Chapter Two.
The Sisters Get Their Version OF surprises.
Maya regretted not asking her sister to drive her to her work to get the things she wants to be sorted out.
"Great job, Maya. It seems you are driving yourself to work", she says to herself.
She then locked their apartment door and walked to her car.
"Okay, Maya. Let's do this", she says as she started the car and drove to her destination.
Meanwhile, her sister Jade is currently in her car complementing on whether she is doing the right thing or not.
Because her boss is none other than Jayden who has been like her competitor in college especially when they did a project together.
"Okay, Jay. Time to go before I chicken out and go back home. Which I would rather not", she says to herself.
Taking a deep breath and then got out of her car and walked toward the restaurant to get her interview done.
But she had no idea what was in store for her when she walked in.
"Hey, I am here for a Patissier job...."
Jade started talking to the host at the restaurant. Before she could even finish what she was saying when someone approached her from behind.
"I am glad that you could show up in time," a husky voice tells her. Jade turned around to find him.
Jayden Rivers.
Jade couldn't help but roll her eyes at him while he just shook his head.
"I am always on time unlike someone who risked my grades..."
"At least I...."
"Chef, there a problem that needs your attention", they were interrupted by a waitress.
"I will be right there, Luciana," he tells her and then turns to face Jade. "Maddie, will show you to my office. Wait there for me. Excuse me", he tells her walking away with Luciana who glared at Jade.
Jade couldn't help but feel confused as to why she glared at her.
"Come with me.."
"Jade, nice to meet you, Maddie", Jade answers her and smiles at her.
"At least you arent stuck up as Luciana is..." she says before she realized who she was talking to. "Crap, I am sorry, I didn't...."
"Its okay. Don't worry I get it. Plus my sister would say the same but to her face. She wouldn't care about her feelings", Jade tells her winking at her.
"I like you already", Maddie tells her and then leads her to Jayden's office.
Meanwhile, her sister Maya arrived at her former school trying to put her memories back in her mind as she didn't want anything bad to happen on this day.
"Okay, Maya let's do this", giving herself one last pep talk until she get out of the car and walked toward the entrance of her former school.
As soon as she walked in, all the memories she had buried deep inside her. The memories she had with Rocco in the hallways and with her sister Jade.
"Hey, can I help you with anything?", a husky voice asked her as she looked at the lockers that were facing her.
"Yes, I am looking at the principal's office...." Before Maya could even finish what she was saying when she was beyond shocked to find Rocco started there staring back at her.
The two of them didn't say anything to each other. Maya wondered what he was doing here. She didn't care as long as he doesn't bother her.
"I am sorry, May...."
"Excuse me, please", Maya says heading to the office as it didn't change as much as she thought.
She quickly walked toward the office and knocked on the door waiting for someone to open but no one came.
"I wanted to tell you that he isn't here yet. And he said we can wait for him at the reception", Rocco tells her as soon as he caught up with her.
"Okay, thank you", she says walking toward the receptionist area, and then she takes a seat on the couch.
Rocco couldn't help but shake his head and chuckled at her knowing how stubborn she is especially when it comes to her heart.
Winning her back won't be easy but I do hope and pray that I will get my happiness with her. in shaa Allah.
Maya couldn't help but stare at Rocco and wondered where he was all this time but she didn't want to ask as she was there to work and not to get back into the past that almost broke her apart.
If it wasn't for Jade and her parents she would have gone through a lot of things other than just heartbreak.
Rocco couldn't hold it anymore. He wanted to apologize to her and maybe just maybe get her to talk to him even if it was as friends.
"Maya", He said to her while taking a seat beside her. "Can we talk?", he asked hoping she would say yes.
"Hey, you two. Come on in", they were interrupted by the principal who gestured for them to go into his office.
Rocco let Maya walk in first and then smiled at her but she didn't return it.
"I am sorry that I was late for our appointment Rocco, I was in a family emergency that needed to be sorted out immediately", he explained to Rocco.
"Its okay, Sir. I will be outside so that you and interview Maya first...."
"No need for me to do that. I don't need to interview you or her because you both got the jobs. You two are the best candidates I have ever seen. And you have someone who can back you up", he says surprising Maya as she didn't know who the principal was talking about.
But the look on Rocco's face, he knew exactly who Mr. Ethan was talking about.
It is none other than Jason who is also Maya's father.
"Thank you for giving us this opportunity, " Maya thanked him.
Mr.Ethan then showed them where their classes are. Rocco was shown Jason's office as he has already left the job and is currently counseling kids that need him.
"I guess I will leave you two to get settled and then you will start work tomorrow as its better", Mr. Ethan tells them. He then left them in Rocco's office.
"Maya, can we talk, please?", Rocco asks her Maya wanted to leave and not talk to him but she didn't want to give him false hopes in talking to him.
"Okay, let's talk. You want to talk. Okay, then tell me why didn't you even call or even send me a message telling that you are fine? Or even just to show yourself when you came to my graduation? Yes, I know that you came but you never came forward to even reveal yourself? Why didn't you just stay there and never come back to hurt me even more than you ever did?", she yelled at him as tears fell from her eyes.
"I cant do this anymore, Rocco. I cant give you my heart just to get it back into pieces. And don't worry, we will work together but that's it. We arent friends just colleagues", she added wiping her tears and then walked out of the office leaving Rocco distraught.
He didn't expect her to react the way she did but Rocco knew that he needed her.
As a friend.
As his best friend who never lost hope in him.
As his love. The love of his life.
"I will get you to talk to you and you will listen, MayMay. I will never back down as you are my MayMay. I wish that I could back in time and change what I did to you. But that's impossible and its okay, I have now and I know who will help me", Rocco murmured to himself while thinking of the person who will help him in his plan of getting back Maya.
His Maya.
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