Chapter Fourteen
Double Date With Layla And Jason.
Jade knew that both of her mothers would be very excited about her and Jayden even though she didn't want to make a fuss about it. Especially when Maya has been planning something to get them together.
Jayden and Jade are sitting on the couch looking at each other after they told Layla and Jason about the double date that Jayden wanted.
This is it. There's no turning back.
"So where do you plan on taking her and why are you including us?", Jason asks Jayden trying to be a tough father even though he knew that Jayden and Rocco would never hurt his daughters.
"A fun fair that had just opened a week ago. And maybe go to watch the new marvel movie that Jade wanted to go see....."
"Okay, but what about us? What if we don't want that then?", Jason asks him. "Where would we go?", he added smirking inwardly.
Ya Allah, what is wrong with this husband of mine? Is he seriously making himself the bad guy in front of our daughter and the guy that loves her? Sorry, habiby but if Jade gets angry you are on your own.
"Sir, I...."
"Dad, in the kitchen now"!
Jade got up and walked to the kitchen, and Jason joined her. Layla knew that he is going to get the lecture of his life, especially with Jade.
Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Jade was pacing and shaking her head at her father who was standing there.
"You have to ask those irrelevant questions, especially to him. I have one question are you on the side of Uncle Naeem? Because if you are then leave me out of it. Now you will go out there and agree with him or else I will tell mum what you are doing and let her deal with you. Your choice, father", Jade tells him.
"This isn't about the bet. And those questions aren't irrelevant. They are questions that needed to be asked. I am worried about you. I know that it must be hard that you had to accept to go on a date with him because of what happened to your past. But he will never hurt you if he ever did. Your mother and Uncle Naeem will deal with him and Rocco. I will go and accept what he has offered not because of the bet but because it's what you want, right?", Jason tells her.
This made Jade realize what her father was doing. He needed her to be alright with their date and not feel obligated to go by Jayden.
"I know and thank you, dad. But I would feel much better if you accept going with us. Don't worry we will have our limits and you and mum can be teenagers again. Opening my heart is something that I need to think about and prepare for it. I do have feelings for him but......"
"You are scared. You don't have to be anymore. As I promised to take this relationship as slow as you want it to be," Jayden interrupts them. "I am sorry if I rudely interrupted. It is because I love you, Jade and I don't care how long it takes for you to accept me and our relationship," he added surprising both Layla and Jason.
Now I know that Jade will be happy with him. She is his heart.
"Okay, dad here has something to tell you", Jade tells them.
"We can go to the fun fair and then watch the movie. But I will be with my wife so you kids enjoy", Jason says making Jayden sigh with relief.
They all agree on the time because of Jade and Jayden's jobs at the restaurant. Thankfully they are closing early because a client had booked the entire restaurant for his anniversary.
But Jason wants to take one car but when he gets a glare from his wife he immediately kept his mouth shut.
"We can take one....."
"No, we will take two cars. Because we need to be somewhere when the date is over", Layla interrupt Jayden.
After work, they all met at the fun fair and walked in together. Jayden paid for his and Jade's tickets while Jason paid for his wife.
"Can we have four tickets, please?", Jayden tells the ticket seller. As he was about to pay Jason told the ticket seller to only take money for two tickets from him.
"I can pay for my wife and you can pay for yours", he says as he began to notice that the girl who was selling the tickets looking at Jayden.
He knew that she was about to ask him for his number and Jason couldn't let that happen especially in front of his wife and daughter. Even though he knew that Jayden would never take the number.
They walked in and both Layla and Jade go to the games that were there.
"Okay, girls versus boys. Whoever wins, they will do whatever the winner wants, okay", Layla suggests to them.
"Lay, no. You know how you get when you win...."
"Mamma, I think dad is scared of losing. Don't worry guys we will go easy on you", Jade says laughing at both her father and Jayden.
Layla then turned to the guy who was there and asked for the balls to hit the moving ducks so that she could win.
"Great, good luck. You will need it, especially when the women in my family are super competitive", Jason tells Jayden as his wife hits the first duck without any hesitation.
After hitting all the ducks, Layla was told to choose her prize. She immediately saw something that she knew her husband would love.
She pointed at the big toy car and its key chain that has been Jason's obsession ever since they were in high school but he couldn't think about it because of his family situation at that time.
Layla then turned to her husband and presented him with the prizes she got.
"Even though this is a competition, I would love you to have this", she hands him the prizes and then hugs him. "Thank you for being my best friend and the husband that I could ever wish for. I love you", she whispered to him.
Jade saw the love between them and prayed that she and her sister would have the same love as her parents did.
"Thank you and I love you more", Jason says kissing his wife on the forehead.
"Now, it is your turn, dad," Jade says to her father. "Win something for mum", she added smiling.
This will be easy to do. My world and my life.
Jason hit the ducks without losing any of the balls and he ended up winning something for his wife too.
"Thank you," he tells the guy who gave him what he wanted to win. And then turns to face Layla and asked her to turn around.
He then put the silver necklace around his wife's neck. It had a heart-shaped medallion.
"Now that's how you make your wife happy. Your turn, Jade", he tells his daughter who just shook her head.
"And you say we are competitive. I am doing this to have fun and you two are the ones who are competitive apart from mamma and Uncle Naeem," Jade tells them.
As they played the games, Jayden knew that he wants the same relationship that Layla and Jason have.
"It's a tie..."
"No, it isn't. We won fair and square. So you have to do whatever we ask for a week and no delays", Layla says cutting off her husband as they finished playing the games.
Jade took Jayden's hand and slowly moved away from her parents and took him to a Ferris wheel.
"Two people, please, and thank you. Aren't you coming?" Jade asks Jayden who stood feeling confused. "Or you want to go back there?", she added pointing at her parents who are acting like teenagers.
"I will come with you. Sorry, but your parents are..."
"Unique, I know and this is why I was shocked when you said that you wanted to invite them too", Jade says to him. "Don't worry, I know and they won't even notice that we are gone because they will be busy arguing with each other about who is the winner", she added.
Jade had no idea how wrong she was. This had always been her mother's plan to get them to spend time together even if it was just for a few minutes.
"Now I get it. You could have just told me," Jason tells his wife as he saw the look on her face when she saw their daughter and Jayden on the Ferris wheel.
"I don't know what you are talking about....."
"Habibty, you know that I can see right through you and your bets with Naeem. I would do the same thing. Besides, Jayden is too nervous and I don't want our daughter to feel like it's our fault if they don't....."
"Hey, stop right there. They will work out. Be positive," Layla tells her husband making him laugh at the way she said it.
"I think we should let them enjoy their movie alone. Plus I trust our daughter to make sure that this is what she truly wants. And if this makes her happy then who am I to stand in her way? Plus you need to give mamma Nayla's ring to him..."
"I already did. And he was shocked to see how we accepted him. Now, can we go? I am hungry", Layla asks him.
"Okay, let's get you fed, and then we get to enjoy our time without having to babysit anyone", Jason agrees with her.
As they walked away, they turned around one last time to see their daughter laughing and smiling with Jayden.
She is finally happy. Alhamdullilah, this is what we want as parents. To see our kids happy and healthy.
"They left?! I guess we are on our own now. What do you want to do?", Jade asks him.
"I know where we can go. I promise you that I wouldn't do anything that you aren't comfortable with".
"Yes, let's go".
They walked to the car and drove to their destination. Jayden was nervous to show Jade the surprise for her.
"Don't be nervous. In shaa Allah I will be happy with what you will show me. Plus, dad likes you, and mamma is planning our wedding in her head", she says laughing knowing what she says it's true.
"Yeah, and I am happy that they accepted me even though I don't have a family...."
"Stop that. You do have a family. Rocco, Maya, My two mothers, and....."
"What about you? Are you my family?", Jayden asks her as he stops the car in front of a building.
"Yes, including me too", Jade answers him. This made Jayden smile widely.
"We are here. But I need to blindfold your eyes", he says showing her a scarf to cover her eyes with. "Do you trust me?", he asks her.
"Yes, I do trust you...with my life", she says to him but whispers the last three words to herself. But what she didn't know was that Jayden heard her.
He then ties it and then leads her to the entrance of the building.
"Keep in mind that this is something that I wanted for a long time except I didn't want to do it alone", he tells her while opening the scarf. " Welcome to our future", he added opening the door.
In front of her was a new bakery and it looked like it was recently built. Jade turned to face Jayden who wanted her to say something to him.
"This is beautiful and amazing. I have no words except I will gladly work with you here. But what is it called?", she asks him.
"I haven't yet named it. I wanted you to name it. Would do the honors to name it?", he tells her.
"I don't think I should..."
"Yes, you should. This is our future and I would want you to name it", he interrupts her.
"How about The Heart Of Love bakery", she says making Jayden smile.
"Then that will be its name from now onwards. And I have to, unfortunately, fire you from your job because this will is yours....."
"You can't do that. Rocco has a say in this...."
"He might but I have the last say so yes. You are fired and you will start working here in the next two months after making the final finishing touches", he says to her.
"Fine but I will need helpers and..."
"Jade, calm down. And let me give you a tour", Jayden tells her leading her inside the bakery.
The hard part is about to come and I will have to answer to both Maya and Rocco plus your uncle who I am kind of nervous about meeting him. But Allah knows best.
All you need is just one step to get to your future. The future that is meant for you. But always remember to be patient when it comes to matters of your future and who you bring into it.
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