Chapter Eight.
Everyone Has A Surprise In Their Lives.
Everyone has secrets that they keep deep inside and no one knows about them except a best friend who can also be a brother or even a sister to you.
Jayden knew that one day Jade would know that he has a secret that he has been keeping from everyone around him except for his best friend Rocco.
It's not that he didn't want anyone to know about it. He didn't want to judge by people who will gossip telling him that he did it for a girl. But he did it for himself and no one else.
Jayden has given everyone a week off so that he and Jade could prepare for the engagement party.
He didn't need too many workers to do the job as it wasn't much work needed to be done.
"Chef, are you alright?", Jade asks him when she saw that he wasn't answering her questions.
"Yes, I am fine. And for the last time don't call me that again. Call me by my name", he tells her.
"But it is unprofessional....."
"Who says? People? Rumors? I don't care about that because I care about friends and the colleagues that work for me", Jayden assures her.
"Okay, fine. But what are thinking about?", Jade asks him.
"Its nothing. Just worried about the food that needs to be delivered to the engagement of your friend. We have a lot of things to do, right?", He asks her.
What Jayden didn't know was the fact that Jade had planned ahead of everything that will be needed for the engagement party of Ayla and Yunus.
"Jayden, I did what is needed to be done. The only thing remaining is for you to calm down. And one more thing, you don't need to worry, he is my cousin. The goofy and mischevious Hamza who is the twin brother of the bride-to-be", Jade explains to him smiling inwardly knowing that Hamza was right about Jayden being jealous.
But why would he be jealous when he always spends time with Luciana? She has always been with him wherever he is.
"You mean, he is your cousin?", Jayden asks her.
"Yes, my cousin. Why?", Jade asks him.
"Nothing. Let's finish with this. And then I will have to be somewhere during lunch time. So we better be fast", Jayden answers her.
Jade nods and continues what they were doing. But she couldn't help but wonder what Jayden was hiding.
It was time for lunch, time for them to get 30 minutes to break so that Jade could go and pray while Jayden went to do his things that he needs to be done.
As Jade walked outside of the restaurant to get to the Masjid so that she can pray there as it was close to the restaurant when she saw Jayden walking in the same Masjid.
Is he a Muslim? Maybe I am imagining things.
She shook her head and walked toward the women's side and walk into the bathrooms to take wudhu.
Jade finished taking wudhu and started praying. After finishing her prayers she made duas for everyone including Jayden.
After she finished, Jade walked out of the masjid only to collide with Jayden who held her so that she didn't fall.
"Thank you".
"You are welcome".
Jade wanted to ask what he was doing there but she knew that it was none of her business as he can do whatever he wants.
"Excuse me...."
"Jade, wait. Can we talk, please?", Jayden asks her.
"Okay. We can talk at the restuarnt", she tells him.
They walk back to the restaurant and Jayden knew that he would have to explain to her what he was doing there even if she didn't ask him.
"What do you want to talk about?", Jade asks him.
"I want to explain what I was doing at the...."
"Jayden, you don't need to explain anything to me. Because it is none of my business...."
"I need to. So please stop interrupting me. I am a Muslim. I converted a week after Rocco did. I saw how prayers changed him to be a better person and I needed that in my life. I did it for myself, to find myself. This is why this restaurant doesn't serve pork or even alcohol. I changed it when Rocco asked me to take care of it", Jayden explains to her.
All Jade did was smile at him.
"That's great. I am happy for you. Prayers do help. And now can we get back to work, please?", Jade asks him.
Jayden shook his head and smile walking toward the kitchen to finish with the menu.
Alhamdullilah, I don't have to hide it anymore.
Meanwhile, Rocco and Maya kept spending time together in school and also at her parents' house. But Rocco, he needed more from her because of the jealousy he is feeling for Hamza whenever he sees him with Maya.
Rocco decided to get Jason's advice on what he needed to do to get Maya to be his.
"I know that I am being childish but you would understand when you are in place....."
"I did and I do understand you, Rocco but its upto her and not you. All I can say is that whatever feelings she has for you are still there as they never went away", Jason tells him. "The key is patience and always remember that she was hurt by what you did. Imagine seeing your daughter getting hurt and you cant be able to do anything to ease her pain", he added.
"I regret it everyday of my life. I wish that I could go back in time to change everything but I can't. All I can do now is try to be there for her always...."
"I will tell you what happened between me and Layla. I fell for her without realizing it. She came into my life when I needed someone to just be there for me even in my worse times. I had almost lost her when she was stabbed by someone who didn't want a muslim in school. What I needed was her to be alright and to be here with me. The love that I felt for her was something that I didn't think would happen to me. Because of the way I was raised by my mother and a father who would constantly abuse me. I never told her instead I tried to push her away but her brother told me never to do that to her as I needed her as much as she did. Then it came the time where we needed to part ways to go to college and I told her that I would wait for her no matter what. Because I knew that she needed to go to the college she had chosen so that she could be where she is now. Someone who she can be proud of. Layla had a dream of becoming a writer in future and I needed to make her realise her dreams before mine because she was there in my worse times and in my best times", Jason tells him smiling remembering the times that he had spent with his wife.
This is the love I want to have with Maya. The love that will last for the rest of our lives.
"Jason, what are you two talking about?", Layla interrupts them.
"Just giving Rocco some advise he needed to....."
"Win Maya so that I can...."
"Layla!! Why do you do this?", Jason tells his wife. "Rocco, sorry about my wife. She and her brother are two people who are...."
"Go ahead. My dear husband", Layla says while glaring at him.
"Nothing. Just two people who are wonderful and lovely", he says to her.
Rocco couldn't help but laugh at him.
"I have one advise for you Rocco and that it don't give up on her. One of these days she will realise that you two are meant to be", Layla tells him before handing him a box. "You will need this on that day. It's my engagement ring", she says as Rocco opens the box to find the gorgeous ring inside.
"Its beautiful. But I can't accept this..."
"Yes you can and you will. Besides, it was my grandmother's and now its yours. It was suppose to go to our son but Allah gifted us with daughters. And now you will be our son when you marry Maya. In shaa Allah", Jason tells him looking at Layla and smiling.
Rocco knew that he had found what he needed to get Maya to marry him. The courage that he lacked.
I pray that you will accept my proposal. In shaa Allah.
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