Chapter Sixteen
Surprise Engagement Party For Rocco And Maya Planned By Jade And Jayden {part two}.
Jayden was getting more and more nervous about the night of the engagement party. Because he will need an answer from Jade to the burning question in his heart and mind.
Will she say yes, or will she leave?
He looked at the decorations that were almost done and smiled knowing that his brother would be happier than anyone else.
"Hey, are you alright?", Jade asks him when she saw that he wasn't answering her questions.
"Yeah, sorry. I was wondering if they would like it because they already told you that they don't want to have an engagement party...."
"I know what you mean but we are doing this for them because they mean the world to us. They are people that would do anything for us and this is our way of somehow repaying them. And to answer your question, yes they will love it even if they didn't want it", Jade assured him.
That's true but what I am worried about is what your answer will be. Now I am acting like Rocco when he was nervous about the surprise that he did for Maya.
It was time for Maya and Rocco's family to arrive and they needed to hide so that they could surprise them.
Jade had told them that she and Jayden were taking them to dinner to celebrate their cafe/bakery together. But what they didn't know was that they were on their way to their surprise engagement party.
"Okay, guys. You are making me nervous. What are you up to?", Rocco asks them as they were in the car heading to their destination.
I knew that he would ask this.
Jayden looked at Jade who gave him a signal to turn the car and start to drive to the bakery.
"Nothing, I am just planning something but it will have to wait for a while until I talk to you in private after this. I need your advice on it", Jayden tells him.
"Okay, I will be happy to help you, brother. But why are we going to the cafe/bakery now? Are we having dinner there?", Rocco asks him.
"Yeah, we planned it that way. I hope it's okay with you", Jayden answers him.
After a few minutes, Jayden parked the car and everyone got out.
"Maya, we need to tie these blindfolds...."
"It's okay. Yeah, you can", Rocco says cutting off Maya.
It was as if he knew what was going to happen when they walked into the cafe/bakery.
Jade tied the blindfold on her sister while Jayden did the same with Rocco. Then they each lead them inside and walked ahead to take their place with the others.
"Okay, you can open your blindfolds", Jade tells the couple.
Maya and Rocco looked at each other and their siblings and then just shook their heads knowing that this was their doing.
"Congratulations habibty. I know that you didn't want to have an engagement party but your sister insisted on having one just for you and our family....."
"I hope you aren't mad....."
Maya just hugged both her mother and her sister. She then gave them a huge smile.
"This is the best thing that I will never forget. Apart from having you as my sister. That day was my favorite one and thank you for this", Maya tells them.
"You are most welcome. Now go and greet the others before Jayden reveals your surprise", Jade tells her sister who walks to their aunt and uncle who were waiting for her.
After everyone finished congratulating them, it was time for Jayden's surprise but first, he was told to make a speech by Jade.
"Thank you so much all of you for being here and celebrating with us. Before anything else, I have a surprise for the couple. Maya, and Rocco, I hope you will love what I prepared for you guys", Jayden says in his speech. He then walks into the kitchen and came out with the dessert that he had prepared that afternoon.
Everyone had smiles on their faces as soon as they saw the cake that had Rocco and Maya's childhood pictures. The pictures were given to him by Jade because she knew that he might need them.
And she was right.
The cake turned out amazing and everyone was amazed at how it was. Especially with the pictures.
"Thank you, brother", Rocco hugged Jayden.
Jade smiled knowing how hard Jayden worked on the cake. It was something that he wanted to do alone for both Maya and Rocco.
Rocco had shown him the love and care of a brother and a best friend. And he will always remember that all his life.
While Maya made him realize his feelings for Jade which he wanted to bury and forget about them.
Jayden then turned to Maya who hugged him.
"Thank you, brother. This is amazing. I wish we didn't have to eat it...."
"Even if it is chocolate?", Jade asks her sister.
"You are lying, right?", Maya says to her while looking at the masterpiece that was in front of her.
"No, I am not. Don't worry, first, you will take loads of pictures before we cut it, is that okay with you?", Jayden asks her while Rocco was trying not to laugh at his fiancee's expression.
"Fine, this is amazing, Jayden. And before I forget to say thank you so much everyone for being here with us. To celebrate our engagement with us. I love you all", Maya says to their family.
But she couldn't help but notice Hamza sitting by himself in the background. She knew that he was going to be the same as he was before everything that happened to him.
I pray that you will open your eyes, cousin. Especially when the truth is right in front of you. Ya Allah, help my brother find his happiness and find the truth about what happened that night to her. She is the one who has the answers to the burning questions that he has in his mind.
"Thank you, love. For accepting me back into your life and I love you so much, my MayMay", Rocco whispers to her while they were cutting the cake.
"I know and I love you too. I just hope what Jayden had planned will work out for both him and Jade".
Rocco knew that Jayden was nervous about what he was about to do but he wanted this. To show people the person he loves.
Warda, Layla, Nayla, and Ayat knew that it was time for Jayden to do his thing.
"Do you think she will say yes?", Warda asks the other ladies. "I am asking this because I know about her insecurities and how she thinks that he might abandon her just like we did......"
"Jade has never held a grudge against you about that. Yes, she was hurt because of the unanswered questions that she had in her mind her entire life. Then you sent that letter making her realize that she might just get her answers, " Layla tells her. "Besides, I don't think she will say no", she added pointing at the two sisters who were talking.
Layla somehow knew that Maya was trying to talk to Jade before Jayden's proposal.
Jayden didn't want their relationship to start as boyfriend and girlfriend but as husband and wife. Just like Rocco, they both knew that they should marry their loves than make them wait.
After the other guests leave, Layla, Warda, and Ayat plus their spouses and their children followed Jayden and Jade to his secret venue.
"This is beautiful ma shaa Allah, " Jade tells him. "Is this part of their surprise too?", she asked him.
"No, this is your surprise from me. In front of our family and friends, I want to ask you an important question and I need your answer. Take as long as you want. I won't go anywhere", Jayden tells her.
He then kneels on one knee and removed the ring that her parents have given him.
"So, Jade Hassan, will do me the honor of marrying me?", he asks her.
Jade looked at him and then at her family who told her to say yes to him.
She looked at her father who had a huge smile on his face.
"Say yes," he mouthed at her.
"Give the poor guy an answer, my dear sweet sister", Maya yelled at her from where she was sitting with Rocco.
"Yes, I will marry you".
Jayden had a huge smile on his face as he put the ring on her finger.
Alhamdullilah, finally. Patience pays.
Jayden then kissed her forehead smiling.
"Thank you for saying yes. I thought you might say no....."
"Why would I say no when this is what I wanted? And I should be the one saying thank you", Jade says as they were interrupted by their family who hugged them and congratulated them.
Warda looked at her daughter with love in her eyes. She was at peace knowing that Jade is and will always have someone by her side who will protect, love, and care for her.
Alhamdulillah, now I can be at peace knowing that my Jade is now happy and content with her family.
Jade turned and walked toward her mothers who were standing together smiling at their daughter.
"I want to say something to both of you. Thank you, mum, for bringing me into this world, and thank you, mamma, for taking care of me. You two are my mothers and I love you both so much", She tells them.
Both Layla and Warda hugged their daughter before Maya joined them in their group hug.
"So dear brother, time to plan a wedding or would you want a double wedding?", Rocco asks Jayden.
"Whatever Jade wants. After all, it will be her day too. Besides, we need to wait for them to set the date. Patience pays, brother", Jayden tells him.
"I know and I am so happy that she gave me a second chance....."
"Cherish and love them. And most importantly, good luck to both of you because I know you will need it", Jason tells them.
"I thought you will tell us to take care of them..."
"Yeah, no. I won't do that. Because if they are anything like their mother. Jason is right you will need luck. So best of luck to both of you", Naeem tells them while looking at Maya and Jade who are with their mother. "Don't be scared. Just remember that chocolates and books work for Maya. And for Jade, you will need more than that", he added.
"I am willing to do everything and anything for her. She deserves everything good from me".
"Jade deserves happiness and I am willing to give her that and everything that comes with it".
"Then we have nothing more to say except welcome to the family", Jason and Naeem say to both Jayden and Rocco.
What is happiness to you? A smile from someone that you love?
Happiness is from inside you. No one will be able to take it if you don't let them.
Be your happiness.
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