Chapter Seventeen.
Great-grandpa's Death.
The truth will set you free but what if it isn't something that you wanted to hear?
Two months later.
It has been two months since both Maya and Jade had gotten engaged but they couldn't celebrate it without their great-grandfather who was currently bedridden.
He was the pillar, their guardian, and most importantly he was someone they could always rely on whenever they had a problem. Including asking him for his granddaughters' hand in marriage.
Both Rocco and Jayden went to him to get his granddaughter's hand in marriage as it was what they wanted to do before anything else.
But unfortunately, he was getting weak every day, and he knew that he didn't have much time. He gathered his daughter and son-in-law first before anyone else. He needed to say a few things to them before anyone else.
"I know how much Hamza is suffering and I want you to help him in realizing that the truth is always going to be right in front of him. And that he shouldn't let her take over his mind....."
"Dad, what are you trying to say? Is she alive?", Nayla asks her father.
"That I can't tell you because it isn't up to me to know this. All I am saying is that he shouldn't have let her family ruin what he has", he says coughing. And then he turned to face Liam. "I gave you a chance because I saw myself in you. I saw a man who had a brilliant future and I was right about that. And I am glad that you ended up with my daughter. She needed someone like you in her life and again I was right", he added smiling.
"Thats true. But I am the one who should be thankful to you. Because if it wasn't for you giving me a chance, I won't have been able to be the man I am today. So thank you, dad. Thank you for being my mentor and my family", Liam tells him.
"Dad, Liam is right. We are lucky to have you in our lives. Someone who understood us without even saying a word. And the love that you have shown me and Liam is something that we will never forget", Nayla tells her father smiling.
But deep down she knew that her father was dying and this was him saying goodbye to them and thats why he called his entire family to come and see him one last time.
"Now will you call my grandchildren....the older ones"?
Nayla and Liam walked out and asked their children to go inside including their spouses.
Layla and Jason walked inside with Naeem and Ayat. They couldn't hold the tears in their eyes.
"Come, sit beside me", their grandfather tells them.
They took a seat next to him on his bed and he held out his hands for them to hold.
One hand was for Layla and Jason while the other one was for Naeem and Ayat.
"This isn't goodbye, my dears. We will meet in Jannah in shaa Allah. And we will be happy and smiling together. Always remember that. Now, I called you here to tell you that, your children's happiness should be your priority. Their smiles should be attached to yours", he tells them while looking at Naeem and Ayat.
"We understand, Papa. And we will do as you wish", Ayat tells him giving him a sad smile.
"Now that my time is over. All I want to say is that listen to what your children are saying to you even if they are silent. Love each other always", he advises them.
Hassan knew that it was time for him to meet his great-grandkids and especially Hamza. He needed to talk to him before he does.
Layla couldn't hold her tears any longer, she started crying her eyes out knowing that her papa is saying his final goodbye to his family.
"Don't cry my precious. Smile and know that we will meet in Jannah, in shaa Allah. All of us", he tells her while she is in his arms.
"I know but...."
"Layla, believe that what I am saying is true. And Allah knows best for us. His will is better than ours", Hassan tells his granddaughter. "And take care of your wives. Now could you call in great-grandkids inside? All of them", he added.
Layla had no choice but to let her grandfather go even though she didn't want to. She and Naeem were very close to him especially when they were young.
"Okay, papa. We will call them", Jason says to him.
The four of them walked out and let their children inside along with their spouses.
Hassan has always considered his grandchildren's spouses as family.
"I will tell you ad I told your parents and grandparents. Don't cry. We will meet in Jannah in shaa Allah. Now, come and seat beside me," He tells them.
Hassan looked at Hamza who looked like someone who hasn't slept in months because of her. She is the cause of everything.
"Sometimes we can't stop what Allah wills. He knows what we need in this life and the next. For now, you need to pray for me and our family," he says to them. "Rocco and Jayden, I am giving you my grandchildren's hearts and I won't say don't hurt them. Instead, I will say good luck. And to you my dear Ayla. You look just like her. Take care of each other", he added.
"We promise to take care of them and always make them happy. Thank you for trusting us and giving us Maya and Jade. Thank you Papa", Rocco says to Hassan who smiled at him.
"Now, can I please have a moment with Hamza? I need to speak to him and it is private", he tells them while looking at Hamza who was looking at him.
"Okay, Papa. We love you so much".
As soon as they left, Hassan turns to look at Hamza who had unshed tears in his eyes.
"Why don't you give her a chance to explain what happened that night? Are you scared that she might be telling the truth? Hamza, whatever happens, the truth will always come out no matter what", he tells him. "Could open that drawer over there and take out a brown envelope and bring it here", he added pointing at the drawer beside the bed.
Hamza did what his grandfather wanted and brought the envelope to him. It was a thin brown envelope that was written confidential on the front page.
"This is your proof. The proof that she wanted to give you. But unfortunately, someone held her back and you know who I am talking about. I have one last wish for you Hamza. Listen to her before judging her and being harsh to her, "he tells him.
"But Papa, she said that she wasn't the one....."
"She is right. But you will need to see for yourself what type of family you wanted to be in. She is pure, innocent, and has no bad bone in her body. Hamza, you are someone who studied and knows how when someone is lying to you. This file is for you to read when I am gone and when you are willing to let go of the fact that she died because of someone innocent," Hassan tells his grandson giving him a sad smile.
"Thank you so much, Papa. I know what to do...."
Before he could even finish what he was saying when Hassan's heart monitor was going a little bit crazy.
"Don't worry, it's just something that happens. Now you can read that when you need answers. If you need more then the person you need to see is Matthew Evans. He will explain everything that you need to know", Hassan tries to assure him.
Hassan knew that he needed to speak to one last person before his heart starts to fail.
Aliya Zayd.
But he knew that he can't call her when Hamza is here.
"Go and call your father. I need to ask him about something", he says to Hamza who walked out of the room to get his father.
"Yes, Papa. What can I do for you?", Naeem asks him.
Hassan explained to him what he needs and he knew that Naeem was the one that he could trust with this.
I will need Layla to distract my son and everyone there so that she can go and meet Papa.
Layla knew exactly what needed to be done especially when this is about Hamza who has always been there for his family. Now it is their turn to help him out.
After what seemed like an hour when Naeem walked in with Aliya who looked confused about what she was doing there.
"Asalam Aleikum...."
"Waleikum Salaam. Please have a seat", Hassan tells her. He then gave a signal to Naeem to guard the door so that no one could come inside. "I know what you are thinking. But don't worry, you aren't in trouble. But I do need you to answer my question", he added.
"I will try my best, Sir".
Hassan began asking her what he found out was true about what happened that night. He knew that she wasn't the one driving.
"Yes, to all of your questions. But I don't think that....."
"I know. And I can assure you that he will get to know the truth but I just hope that it isn't too late. Don't give up on him, habibty. Because she isn't the one for him. You are," he tells her.
Aliya couldn't believe what Hamza's grandfather is saying to her. It was like he knew what was in her heart even without speaking about it.
"I...I will try my best. And I hope that you will get well soon. In shaa Allah", Aliya tells him when Naeem gave his grandfather a signal that someone was coming up the stairs.
"In shaa Allah you are the right person for him. And for me to get better thats up to Allah and not us, my dear", Hassan tells her.
After Aliya left the room, Hassan smiled knowing that his family is happy and safe. All he needed now was to say the shahadah and join his wife Ayla.
He looked at his family one last time before saying his shahadah and then closing his eyes one last time.
Liam walked out of the room to go and inform the doctors that Hassan has passed away. But he also knew that this will have a great impact on his wife knowing that Nayla will need him now more than ever.
"We should honor his wish. And to always be happy and smiling. Alhamdullilah, we love you dad", Nayla says when the nurses came inside you switch off the machines to cover Hassan's dead body.
Hamza stared at what his grandfather gave him. He didn't dare open it because he was scared of what he might discover in the envelope.
"Hey, what's wrong?...."
Maya asks her cousin but as soon as she saw the envelope she knew that Hamza will need his cousin's support ly if he ever decides to open it.
"You know, don't you?", Hamza asks her. Maya shook her head.
"No, I don't. But I do know that she is innocent of what you are accusing her of. All you need is to open your eyes and ears to know what the truth is. Don't be harsh to her when you know what happened", Maya tells him.
After their Papa's burial, Hamza grew impatient with the envelope that was always with him.
What if everything I know it's a lie? Will I be able to handle it? Why would she lie about it? Who is she protecting?
But no one knew the answers except the envelope that was in his hand.
Meanwhile, Aliya couldn't help but feel sad knowing that she won't be able to do anything to help Hamza.
She remembered what her best friend's mother had told her.
If they need you, you will know. And if they don't, you will also know. But always remember that even if they don't need your help and you have the means to help. Do it. Help them wanting nothing in return.
Thank you, Aunt Hayat.
One thing will change a lot of things. One sentence may ruin everything that people have built. But the truth will always come to light no matter how long it will take.
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