Continuation of Daniellatrashes request.
Finally. At Zupa's. They ordered a meal and sat down together. "So. You switched bodies?"
Both James and Jaiden nodded. "AGH!" James yelled, rubbing his back "What's wrong James?" Rebecca asked "My back, er... Jaiden's back, or whatever... Is been aching" he whined.
Jaiden and Rebecca exchanged looks. They knew what was up "Um, you better check the bathroom" she suggested with a smirk. James felt weird, as he saw his ownself smirk at him. But, he just followed Jaiden. Since the body he is in, is her body after all!
The beta male, uh... Asian girl. Dashed into the bathroom to check what was up. He checked himself, he slowly touched his body (which was Jaiden's with regret shivering down his spine with every touch he does.
After touching what's in between her legs, he screamed loud as a screeching dinosaur. But, he felt something... Rather weird. "It's wet? What is this? A girl's c*m?" He thought to himself.
He slowly lowered the jeans he was wearing. Instead of seeing white fluid on the garment, like he used to... He saw something bloody. "GAH!! WHY AM I BLEEDING?!" He screamed horrified.
Rebecca came in the bathroom later on. Since Jaiden's is in a guy body, she couldn't enter in. "Here, I bet you need this" she said, sliding a napkin for girls.
"What is this? A special tissue to wipe this all away?" The blonde asked clueless. Becca giggled hysterically "No silly! That's a period napkin. It helps you stop bleeding all over your precious garment" she explained.
James rolled his eyes, as he unwrapped it and place it on the bloody garment. Afterwards, he came out feeling very uncomfortable "Dude, why are you walking like that?"
The male left the stall looking like he was a penguin with legs very far apart. Which was very weird to look at "Uh... There's this fancy tissue holding it? I'm not used to it!"
"It's called a menstrual cramp sweetie. It's normal for girls to have it. Now, let's go, Jaiden's waiting for us outside" she said as they both left.
Upon going outside the bathroom, theh could see a red-faced Jaiden "What?" James asked emotionless, as the red-faced blondie started to burst into laughter "Oh I can't!! I just love how clueless you are!!" Then she continued to laugh.
Rebecca let out a small laugh too "I agree". Then a grumpy James huffed "Shut. Up. Can we just talk about how we could turn ourselves back to normal?"
"Ooo!! Mood swings!"
After getting a slap from James...
(Sorry Jaiden and Becca)
"Well... Legends says, that... This temporary curse will disappear when something triggers it" Rebecca explains. James sipped on his drink, as Jaiden asked "So... What do we do? What's the trigger?"
The girl infront of them sighed, it was a depressing one. "There are different kinds of ways to end it. And there are various ways to end it. In record, no one has the same remedy to cure this curse. Which would take awhile for someone to change back"
James and Jaiden looked at each other "How do we find out?" James questions, quite worried that both of them won't find a cure to it, and be stuck in Jaiden's body forever. But it's not like he hates her body or anything!
He just misses his period-less, less complicated and less-bloody self. Where all he needs to do is protect his groin and he won't experience any severe pain. And not even mind what's on his ches--
"Well... I suggest you guys spend your day together. Maybe one of your actions would do the trick."
That Day
The two young animators, with switched bodies, walked along the neighborhood, to go to somewhere they'd enjoy. Maybe a hike on "A" Mountain.
There was an awkward silence for a bit. When they started to bring up their experiences in different bodies "Y'know... I accidentally hit my-- your... Groin this morning. S-sorry about it" a deep-male voiced Jaiden said.
"It's fine" James said, as a Jaiden laugh escaped his lips "I am sometimes careless, and could hit that thing"
Then they both laughed "Hey, how did you even survive these so called... Periods? And taming long hair? Do you wish to be... Someone else?"
Jaiden looked at the Asian girl for a moment, and stared at the blue sky, then, laughed to herself "Yeah, sometimes. But I grew with my body. Even if my body could torture me, I love it"
Then something rang in James' mind. Was there something he should be bringing up right now? Ah. Right. Jaiden's "scars"
"Hm?" Jaiden hummed looking at James. "Scars" he repeated. The blonde looked around awkwardly "Uh... What do you mean by scars?" She questions, and they both stopped walking.
James sighed and showed her own body, where he is in, for noe atleast. It took a solid minute before her eyes un-glued to it "Is this how you show love to your body, Jaiden?" He asked. But not in a mean way though.
But Jaiden took it differently. "You don't understand James" she mumbled. "I. Do" he said the two simple words in syllable "No you don't..." she replied, now tremoring.
"Please, listen to me" James said, as he grabbed his own hand, just to stop Jaiden from going anywhere. It's not that he's scared Jaiden will leave a scar in his body too. But not only does it hurt her physically... But mentally and emotionally too.
He knew he better do something. Because something tells him she needs help. "Jaiden. Why do you need to suffer? You are beautiful. Brave. Talented! What makes you think everyone hates you? Hello?! You have four million subscribers! They all admire you. Not to mention, a youtuber admires you too"
Jaiden went silent for a moment. Sinking all what James said, but before she could bake up the final product of her thoughts, something stopped her thought train. A pair of lips stopped it and made her snap out of her little world.
Bringing her back to reality...
There was a warm lip on hers. Adrenaline pumped, and rushed from every vein. Making their cheeks appear in a lighr shade of pink. As a sign they are both nervous. Yet, a dash of excitement was blended in. Creating a perfect butterfly feeling.
Soon. They parted, and it just left Jaiden, or specifically James' body, blush even more. "You're beautiful and talented. Remember that"
Jaiden's hazel eyes were locked on James'. There was a sparkle in his eyes, and concern trapped in it. She knew he was worried for her all along. Yet. She denied that she wasn't okay. Which made James even more concerned.
Moments later. A little smile played on her lips, as a cute giggle with James' voice escaped her mouth. Jaiden then leaped in for a big hug, then whispered to James a quick 'thank you'. As the window of her soul started to fill up with emotional tears, but were filled with happiness.
Soon. They started feeling weird. As if they were floating on space. Where there was no much gravity. "Huh?" They both whispered, as they looked down to see that they have returned back to normal.
Their hands clasped together and jumoed happily like little children. After realzing how childish it was, they stopped. There was an awkward, yet, a little comforting silence. Later, James broke it with a cough "So uh... Wanna continue that walk to A Mountain?" As the noirette nodded and enjoyed their day with each other's company...
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