F Boy! James x Jaiden
-Meaning that James is like an F boy or like men who'd go to bars and stuff, idk what you call those people. Sorry if the term's wrong
Inspired by Barenko1 's Story
(Not suggested)
Love Is A Trial
It was one morning and Jaiden woke up to a bright shiny day. 'The day is perfect' she thought as she stood up. Then someone knocked at the door. She answered it and it revealed James.
"Morning sunshine" he said. Jaiden was not used to this. This was the first time he called her 'sunshine'. "Um... Hey?" She said confused.
Jaiden's POV
James was never flirty to me... All of the Animation Squad nows he's an F Boy, but he'd never flirt with me. But... Why now?
But as I was staring at him blankly, he made me snap back to reality "Hey?" He asked. "Oh. I'm sorry about that... I just remembered something" I replied.
"Well you better go downstairs or else" he said threateningly as I nodded up and down. I knew he'd hurt me if I ever disobey him.
Yoy guys know how F boys act! They can be... Unexpected. They may be flirty, and when disobeyed... They'd be mad as a bull.
But that doesn't mean I can't be his best friend anymore! I am the only one who understands James. I know why he is like this, and I respect it.
So yeah! Out of the Animation Squad, I am the only person who knows most of James' secret. Now after he disappeared, I quickly brushed my hair and went downstairs.
I was greeted with brekafast and friends. I waved hello and greeted them, as they did the same. After that, I went to my usual spot, near James of course. Neither of us minded it.
"So Jaiden, how's your animation going?" Tony asked. I gulped my food down and replied "It's going well!" after that, I returned to eat my meal. As I do that, the conversation went on and on.
Minutes of eating my meal, I finally have finished it. So I placed it in the sink and went straight to my bedroom to do my animations.
After I got into my room, I fed Ari and continued to draw frames. But then, someone knocked on the door "Come in" I said, still focusing on drawing. I have no idea who the person was until the person spoke up.
"Hey~" a familiar voice said flirtatiously. I turned my head towards the person and saw James "J-james! W-what are you doing here?" I asked shocked.
"I just wanna tell you..."
That first sentence made my heart pump faster. Scared to reveal the other piece of it. If he and I were talking through the computer, I think I've already went offline. In a less rude way.
As I waited for the other piece he said "Let's have a dinner at a fine restaurant at 6 PM". My eyes opened wide. Not believing what he just said "What brought this up?" I asked.
I heard him take a deep breath "I just wanna hang out with you" he finally said. Okay. Since when did he do these? Oh yeah! Never. But... Why is he so nice to me? What!? Where is the James that is... I dont know. The opposite of me?!
So I had no choice but to attend to his 'little friendly dinner'. This is not him. He'd casually go to a bar and drink and... Get drunk eventually... Resulting of the guys picking him up from his usual spot.
Well this is something new in his schedule... Though sometimes I wonder what he does in the bar aside from drinking... Making friends??
Anyways... I better start my day by starting to draw clips. So I went back to my desk, opened the apps I need to use for animating, and boom. I got started.
5:45 PM
I saw the tine and I knew I had to prepare myself. Maybe just change my clothes and that's it. Also I could use some brushing.
So I went to my closet, grabbed a new set of fresh clothes, put them on, brushed my hair and went downstairs for James.
It was 5:59. "Well that was fast" I thought as he patiently wait for him. By that time of exactly 6 PM. I heard footsteps from upstairs.
I knew it was James, moments later, I was right! It was James. He wore something different. Rather than me seeing him wearing his leather jacket, and badboy style...
He wore normal clothes. A plain light blue shirt, normal jeans and his hair was in a normal condition. No gel. His hair wasnt frizzy or anything. For once.
"What's the sudden change for?" I asked. He appraoched me and said "It's nothing. I want something new and live my life like normal people, like you" he explained.
I must admit. He looks... More handsome behind that F boy-ish look. "So. Shall we go?" He asked as I nodded. He offered me his hand as I took his and stood up.
We went to the car and drove off to a restaurant. He acted like he wan't the James I knew. The James who'd go anywhere beyond 5PM and would be picked up by Adam and Tim at 12 midnight since he's drunk and all that.
But why the sudden change though? This... Is all new to me... I can't keep this all in at all one time... Ugh this hurts my brain. "Jaiden, are you okay?" James asked. Apparently, I was kneading my head and it was way too obvious. Oh f***
So I had to cover it up "Oh um... Yeah, I'm fine don't worry" I reassured him as I stopped kneading it, so he won't worry much. I heard him sigh and continued to focus driving. Moments later, he and I have reached the restaurant called Kai Restaurant. One of Arizona's fine restaurants.
As I was gazed at its structure James opened the car door for me. "Huh?" I mumbled, loud enough for James to head "Can't I open a door for my best friend?" he asked. "O-oh..." I replied as I got out of the car and thanked him.
Then we went inside and friendly employees greeted us warmly and led us to a table. As we reached one of the tables, James pulled by chair so I could sit "T-thanks" I stammered as I sat down while James did the same.
After we sat down, the waitress handed us each a menu. After a few minutes of choosing a food. We gave the menu to the lady and... Silence fell upon us. For me it was an uncomfortable one. So I had to look as James continued to stare at me in a not creepy way.
I started to fidget my fingers, trying to distract myself. Then I heard a sweet voice coming from the beta male "Jaiden... What's bothering you? You seem off ever since we left the Animation House". He's right... I know I've been acting weird lately, I was too quiet and avoided eye contact with him at all costs.
But I couldn't hide the fact anymore, he knows it already. "James... It's just... You've changed so much in a day. Your attitude, your looks, schedule... Its not that I don't like it, it's just... So much for me to take it in"
He remained silent as I continued to go on "Don't take this in a wrong way okay? I still would love to be your best friend but like... You've changed, you became the opposite of you that was... The past days". As I stopped talking, I saw his face. His face turned into an apology look.
And I was right "Jaiden I'm so sorry!!! It's just... I'm getting tired of that f boy phase". "Do you still remember what I told you before why I'm like that, when I'm still in the phase?" he asked. Moments of retrieving the memory, I spoke "You were like that because you want attention, you feel invisible and all"
"Correct" He replied "But then... I finally found the light in the of the tunnel... It just began with a girl. She was ever nice to me, she listened to my problems and made me feel special. Every time I leave her, its a huge pain. I try to cover my feelings for her by staying like an F boy... But then... When I'm around her, I felt like... I could be myself without me being behind that leathery jacket, gel-y hair. Every time I see her, its like a billion lights lit up at all once..."
After hearing his story I replied "Wow... This girl... You gotta get her, James... You're a good guy and she'd be happy if you were her man, and... You make her happy too right? So... You go get her" I said with a reassuring smile. But deep inside... I was full of regret, regretted what I said.
He could've been mine. But it's his to choose. Its his life, and... I won't argue with it. As... As long as he's happy... I'm happy. I'll... Stay strong for him and I'll be the nest friend he wants... A supportive one...
A tear dropped on my cheek, I couldn't hold it back anymore. He noticed it and asked why. "It's nothing... Just. Tears of joy!" while I wiped my tear away "So... Who's this lucky girl James?" I asked, even if it will hurt like a bullet hit me. Time slowed down for me.
He opened his mouth and said... "It's you. Jaiden" he said with a warm smile. "M-me?! What did I possibly do to you!?" I exclaimed, not believing what bounced out from his larynx. "Are you sure that's me? Or is it Jane? The girl that I always see you with?"
James nodded sideways. "She did not set my heart aflame" he simple replied. "I... N-o... This can't be real." I stammered. "Why? What's wrong?" he asked worried, "I'm scared James". "Scared of what?". "To love again..."
"N-no Jaiden... He's gone" he stated "I.. Cant. His memories are still stuck with me, the scars he left on me... Is still here". "J-jaiden--" he mumbled. "James. It's nice to know that you like me, and honestly, I like you back. But then... I'm scared to love someone again, because I know I'll get hurt".
James squeezed my hand and said "Jaiden. Kurt is gone, he's not coming back and he won't damage you anymore" he said. I calmed down and said "Y-you're right, I should forget about him, but still... I'm scared to love anyone again".
"I promise I'll take care of you.. I'll be better than Kurt, I promise... But... Will you be my girlfriend Jaiden?". I was ready to give love another chance.. So I said "Yes"
Months Later...
Me and James have been dating for 5 months now and everyone knows what's going on between us. I broke the news to Youtube too and our fans were ecstatic. Me and James were happy too, for us.
But One Day...
I was upstairs animating, when I heard the doorbell. "Can someone open the door? Tim can please?" Spechie called out "Nuh-uh! I'm busy recording my lines! Thanks for ruining it!". "You're welcome!" Spechie replied.
Then I heard Tony shout in his room "Maybe Alex could!". "No you get it cookie man!" Alex replied "Maybe Adam could". Then I heard Adam yell from downstairs "I'm cooking lunch what do you think? Let this food burn?"
The yelling went on and on "What if James do it?!" Cypher shouted as she was in her room. "Ugh! I'll get it! James' asleep" I finally said as I stood up from my seat and went downstairs. Well that was a shallow argument.
My friends are just lazy, I admit it, me too! So I went downstairs and unlocked the door. Hoping the visitor hasn't left yet. But as I opened the door "Hey babe!" Kurt said. "YOU!!" I screamed. Okay remember what I said about the visitor? Yeah I take it back now "DON'T YOU DARE BABE ME KURT" I snapped back.
"Come on Jai, I'm sorry" he said. "DON'T YOU FRICKING NOW I HAVE A NEW BOYFRIEND ALREADY?! YOU BETTER GET OUT YOU SON OF A B----" as he kissed me. I tried to get out of his grip but he's too strong.
I couldn't do anything but wait for him to finish, just thank heavens James' asleep. Moments later he let go of me and I slapped him immediately. Then finished my sentence "YOU SON OF A B****!! GO LEAVE NOW I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN. LEAVE BEFORE I DESTROY YOUR LIFE". "But ba--" before he could finish his sentence, I slammed the door right in his face and locked it.
Then I heard the doorbell ring again, I switched it off so no matter how he presses the doorbell, it won't produce any sound. Then I went upstairs to finish animating. Hours passed and James appeared in my bedroom's entrance.
"Hey Jaiden, I'll just help Faith with something" James said as I agreed with him. "What time will you be back?" I asked. "No specific time" he said as he planted a kiss on my forehead "See ya later Jai" my blonde boyfriend said. "See ya later too!"
12 Midnight...
I heard a bang in the other room. It came from James' room, I shrugged it off, cause maybe that's just his stuff, being thrown somewhere. But then, I heard other noises. Footsteps that were way too noisy. It kept me up until I had enough of it.
I sleepily walked to James' room. But when I opened the door, my sleepiness disappeared "James?!" I replied, raising my voice. I couldn't believe it. He's kissing with another girl. Moments later they stopped kissing, and revealed he's kissing Jane.
"What is it you?" James said, somewhat annoyed of my presence. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH ANOTHER GIRL?!" I shouted. "Huh... I should ask you the same question, what were you doing with another guys and kissing him?".
I was speechless. But he did not know the real reason "James it's not what you think..." I replied with my head looking to the floor. He approached me and spoke "You know. I'm wrong about you Jaiden. In fact, were both wrong. I was wrong of loving you and you? Scared to love? HAH! I thought you hate Kurt? So you hate Kurt but kissed lips to lips?" Isn't that considered cheating, don't you think Jaiden?" I felt his bad side has come back.
"James you don't understand!!" I yelled as I broke in tears. "Go. I don't want to see you in my life anymore" as I saw them, continuing to kiss. "I'LL LEAVE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE JAMES. DON'T YOU WORRY A SINGLE THING" I snapped back, as marched back to my room.
I did not hear a reply. Well... He hates me now... Of course.
End of POV
The Next Morning...
"Jaiden! Time for breakfast!" Cypher said, she opened the door to see an empty bed, and Jaiden was nowhere to be found at the house. So she immediately ran downstairs to the dining room and broke the news.
"DO YOU GUYS KNOW WHERE'S JAIDEN!? SHE'S GONE!!" as everyone gasped except James. "JAMES YOU'RE GIRLFRIEND'S MISSING!! AREN'T YOU WORRIED?!" Adam told James. "Nope" he simply said and continued to eat.
Everyone guessed that the couple fought "What happened with you two?!" Tim exclaimed as he was freaking out already. "She cheated on me by kissing another guy, so I returned the favor". "JAMES ARE YOU CRAZY?! SHE WASN'T CHEATING" Adam shouted as this made him spill his glass of water.
"IT WAS KURT!! JAIDEN WAS HELPLESS I HEARD HER YELL AT KURT". "Holy f***... What have I done... She might get herself hurt"James replied. But then---
"Good morning people of Arizona! We have steaming news for you today! First off is-- A girl was hit by a car, she was identified as Jaiden Animations and was found lying on the ground at Aztec Dr and she's now rushed to the hospital. Next news is--"
Everyone heard it and immediately went to the hospital. James was regretting what he did last night.
At The Hospital...
"Do you guys know where Jaiden Animations' room is? Were her friends" Tony said as he slammed his fists onto the desk. "Please take the elevator to floor 3 and she's in room 358". "Thank you very much" as they went to the elevator.
Moments later, they have finally reached Jaiden's ward. All of her friends went inside, as James stayed outside, sitting on one of the the seats.
"Jaiden! Are you okay?!" Spechie asked as Jaiden nodded slowly. "Why'd you left the house?" Alex asked, she took a deep breath and said "It's because... James. He cheated on me. He thought I was the one but... It was all Kurt's fault"
20 Minutes Later...
"She wants to see you, and talk to you alone" Tony told James as he pointed Jaiden's ward. "But why would she want to see me? I've hurt her" James stated. Then Jaiden began to call the blonde's name. "Go" Tony said as he went inside.
"H-hi.." the beta male replied timidly, "Come here" Jaiden said softly. James approached Jaiden, then Jaiden gave his boyfriend a hug. James couldn't believe it. "W-why are you happy to see me? Can't you see? I've hurt you"
The noirette gave him a warm smile and said "Don't forget, Cinderella walked on broken glass; Aurora let a whole lifetime pass; Bella fell inlove with a hideous beast; Jasmine married a common thief; Ariel walked on land for love and life; Snow White barely escaped the knife. It's all about the Smiles and Tears; Because love means facing your biggest fears... And love is like an endless trial, we'll face hardships, and there's a time we'll win a trial and were problem free, and James. I forgive you, because I love you"
The blonde male couldn't help but cry. Because after everything he did to Jaiden, the brunette still chose him.
A few years passed and both person were ready. They got married, had two children, had a perfect life and James learned to know the details before jumping in to conclusions. And let that be a lesson to all of us...
Hey guys! Finally finished this one shot... A long one. But anyways, I hoped you enjoy! Next chapter are from people's request! Stay tuned!
Words: 3052
Characters: 16267
Sentences: 345
Paragraphs: 84
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