Time Changes
Alauras p.o.v.
I was at home getting ready to leave. I was wearing a red trench coat, black leggings, black and white sneakers and a red wool sweater. I was going to work then maybe I will go to my favorite coffee shop. Ahhh! How I love the winter because they have my peppermint latte. Let's just say it's bae😍! (Hehe). I then look at my apple watch and check the time. What?!?! I just looked at it nor to long ago! I have to go! Ugh. I hate how when your thinking of something good it makes time go by fast. I grab what I need to go. Yet... I forgot my wallet. But I didn't know I did not til' then.
Well time for one musical which is about an hour long. Then I need to private lesson a person named... Fredferd? Frederick? Fonfon? Idk but it starts with an F. OK let's go.
(Time skip to the private lesson)
OK! So time to teach Fonfon. And yes I learned the name of her of him? Idk it doesn't say if its a female or male? I'm just going to call her a she-male. Yeah! A she-male! OK so I pull up to the school. Yes I know it's at a school they hired me to teach some of their students that play trumpet. As I get out of my car I say to myself as I grab the objects. "Trumpet, wallet, phone, purse, band binder, and... Oh! Yeah! My picture of me and my friends from college! It brings back memories and helps me practice and play better. Welp! Time to teach a wonderful fe-ma-she-male! As I walk in I go to the office to get a pass to go through the school. I show my ID to them and they print out a sticker to say who I am and where I'm going. Well! Lets do this!
(Time skip to after private lesson)
Wow! Work is hard! I never noticed how hard it is before! Fonfon kept staring at me when she..err..he..error she-he? Just kept staring at me with big wide eyes and when I looked over to them they blushed and just started playing what I told them to do. Idk what was wrong did I do something? I guess its just because its been a long day. I got in my car and drove to the coffee shop. Ahh! Time to refresh and warm up with a nice hot peppermint latte with it being like 20° here. I get out with my phone and wallet and purse. I walk in behind a girl with blonde semi-short hair and was wearing a white dress with some cowboy boots.
She then walked over to a man sitting by himself starting at me... OK. Weird. I then walk up to the counter and hear another ring. I looked behind me and saw another me and saw another man go sit with the woman and man. The man that walked over has curly brown hair. The man that was starting at me has short dirty-blondish hair. They were both wearing band shirts. Hmm... I wonder what they play or played. Or if the girl was with them..."Next!" I hear the cashier say."What would you like, miss?" She was so cheerful."I would like a peppermint latte please!" Wrote being around other cheerful people actually make you happier! "Thank you! That will be 5.79 please miss!" Geez now I'm getting weirded out by how happy she is. I go into my wallet and look for the money. What?!?! My wallet is empty.... This is my old one! Ugh! I need to get used to the new one. I then see the man with dirty blonde hair come up and give me a $10 bill. I stared at him for a bit then paid. When I got my change back I went to my own table and sit down. Ik at the change in my hand. I then get a pen out of my purse and get a napkin and wrote a note that's says, "thank you for the money. But I didn't need it honestly. But thank you. Hope we can talk sometime. P.s. I also play an instrument. 378-546-7625(randomly made up number)~Alaura"
I hope it's not to idk telling idk. I walk by him and drop the change and note on his lap. I blush when I see him look at me. Wait... Is that blush on him too? I...i-i-i think I have a crush?
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