a roar.
"That is the most absurd roar ever..." James mumbled, loud enough for Tim to hear "You can say that again... He's not even roaring. More like... S-sexy roar? UGH WHATEVER LET'S GO SAVE 'EM" as they sprinted off from where they are standing and looked for the right room. Where it contains two princesses, and an indescribable... Creature.
"SPECHIE WHY DID YOU INVITE HIM?!" Jaiden yelled "OH FOR GODD*AMN'S SAKE!! I TRIED SENDING BECCA A LETTER BUT IT APPEARS IT WAS SENT TO THE WRONG PERSON!" Spechie yelled back as they just tried to get away from Adam's grip.
Not longing, another sound joined in for a second.
"Don't worry princesses! We'll save you!" James and Tim said altogether as it shifted Adam's focus to them. Instead of Jaiden and Spechie.
Which was quite advantageous as it gave the two princesses to find another hiding spot, somewhere out of Adam's sight.
Then, James spawned a boomerang flower as Tim summoned a canon box. They both used it to attack Adam.
Unfortunately, Adam was weaponless. So all he had in his side was his great weight, and use it to shake the ground below them.
Which would knock the two aback for a moment. Just to give him a moment of grace period before he returns to war.
But then, they both heard screams. A scream of two girls. It was very clear that they were bith screaming, as they have different voice pitch.
"What's your move? James and Tim... Stop me from getting their treasure? Or help them out from my trap" Adam asked, with a devious smile playing on his cat lips (i think).
The two brothers looked at each other.
A valuable can be retrieved.
But a life cannot.
In a blink of an eye, the two rushed out of the doors and went to find where they were in the castle. "THIS IS JUST GREAT" Tim complained "WHILE WE SAVE THE PRINCESSES ADAM'S DESTROYING THE WHOLE PLACE DOWN!"
"It'll be fine! Just save the princesses quickly and we'll get back at him". Tim shrugged "I have a bad feeling what we'll see when we return" he mumbled lastly, as they focused on locating the two after it.
After moments of running, they came to the end of all, with two more halls on its side. James took left, and Tim took right.
Not longing, he heard the loud bang, loud and clear. When it was loud enough, he stopped beside the door and broke the wooden door with his weapon.
"Thank you James" Jaiden thanked "But... Where's Bowser?" She asked, with worry in her voice. James shook his head in disappointment "We had to leave him for now. Because you guys are more important, I guess..."
James slowly looked down at the red rug. Jaiden saw a weak twinkle in his eyes "Hey... I really do appreciate what you did" she said softly.
"Really?" The blonde asks, as his eyes twinkled brighter. A blush was plastered on Jaiden's face, as she let out her iconic awkward laugh "Yeah..."
The duo stared at each other, then...
They became closer...
And closer...
"Hey! You two!"
The two people stopped and their eyes opened wide. "HUH??" James said as the princess by his side goes "PARDON?"
Tim coughed "We're getting third-wheeled here, thanks" he replies sarcastically. "W-wait... Where's Bowser? How did we get back to the throne area quickly?"
Then from behind. They heard a clap "YES MY SHIP!"
Jaiden and James turned their hack towards the creature behind them, Adam. Who was clapping happily.
"Here's a quick explanation! I always stir up mischief because I want you guys to realize how James and Tim cares so deeply about you! So here I am! Playing as cupid!"
Then there was silence. "Anywho~ I'm just going to take this Super Crown and continue my cupid business! Can't do business when I'm in this form! Bye!! Also, there's a crowd out there!"
"Why?!?" The four yelled.
Adam laughed heartily "I told the whole kingdom that Princess Jaiden and Princess Spechie are engaged! Now ta ta! Good luck with your soon marriage!!
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