Chapter Four.
Jealousy Is Showing, Rocco.
It has been a few weeks since Rocco and Maya have seen each other.
Maya started avoiding him because she didn't want her heart to break again. Every time Rocco would try and talk to her, she would try and come up with an excuse to leave the conversation.
As Maya walked out of his office after they discussed a student, someone put his hand on her shoulder startling her.
"Do you think that he deserves to give you an explaination before you leave?", a voice asks her. She turned around to see that it was her cousin Hamza who was her Aunt Ayat and Uncle Naeem's son.
She was surprised to see him there as he had gone out of the country for almost two years.
"Asalam Aleikum. How are you doing? What are you doing here?" Maya asks, smiling happily and hugging him.
They both didn't know that Rocco was watching them more like glaring at them trying to control the anger and jealousy that he feels for the guy that was hugging his MayMay.
Who is that guy hugging her as if he knew her? Why can't she talk to me like that? Maybe even forgive me.
"I am here as a teacher. Well, history teacher and I am starting today. And I didn't even know that you would be here in this school", he tells her knowing what he meant by this school.
"Yeah, I started a few weeks ago and it wasn't my idea to come and work here. Jade suggested that I do whats best for me and that's what I did. And I am here teaching the same subject mamma did", she answers him while he was looking at Rocco who was trying to control his anger.
Hamza couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of him.
This is why Aunt Layla wanted me to accept the teaching position at this school. This will be fun as Rocco has never met me since I have seen his picture in the yearbook.
"What are you looking at?", Maya asks as she turned to see what he was looking at but thankfully Rocco had already left.
"Nothing, just wondering if you would have lunch with me?", he asks her knowing that Rocco would be there where they were going.
"Sure but is it too early for lunch? We still have half an hour left. We will go after the half and hour has gone, okay? Now, we can get back to class", she tells him. "And goodluck you will need it", she added leaving him to get to her class.
"Okay Hamza, this is it. He might or might not approach you. So just be prepared to say it", he gave himself a pep talk and started walking to his class.
Meanwhile, Rocco was fuming mad about what he saw. His MayMay hugging a man who wasn't him. But he needed to stay calm and not show his emotions to the student that was in front of him.
Ryan needed to control his anger toward the other students in his class. Rocco didn't want to be a bad example to Ryan.
"You don't need anger to express yourself. You can do it without being angry. Anger will make ypu lose a lot of opportunities in life. Put it aside and you will know what I am talking about. But for you are to help me arrange the files for a week. That's your punishment. I don't want to give ypu detention", Rocco tells him.
This surprises Ryan as he thought that he will be in big trouble for what had happened.
"You can go to your next class", he dismissed him.
But Rocco couldn't help but remember the guy who hugged his MayMay.
Yes, she is his and no one else.
Meanwhile, Hamza was trying to get on his nerves ever since he started working at the school. One time he would just go and hug Maya for no reason.
But Maya didn't even question it as she always considered him as a brother.
"Maya, come on, I will drive you home....."
"No, she is coming with me. I have something to discuss with her and that's why she is coming with me", Rocco interrupts them.
Maya is confused as to why Hamza is acting like this while Rocco is jealous of him.
"Actually, you two stay here. I am going home with my sister. Okay, bye now", she tells them walking toward Jade's car.
As she approaches it, Maya sees Jade rising her eyebrows asking what is going on.
"They are a bunch of kids who don't even know how to act. Anyways, let go or we will be late and you know how Uncle Naeem is...."
The two sisters say together laughing knowing that Hamza will be the one in trouble while his twin sister is always punctual just like her father.
"I know whats going on with Rocco. I think he is jealous", Jade tells her sister who was confused. "Because he doesn't know who Hamza is. Our cousin brother...."
"Jade, stop. It doesn't matter because what we had its long gone and now concentrate on your driving", Maya tells her while looking out the window.
Jade knew how much it hurt her sister when Rocco left almost five years ago. But it's up to her and maybe Jayden will help her to get them to just talk to each other so that Rocco would explain everything that he wanted to Maya.
"I know what you are thinking, don't Jade. I love you and I am happy with myself", Maya tells her as they arrived at their Uncle and Aunt's place.
"I wasn't thinking about anything, May. Now, stop because look who is at the door", Jade says pointing at the door where Ayla was standing with her arms folded on her chest.
Maya couldn't help but laugh at the scene. Ayla has always been the responsible one between her and Hamza when it came to being on time.
It was her engagement day and she wanted her cousins who are just like best friends to be there for her.
She was getting engaged to her childhood best friend Yunus who has always told her that when they grew up he would marry her.
And now it's finally happening.
"Ayla, I am sorry that I am late its just that your brother was annoying...."
"I know all that but I am not angry. Come in before dad starts yelling and mum will pull his ears", she tells them.
They both hugged her and walked inside.
Ayat was in the kitchen while Naeem was trying to talk to her.
"Come on, please. I want just five minutes with him...."
"No, if you do that then your daughter will your head and I wont stop her....."
"Mamma, dad whats going on?", they were interrupted by their daughter Ayla. "Never mind I know why. And the answer is no, dad. You will not have even ten second with him", she tells him.
"Fine, but if he hurts you...."
"Yes, you will hurt him. I know.....we all know".
"Fine," he then turned to his nieces and hugged them but he was suddenly he was pushed by his wife Ayat.
"Let me hug them too. And don't forget to call your son as he is late", she tells him giving both Maya and Jade a hug.
"He isn't here....."
"Dad, I am here. I was stuck in the traffic. I am here now don't worry", Hamza comes rushing in knowing his father is angry at him. "And where is Khalid?", he asks them.
"I am here too. I am early unlike you", Khalid tells him while others started laughing at him.
"I know that but I am here, okay", he tells them. And then he turns to his father and asked if he can talk to him.
"Hamza and I will be in the study. We need to talk about something", Naeem tells them leading his son to the office.
"Whats going on with them?", Naeem asks his son.
Hamza explained everything that had happened in the last month that he started working at the school. About how Rocco started getting jealous because of the affection between Hamza and Maya.
"He loves her. He still loves her after all this time....."
"Yes, dad. But Maya is too stubborn to even listen to his explaination. She keeps avoiding him. Today he was about to punch me when I asked Maya if I could drive her...."
"Then we need a new plan, I know that my sister though that this plan might work for her but not for Maya. She is just like her father, who will do anything to protect their hearts from getting hurt", Naeem explained to him.
"Okay, dad. What do we do?", Hamza asks his father who then explained to him what needs to be done.
Meanwhile, Rocco was angry at himself for almost punching Hamza especially when they were still in school.
"Rocco, calm down. He might be a former college mate. Plus, she will always be your MayMay, okay?", his best friend Jayden tries to calm him down.
"I know but he hugged her when I couldn't.....when she didn't let me even get near her".
"Trust me, you will get her back. This I can assure you, my brother. Just keep calm and let me handle it".
Rocco knew that he could trust him but what he needed was Maya to be his even if just a friend.
Even if I have to fight the entire world I would do it in a heartbeat just for you, Maya.
My MayMay.
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