Chapter Eleven.
Meeting Maya's Favorite Authors.
This is a special chapter dedicated to my bestie. She is also a guest appearance. feufeu15
It has been almost two months since Maya and Rocco started hanging out at her parents' home. It was safer for them as Jason was always working from home.
Maya had no Idea that Rocco has been planning to surprise her with someone that she has always admired.
"Okay, this is what I will do", Jade explain to both Rocco and Jayden who was also planning to make Maya's day.
"Are you sure that she will be there?", Rocco asks her making Jade roll her eyes at him.
"I am sure that she will be there. I can assure you that Maya will love the surprise that you have planned for her but don't make her know what we are planning because Maya has a sense to know things", Jade assures him.
"Okay, I am sorry. All I want is for her to be happy on this day. And I....."
"Yes, yes, we know. You love her", both Jade and Jayden say to him.
"Geez guys, I know that I have said a million times but I can't help it. So I will be the one arriving at the venue with Maya and you two will come with us", Rocco answers them.
"Yes, but I will be driving my sister there....."
"No, come on. Jayden, tell her", Rocco interrupts her making Jade smile inwardly.
"Fine, you will drive together with Maya. And we need to get there at the time I explained to you", Jade tells him.
Meanwhile, Maya was trying to figure out what Rocco, Jayden, and Jade were planning as they were always looking at each other weirdly when she was in front of them.
"Guys, what is wrong with you? You are making weird faces with each other, and I want to know why? Or I am telling mamma......"
"No, no need. We will tell you", Jade says elbowing at Rocco who became shocked.
"I...we have a surprise for you. I don't know if it will influence what I am about to do. It's a surprise and you can't ask anything about it", Rocco explains to her. He knew that she would ask what the surprise was but he also knew what to say to her.
"Fine, I will wait for it. When is it going to be?", Maya asks them.
"Okay, it is in a few hours....."
"Today? I will love this surprise except I wanted to go somewhere but unfortunately I can't because mamma and dad wanted me here. I don't know why when they are always...."
"Maya, we are here. We want you here because Jade wants to ask you something and she will need your answer. So boys, we need to talk", Jason interrupts his daughter.
He then lead both Jayden and Rocco in his study where he needed to talk to them.
Meanwhile, Jade was nervous at the answer that Maya would give her about meeting her mother and brother.
"Tell sister. What is it do you need?", Maya asks her sister.
"I met my mother and brother. They would love to meet you and everyone...."
"I would love that. When can we meet them?", Maya excitedly asks her.
"Maya, you need to calm down. I will ask them the best time for them and then mamma says we will invite them for dinner", Jade explains to her sister.
"Okay, I wonder where you guys are taking me?", Maya asks her sister hoping that she would get a hint but all she got was silence.
Jade didn't answer her. Fortunately for her, Jason walked in with Jayden and Rocco.
"Maya, Jade it is time for you guys to go now before it gets late. And boys, be sure to take care of my daughters or else you will have to deal with their mother", Jason tells the four of them.
"Okay dad enough now. Let's go. And dad thank you", Maya says as she hugs her father.
The four of them walked out of the house and decided that it was better to just take one car to their destination.
Jade and Maya sat in the back while Jayden was the driver and Rocco was the passenger.
"So, where are we going?", Maya asks them.
"Maya, I will not tell you anything and neither will anyone in this car. So stop asking", Jade tells her sister making her pout.
"Fine", Maya asks crossing her hands and looking at the window making Rocco smile and the others laugh.
About what seemed like an hour later when they reached their destination. Rocco looked at Jayden who nodded and gestured at Jade who knew what to do.
"Maya, we are here but Jayden and I will go ahead while Rocco has something to give you before you follow us", Jade tells her sister surprising her.
"Why can't I go with you?", she asks as they got out of the car.
"Because I need to give you something that I need you answer me that's why you need to come with me", Rocco answers her moving closer to her.
"Fine but remember what dad said", she tells him smirking at him.
"I know and I promise you that will never happen," Rocco answers. He then noticed that Jayden and Jade already walked inside the venue.
Ya Allah, why is this hard? Change of plans, I will have to do this after what I have planned.
"Whats wrong, Roc?", Maya asks him when she saw that he wasn't moving from where he was standing.
"Sorry, I am just nervous that you might...."
"I will tell you what mamma says to me. Ask before you regret not knowing the answer. You might never know what you need until you get your answer", Maya tells him easing his mind.
"Okay. Your mamma is right. Now let's go", he tells her leading her inside the venue.
Inside there were a lot of people who were waiting for someone to arrive.
"What is this place?", Maya asks as Rocco leads her to where she was.
"We are here for your surprise and I hope you will like it. So here she is", he answers her by pointing at her favorite author who was smiling at her.
Maya couldn't believe what she saw in front of her and then she looked at Rocco with a huge smile on her face.
"No way. You did this for me...." Maya tells him with tears appearing in her eyes making Rocco start to worry. "They are happy tears. I can't believe she is here", she added smiling through the tears.
Rocco led Maya toward her hoping that what he was about to do would be memorable for her. He even asked her parents before planning all of this with Jade and Jayden who were in the crowd looking at them with smiles on their faces.
"Hey there, Maya. How are you doing? Rocco has told me all about you. How you love reading my books?", Mandy tells her.
Maya couldn't even answer when Mandy leaned in to hug her all she could do was hug her back.
"I know that I made you speechless but you need to turn around and see what your Romeo has planned for you", Mandy says to Maya who turned around to see Rocco on one knee with her mother's engagement ring.
"Maya Hassan, would you do the honor of making me the happiest man in the world by marrying me? And there's no answer apart from yes", he asks her making Mandy chuckle.
"Say yes and keep him forever in your heart and your home for the rest of your lives", Mandy tells her.
"Yes, I will marry you", Maya answers him making him smile. He then put on the ring on her finger.
But she couldn't help but wonder if her parents gave him the ring.
"That's part of the surprise, the other part is this", Mandy tells them and then turns to take something from the table. "This is the first signed copy of Gun In My Hand, just for you", she added giving her the book.
Maya wanted to see what Mandy wrote in the book as she was curious.
For MayMay,
You're the writer of your own story and you have many more pages, so don't forget to fill them with love and beautiful moments shared with loved ones just like Rocco.
Xoxo, Mandy.
The moment she finished reading it, Maya turned to face Mandy she smiled at her.
"Thank you for this. I love your books. I really appreciate this so much. I can't wait for more books that you will write", Maya tells her and then hugged her.
"I hope you like it. And as for books, I hope that one day you will write a book that I can get to read", Mandy tells Maya. "And Rocco, don't forget to invite me to your wedding. I want to be there to witness your union", she added looking at him.
"You will be the first one to get an invite and thank you for seeing us before everyone else. Now you can continue signing the other books. We will see you soon", Rocco says to her.
After that Mandy went back to signing the other books for everyone who was waiting there. At least they knew that this day would be very important to both Rocco and Maya.
Jayden and Jade walked toward them and congratulated them.
Maya knew that her parents won't give anyone her great-grandmother's ring without any explanation apart from knowing that Rocco wanted to propose to her.
"You guys are amazing, thank you so much", she tells both Jayden and Jade. And then she whispered to Jayden making sure that her sister wasn't listening. "Now it is time for you to make your move. I would love to have a double wedding, in shaa Allah", she whispers to him.
Jayden shook his head and just laugh.
"All I can say is that Allah knows best. But for now, thank you for making my brother happy and I hope and pray that you both will always be happy in future. In shaa Allah", he tells her.
"In shaa Allah. But I still need you and Jade together. I know that you have feelings for her ever since we were in high school. I could see how you look at her. Now it is your turn to be happy with her", Maya tells him smiling.
"Are you ready to go? Mamma and dad will need an update. So, we need to go before they start blowing up our phones and you know how dad is", Jade interrupts them.
"Okay, let's go".
Maya smiled as she looked at the ring that was on her finger not forgetting the person who gave it to her. She felt lucky to have Rocco, Jade, and Jayden plus their parents in her life. And that's what she needs in her life to be complete.
"Now I can finally say that you are mine...."
"Not yet. Brother, You still need nikkah to be done and then she will be yours", Jade interrupts him.
"Fine, but she is still mine. Always and forever", Rocco says smiling at Maya.
"Okay guys that's enough. And Rocco, you don't have to be possesstive...."
"I meant what I said. And jealousy doesn't suit you", Maya says winking at him.
Alhamdullilah, I can finally say that Allah works best in His best ways. And His ways are the ways that will always last.
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