Doctor Monroe slammed the door behind him as he entered his office after another fruitless session with James and an equally pointless meeting with the Chief of Medicine, Dr. Anderson. He sat down at his desk and booted up his computer rapping his fingers on the hardwood impatiently. The administrator had only given him a few days to explain why a detective was calling about possible torture going on in his hospital.
"Senile old fool," Doctor Monroe muttered. It takes real genius to see all the benefits of the fear conditioning and Dr. Anderson was far too set in his ways to see past his cushy desk job and couple of years until retirement. This kid is the real miracle though.
The PC finally booted up and he quickly entered his password before navigating to his private folder where he kept the raw notes and results for all the kids Charlotte sent to him. He opened the first video in James' folder to watch for what felt like the thousandth time, scanning the video for anything that might give him insight as to what caused the extreme change in the boy.
"It wasn't the insult to his father and it wasn't the shock or else the event would have occurred again. Could it be that it was an isolated incident?" Doctor Monroe muttered to himself as the thick leather bindings holdings James' wrist melted away and he gripped Katlynn's arm. As her blood-curdling howls erupted from the speakers and her arm disintegrated at his touch, Doctor Monroe paused the video and started it from the beginning.
Although the act was supernatural, it was far from what piqued Doctor Monroe's interest. It was the boy's right arm. When James arrived at the hospital with a comminuted break, it was a foregone conclusion that he may never regain full functionality of his hand but when he transformed something incredible happened, he healed.
Doctor Monroe eyed the X-rays on the lightbox next to his door, If I can recreate that change and study the healing aspect I would be changing the course of medicine. My name would echo through the ages. If it weren't for Charlotte, he would have never... Doctor Monroe's eyes widened as a new theory interrupted his thoughts. He scoured his desk for James' patient file and flipped to Charlotte's notes.
While informing the patient of his father's death, his mental state deteriorated to the point where immediate sedation was required. It is apparent that the shock of the news caused this extreme reaction.
"That's it!" Doctor Monroe cried slapping the folder with the back of his hand. It wasn't the death of his father or the pain from the treatment, it was the shock and disbelief of new information. It was the only thing that Doctor Monroe had yet to try. If it's shock value than I have the perfect solution. He thought as he searched for John Grey's patient file and extracted the photos from the manila folder. He only made it two paces from his desk before three loud knocks boomed from his door.
What now? He thought to himself he flung the door open.
"Hello, Doctor," A woman clad in a black sheath dress with short sleeves stood in the doorway, her slender frame barely blocked his path, yet Doctor Monroe found himself frozen in place.
"My name Daisy Payne," She said. "I'm here for James Grey." A very cold chill shot down Doctor Monroe's spine.
"For James Grey? I never received any word that someone..."
"I just came from the county hospital, Charlotte called ahead."
Doctor Monroe glanced at his desk and, sure enough, the red LED light flashed on his answering machine. He had been so consumed by his research and discovery, he failed to check his messages for days. Not now! I'm so close! He thought.
"Unfortunately, because of the amount of paperwork and the hour," Doctor Monroe looked at the clock hanging just over his door. "I wouldn't be able..." An icy grin spread across Daisy's face as she reached into her handbag.
"I believe you'll find everything in order, Charlotte was quite helpful." Daisy held out the folded documents and Doctor Monroe could do nothing but stare down at them.
"That's all well and good but he's not in stable enough condition to..."
Daisy raised a hand to silence him and Doctor Monroe could feel his blood begin to boil. "I'm on a very tight schedule, Doctor. And one way or another James will be leaving with me."
"As his physician, I can't very well..."
"You aren't his physician anymore; these documents make that very clear. Now, are you going to bring me to James or are you going to bring him here?"
Doctor Monroe took the paperwork and read each word carefully. No, no, no! Not now, not when I haven't even made any progress. His mind began to race as he searched for a way to keep the boy here even if just for one more day, he needed time more time. "I'll bring him to you." He finally decided.
"Excellent," Daisy said with a spectacular smile.
Doctor Monroe tried to inch passed her, but the slender woman didn't budge. "Don't forget his personal affects." Daisy held up a plastic bag with the boy's pajamas and watch from the day he arrived at the hospital. Doctor Monroe snatched it from her hand as she stepped aside.
What an abhorrent woman, He thought as he rushed down the hall, toward the elevator. Quickly tapping the silver number 3 as he boarded.
When he burst into the examination room, he was delighted to see one of the nurses taking James' vitals.
"Excellent, you're here. Let's wake him up. It's time for another round." Doctor Monroe said with a devilish smile.
As James began to rouse, Doctor Monroe strapped the oversized watch to James' wrist and placed his pajamas on his chest. "It looks like it's time for you to go home." He told the boy.
"Is my dad here?" James groaned.
"Unfortunately, No. However, before we release you. I just had a few more questions." Doctor Monroe said as he tightened the straps around James' body.
They would be the last questions Doctor Monroe would ever ask.
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