Protection (Ferriswheelshipping) for Pokémon Positivity Week
For ezance and her Pokémon Positivity Week! The prompt is 'Protection'. For those who don't know, Touko is the female protagonist of Black and White.
N shot her that glance, the one that said very clearly, 'Help me, for Arceus' sake, Touko.'
She readied Samurrot's PokéBall. She was going to beat up whoever was threatening her boyfriend.
As it turns out, the only other person in their viscinity was an elderly woman dressed in florals. Touko was a little confused... she didn't appear to have any PokéBalls on her, and she had nothing on N physically, but she kept her finger near the PokéBall's button. Just in case.
Touko approached her boyfriend, ready for battle. N shook his head and mouthed desperately, his eyes pleading, "she's interrogating me!"
Ah. That called for a different kind of protection.
Touko was now in earshot of the conversation. "Oh, you poor dear," the old woman said in a wobbly voice. "What was it like, having such a terrible father?'
Touko froze at those words. This was worse than she'd thought. N never talked about his childhood and hated it when other people tried to get him to. Thinking about those times always scared her boyfriend, gave him nightmares and what not.
He needs my help, and fast, she thought to herself, determination filling her.
She ran the rest of the way toward N almost slipping on the polished PokéCenter floor, and grabbed her boyfriend by the arm, shouting a jumbled excuse before the went. N's grip was so tight that her hand was numb, and she could see how on edge her boyfriend was.
When they were outside, N finally relaxed. "Thanks," he said. "For protecting me against the evils of unwanted social interaction."
"No problem," she said. "I promise to always there whenever you need my help."
"I don't doubt it. Though next time, figure out what's going on before you get ready for a fight. Your tendency toward violence is alarming."
"Sorry," she said. She supposed she had looked rather threatening before. "But Samurrot does need excercise, ya know."
N simply raised a sceptical eyebrow, and moved on. "Let's go. I've been dying to see this 'Aether Foundation's all day."
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