The Juju Doll
Alaura's p.o.v
I sat in the school practice room with Fonfon. This was only our second trumpet lesson, but she/he seemed to be extra friendly.
"Hi!" She/He said with an elated face. Fonfon was breathing heavily.
"Hi Fonfon." I said awkwardly. "Are you ready to start?"
"Wait! I made something for you!" Fonfon pulled a small, handmade object out of her/his pocket. "It's a doll!"
The doll was a crude figure with a horrible paint job.
"...Thanks..." I didn't know what to say. I was horrified.
"Oh I knew you'd love it!!!" Fonfon threw her/his arms around me.
"Woah!" I yelped as I fell out of my chair. Fonfon lied down in front of me. Our faces were too close for comfort.
"Hey." She/he whispered.
"OKAY!" I abruptly yelled, standing up. "I think we are going to have to cut this lesson short."
"That's okay! I'm just glad I got to see you!" She/he
wrapped their arms around me once more.
"Goodbye!" I forced my way out of their sticky embrace and ran away with my belongings, including the doll.
I sprinted out of the school and practically dove into my car. I locked the doors.
Safe. Or so I thought. I looked out the window to see Fonfon standing right beside my car. How did she get here so fast!?
I was freaking out. I waved a quick goodbye to him/her before I sped down the road.
"Just a few more miles." I told myself as I drove home. I began to relax. My nerves were completely calm by the time I reached my house. But that changed the instant I got out of my car.
There was a piece of red and white decorative paper that had been taped to my front door. On it, this poem was scribbled:
Revenge is a peppermint.
Yet pinned down by regret.
Never forgive.
Never forget.
My memory flashed back to the time I had ordered a peppermint latte at the Café. A man had helped me pay, and I had given him my phone number.
"Oh no..." I said to myself. "Fonfon is in love with me!!! And she/he is going to hurt that man!!!"
I had no idea what to do. I had no way to contact him unless he called me!
"Ugh." I groaned in distress as I walked inside with the doll.
"Maybe I can track him down somehow." I said to myself as I sat down on the couch.
"But how?" I took a moment to think. "Oh! I'll call Robin!"
Robin and I had been friends for a few months now. He was basically a tech genius. I guess all of those video games really payed off.
I dialed his number on my phone.
Please pick up! I thought to myself.
"Hello?" He answered.
"Yes! This is Alaura! I have an emergency!!"
"I'll be right over."
Only Seven minutes had passed by the time Robin finally arrived at my door.
"Come in! Hurry! We can't let him get hurt by that Crazy Shemale!!" I blurted at him.
"What in the actual Call of Duty 16 is going on here?" Robin was confused.
"I'll explain later. But right now, I need you to help me find someone." I told him about what had happened at the Café.
"Why do you need to find this guy so badly?" Robin questioned. We were running out of time, and I was losing patience.
"Because there is a creepy insane
she/he trying to get revenge on him for paying for my drink!!!!!" I yelled angrily.
"Woah." He tried to calm me. I was too frustrated to listen. I have only given my number to three guys before. And I wasn't about to lose this one.
"Look." I said in a stern voice. "This person is important to me. I don't know why, and I also know I only met him a few days ago and that we haven't made contact since. But there is just something about him that...that I..."
"It's okay." Robin said. "I'll help you." I sighed in relief.
"I'll just need access to a computer." He claimed.
"Okay. Follow me." I led him into my office and logged onto my laptop.
"Thanks." He said as he sat down and began typing.
"How is this going to work?" I pondered.
"Well, if he's already created a contact for your number, we should be able to locate his phone." Although the basics were clear, I was still completely confused.
"Wait I don't underst-"
"Done!" He cheered.
"That was so fast!" I complimented him.
"Thanks! He lives on 3541, Forest Drive. Hey! That's by Cedar Lake!" Robin exclaimed.
"Thank you so much!!!" I yelled, jumping up and down as I entered the address into my phone G.P.S.
"I've gotta go!" I began to run out of the office.
"Wait!" Robin stopped me. "Can I go with you?"
I could use his help. I thought to myself.
"Okay." I said.
Hey Sorry for the cliffhanger! Although it wasn't a very good one anyways. 0-0
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