Chapter Twenty-Two
Two Surprises In One {part one}.
Jade was nervous about going to the hospital. It was that she didn't want to but she was scared of finding out that she is indeed pregnant as Jayden has already thought.
Breathe in and out, Jade. Everything will be alright. In shaa Allah.
Jayden watched his wife as she tries to mask her emotions. He knew that if what they were suspecting was true that Jade would doubt herself about becoming a mother.
Jade has always had fear of having kids and not loving them as they deserved to be loved by their parents.
"It will be alright. I will be with you always. I love you and don't worry everything will be fine. We are in this together", Jayden tries to assure his wife.
"Thank you and I love you too. But what if our suspicion was true and what if I am not cut out to be a good mother?", Jade asks him.
"Having a child doesn't come with instructions. A child is Allah's gift. No one is a perfect mother or even father. All we have to do is try our best in raising and understanding our children in what they want and also try and listen to them. No parent is perfect habibty," Jayden answers her.
This made Jade less worried about what would happen if they were to know that she is pregnant.
Allah knows best.
They got out of the car and walked inside the hospital only to find Maya and Rocco at the reception desk.
"Asalam Aleikum, what are you guys doing here?", Jayden says to them.
"Waleikum Salaam. We are here to get Maya a checkup because she hasn't been feeling well for the past two weeks", Rocco answers him.
Maya and Jade looked at each other and then at their husbands who just shook their heads knowing that whatever the answer will be, they would embrace it with love.
"I guess we are seeing the same doctor but...",
Maya was interrupted by the receptionist who called their names. They needed to go in and see the doctor.
"The doctor will see you now", she tells them.
"We could go with them. Because we have the same doctor, is that alright?", Jade asks the receptionist. "She is my sister", she added before the receptionist could say anything else.
"Sure you can both go in. As you both booked the same appointment and the same doctor".
Jade thanked her and walked inside with her husband following Maya and Rocco.
Ya Allah, please don't let it be bad news for me and my sister. And also our husbands. In shaa Allah it will be great news.
The four of them walked in to find Doctor Iman Muhsin waiting for them.
She was already informed that there will be two patients at the same time. But she didn't know that they were sisters.
Maya was asked by the doctor to go with the nurse to get some tests done while she started talking to Rocco.
After a few minutes, Maya came back with the nurse to take Jade with her so that she also can have the tests done on her.
"I am sorry to ask but are you two twins?", the doctor asks Maya who smiled.
"No, we aren't twins. Why do you ask?", she says.
"Because you two developed the same symptoms," she answers her.
Then Jade walked in and took a seat beside her husband who held her hand.
"How long do we have to wait for the results?", Rocco asks him while Jayden was thinking the same thing.
"It will take about thirty minutes. Don't worry your wives will be fine. And if I am right, your wives are pregnant....."
She was interrupted by the nurse who walked in holding the test results.
"Thank you," she tells her. And then opens the results to see that both sisters are pregnant. "And I was right. You are pregnant", she added looking at the two couples in front of her.
"Maya is 6 weeks pregnant while Jade is 5 weeks pregnant. Congratulations to you both", she tells them smiling.
"Thank you so much. This is the best news that we could ever ask for in our lives", Maya thanked her and smiled at her.
Alhamdullilah for this amazing news.
Both Jayden and Rocco looked at each other with huge grins on their faces.
They thanked the doctor and booked their next appointment.
As soon as they were out of the hospital, Rocco turned and hugged Maya kissing her on her forehead.
"Thank you for this amazing gift. Can I pick our baby's name?", he asks making Maya laugh.
"Rocco, I am a month pregnant and we still have eight more to go. In shaa Allah, when the time comes, you will pick their names. Alright?", she tells him.
"Thank you and I can't believe that I am going to be a dad with my brother and best friend. It feels amazing", Rocco says while looking at Jayden and Jade.
"We are both lucky, brother. We get to experience love, and family together just like we always dreamt of. Alhamdullilah, we didn't lose hope when things went badly for us. Through you I found my soul mate and a family", Jayden says smiling.
"Are you hungry? We could go and have lunch....."
"See this is what Aunt Ayat said when she told us about having a baby. You two would be overprotective toward us. And it turns out she was right. Seriously guys. All we need is to go home to see mamma and dad. Plus they need to know that they are getting grandchildren", Maya says while looking at her sister.
"We can go but as soon as we pass through a drive-through to get food...."
"Jayden, not you too. I am not even hungry. Or maybe you are trying to make me fat, right?", Jade asks her husband.
"No, even if you become fat. I would love you. Let's go and see mamma and dad for now", he said trying to avoid an argument especially when Jade is pregnant.
"You guys go, we will follow you," Rocco tells them.
Both Jade and Jayden leave in their car.
"Are you alright?", Maya asks her husband who had unshed tears in his eyes.
"I never thought you would take me back or even accept to be my wife. I didn't think that I deserved you in my life...."
"I was angry because of the way you did things back then. You never even called...I know that you used to call dad. But I knew that Allah knows best. And He brought us together and now we will be starting a family. Thank you for not giving up on me and for being my best friend", Maya says and hugs her husband. "Come on, we need to go and you need to tell our parents the great news", she added walking towards their car.
"No, you are the one telling them not me. You know how dad is...."
"Don't tell me you are scared of him? Rocco, dad won't hurt you. Plus we are married and you must tell him", Maya says to him.
"How about we play a game and the winner gets to tell our parents the news?", Rocco suggests to his wife.
"Okay, sure. What kind of game?", Maya asks him.
When she saw the smirk on his face, Maya immediately knew that she will regret deciding to play his game.
"Remember before I left I gave you a ring, right?".
"Yes, you did. What about it?".
"If I tell you that there's an inscription inside it and it says; Roc's Maya. And it also had the date we first met. Before your birthday. Do you remember the date?", Rocco asks his wife.
"Thats cheating. I was a year younger than you....."
"So you quit?"
"No, not yet. Let me think".
Rocco knew that Maya won't get it because it was the day he rescued her from being bullied on her first day of school.
Maya looked at Rocco while shaking her head knowing that she had lost the game without a doubt.
"Fine, tell me".
Rocco started telling her how they officially met and the date as it stuck in his mind. Because at that time he didn't have any friends so she became his best friend.
"It was February 22nd", he says to her.
"Fine, I will tell them about it. But you have to be by my side, alright?", she says to him.
Rocco immediately agreed because he won't want it any other way.
Family isn't always about blood, it can also be about friendship. Friends can also be your family. Because having a best friend is like having a sister/brother you can always count on no matter what. And they will never judge you for your mistakes.
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