Poison Type Pokemon
Jaden: *in a hazmat suit* 'Allo governors and welcome to my top ten. Today's list is the Poison type Pokemon so I'm here in a Nuclear Power Plant full of nuclear waste.
Gengar: Correct.
Twilight: *in a hazmat suit* Hey, why isn't he in a hazmat suit?
Jaden: He's poison type, that means he's immune to the poisonous toxins.
Twilight: Oh.
Gengar: On with the list.
Number 10
Jaden: I've used this Pokemon a lot in competitive and it has been fairly decent. I mainly use Ariados for Toxic Spikes and Sticky Web set ups though.
Gengar: Other than that, it isn't that good of a Pokemon.
Number 9
Jaden: Now, Dragalge has a pretty cool design and a great origin story. It is fairly decent in competitive but it doesn't really look very exciting though.
Twilight: I'll say, it's just a pile of algae.
Number 8
Jaden: Read the Dragon type list for Naganadel's reasoning.
Number 7
Jaden: Probably one of the fastest Pokemon introduced in the 7th Generation and one of the best designed. Salazzle is not only a cool looking Pokemon, it is amazing when used in competitive. So many things are great about this Pokemon.
Gengar: If it's so great, then why is it only number 7?
Jaden: It can only be female to evolve, and its pre-evolution is 12.5 percent female. It is so hard just to evolve, makes it low on the list.
Gengar: Gotcha.
Number 6
Jaden: Probably one of the most elegant Pokemon out there. Roserade is the symbol of majesty. Not only is it cool looking, it is pretty good in competitive. It's like a knight in shining armour, but instead of shining armour, it's natural.
Twilight: That wasn't a good joke.
Jaden: I know.
Number 5
Jaden: This Pokemon is awesome in competitive and is very fast. Crobat was quite cool when added to the evolution of Golbat. Not only did it make it better, it also became one of the most popular flying types. Heck, a lot of MysticUmbreon's best team videos uses Crobat a lot.
Twilight: Though, to be fair, Zubats are hella annoying.
Jaden: That is true, it is the final evolution of the infamous Zubat.
Number 4
Jaden: This Pokemon just looks amazing. Drapion has one of the best designs out there. It looks menacing and badass. It also is quite useful in competitive. Though what confuses me is why it loses its bug type upon evolution.
Gengar: That always confused me too. Maybe someone reading this might know.
Jaden: Probably.
Number 3
Jaden: When I first played Firered, everyone knew one of the hardest choices was choosing your starter. In the end, I chose Bulbasaur as my starter and had it until it evolved into Venusaur. Out of the Kanto starters, Venusaur is the most used in competitive. Not only is it considered the best starter to use in the game, it's also has the most useful Mega Evolution ever.
Gengar: This might take a while so we're just going on to the next one.
Number 2
Jaden: At first, this Pokemon wasn't so interesting. it wasn't very good in battle and it didn't have that much popularity. But then Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire introduced new mega evolutions and Beedrill got one. Because of that Mega Evolution, this Pokemon became a powerful Pokemon to use in competitive and it grew popular.
Twilight: I think a Pokemon would suck but then become popular because it got a mega evolution.
Jaden: That is not true, Slowbro's mega evolution sucks.
Twilight: Oh i forgot about that one.
Number 1
Jaden: Read the Ground type list for Nidoking's reasoning.
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