Jacksie's Squawk Box: Agent Love Heart
Hi Guys! I know it's been a long time since I updated my blog. Did you miss me? I know you did! Its just so happen that my school life got in the way again, as always.
So, where shall I begin? Oh yeah, before our Christmas break, our teachers were all in the mood for a great holiday cheer that they all banded together and handed out assignments to be submitted on our first day back. This time, no late submissions were allowed. I have to say, the whole class did superbly well. Everyone met the deadline. No idiots were left behind. lol!
The only thing that troubled me so much was freaking Nathan! He didn't tell me he joined a study group spearheaded by Mariella and her cousin, Tim. I am pretty sure Greg and Mika would have joined in too. No wonder they all submitted their homework one week before the deadline and they all received an extra credits even Nathan, the least deserving member of them all.
I was so enraged! How come I was not informed ?!
No actually, Mika wanted me to tag along but they made a fatal error of asking my Mom if I can participate and my Mom gave a very hard, solid PASS! I swear, that woman is trying her darn best to kill my social life.
She said and I quote, Jackson will just influence Mika to gang up on poor Nathan and the study group won't accomplish anything.
How does she know about my master plan?! Why do I have this feeling that my own flesh and blood is siding with a commoner like Nathan?! lol
Don't get me wrong, I love my mom but lately she is acting like she's some kind of an undercover agent. One time she barged into my room unannounced and with her gloves on, starts rifling through my stuffs like I'm hiding some contraband.
Like last time, when I came home from our skate sesh, I caught my mom with her blusher brush and talcum powder dusting my school bag as if she's trying to lift finger prints.
A couple of days ago, she came in my room carrying our cat Odin on one hand and a UV black light on the other. She bought the UV light to detect cat pee stain around the house but why the hell is she using it in my bedroom?! I stopped wetting my bed years ago!
She then told me to clean my room everyday. If I don't, she'll do the cleaning herself plus she will use her handy CSI black light to check for invisible stains. That gave me the chill. She is totally on to something.
She punctuated her threat with a rolled up girly magazine she pulled out behind my bed frame. Obviously the woman knew where I kept my highly classified stash!
I am sixteen and she should start treating me like a young adult. I decided to do what an adult would do in a situation like this. I unleash the waterworks and bawled my eyes out! I tried to melt her basalt heart with my tears!
It didn't work this time and she has the gall to threaten me that she will tell my Dad about the magazine and those "things" I have been hiding in my drawer that she confiscated and properly bagged and tagged. Good Grief, woman! I had a micro heart attack and the word Dad quickly stop the waterworks and I subsequently agreed to her blackmail.
I have to say, my room smells better than Nathan's room. He, on the other hand only cleans his room when my lover baby doll goes there for a sleepover.
That's another thing that grinds my gear. My secret gf, Raven baby doll (don't tell her or we will break up) has been a fixture in Nathan's bedroom since they were in their diapers. How come she never comes and have a sleep over with me?!
Whenever she comes and pays me a visit, Quasimodo is always with her. If she is by herself, my mom won't let her inside my room unless she arms herself with a baseball bat! I can't believe my own mother doesn't trust her own gorgeous looking hot son! Where's the justice! ahahaha!
Enough about me. In other news...
Our school gazette is making a comeback after Mrs. Apollonia Peel made some changes with its contents and layout and it was proven to be a well accepted move by everyone, both the faculty and the student body. Mrs. Apple Peel was in cloud nine when she received emails from other neighboring high school asking for her advice on managing a school organ circulating as an Eco-friendly paper format.
The most popular page is by far the Missy Confidential column that I managed together with that classmate of mine that I kept forgetting her name. My lover baby doll told me that what's her name has a big crush on me. Obviously my secret gf was saying that to make herself jealous. That is so sweet!
At that moment, I thought I should pull her close to me and give her a big kiss on the mouth to ease her fears away. I was about to grab Raven baby doll when an Algebra text book came flying and hit me at the back of my head. Obviously the book thrower is Nathan. He pitched the workbook like a Frisbee to put a plug on my romantic advances towards his girl best friend. Again, another guy engulfed in insecurities and jealousy. I swear, I can't catch a break!
For our Valentine edition, the Lakeview Gazette went full pink! Mrs. Peel approved a special spread called Cupid's arrow wherein students and teachers alike can have their love messages printed for a hefty prize of $2 bucks/line! This is part of our fundraising initiative to upgrade our antiquated press room.
The moment the email was sent out to everyone in January, there was a landslide and an overwhelming freakin love messages hurled at us from students and faculties alike. The LeBlanc brothers, Flynn and Jet both ordered a whole page just for their respective chérie, Nelly and again my secret gf, Raven sugar sweet.
As we all know, Flynn is Jet's elder bro and by all accounts way good looking than him. He is our School Captain who leads the Demigods, our school's undefeated athletics team. The moment I received Flynn's email request and a pledge of one thousand dollars (from his own savings), I swiftly gave Apple Peel a text message on how to proceed. Needless to say, Mrs. Peel was ecstatic and approved an extra page just for Flynn's love notes. It was truly a kah-ching moment for our adviser.
Jet's email came after. This time, the youngest and the ugliest (jk)of the LeBlanc brood is demanding me to post his love proposal to my baby love in a one page spread to the tune of two thousands dollars. He added that the cost will be covered by his Dad (seriously?!) once he lets him know (oh for crying out loud!) and if that doesn't work out, Pierre will shoulder the cost.
Pierre by the way is Jet's bodyguard and minder and this guy will do anything for Jet when it comes to snagging my baby love. Even if it cost the enabler two grand!
Now, I am in a pickle. As much as I want our club to receive large donations, I don't like the idea of Jet hugging the limelight. I was about to hit delete and remove my friend's email when I remembered our code of ethics in journalism.
I can't let my emotions rule me and I need to maintain a certain decorum and integrity when it comes to news writing. But in the back of my mind, the thought of my Raven baby doll falling for that Twilight reading twat is just too much for my brain to handle. A part of me wanted to throw the code of ethics out of the window but I can't let Apple Peel down.
Suddenly, a light bulb! I quickly called up Mrs. Peel and told her about Jet's email. Mrs. Peel who was doing her laundry that time (I know cos I can hear her dryer spinning erratically like it's about to explode) screamed with delight like she won a meat tray from a BINGO social!
She told me that if everything works out well, she plans to revamp our Missy Confidential section. She was thinking of creating a new advice column that solely tackles the affair of the heart and she wanted me to be the person in charge of the byline. Yikes! That means more extra curricular activities that involves school! My skate sesh and girl chasing will suffer but on the other hand, yours truly will know every single love problems of my school mates. I can break and make relationship. That's going to be sick! I can't wait! ;D
When I hang up the phone, I realized, I still have a tinny tiny concern. Jet's one page love proposal to Raven baby doll. I'm jealous, not gonna lie that's why I need to do something. I can't let him have his way and receive all the accolades but I also don't want Jet to think that I'm getting affected. I can't let him see me lose my cool buuuuuuut, I don't mind him seeing Raven Baby Doll's boy best friend go on a tantrum rage:D YESSSSSSSSS!
I quickly rang Nathan (lol) and told him the situation. Within ten seconds (he was on his way to my house and I caught him while he was at our gate), he was in my room, angrily clicking the mouse as he read Jet's email while hissing profanity under his breath. He looks like he was about to cry! He started to hyperventilate and poured out his anger towards my hypoallergenic pillow. He punched, karate chopped and dropped kick my cushion on the floor.
Then he took my phone and dialed Jet's number. I was expecting Nathan to yell and end his friendship with Judas Jet because obviously he betrayed him (and me :D shhhh!) by professing his love to my baby doll after Nathan told everyone that Raven is off limits to all the lost boys --- him included ...ahahahahaha!
But there was no palpable anger in his voice! Nathan was surprisingly polite when he was talking to Jet. I dunno how he did it! His voice was too soft that my superhuman hearing couldn't pick up what he was saying to him. The odd part was he was smiling when he ended their conversation.
It turns out Nathan used his Raven's BFF status and that he was able to reason out with Jet. The one page love message will still be published but this time, it won't just be Jet's name on the message. Nathan told me that Jet has agreed to include all of us. The love message will be signed by the lost boys and that includes Hawky, Piper, Nathan, Jet and the soon to be revealed, Raven's bf ... ME :D That's two grand well spent.:D
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Thank you for reading Jacksie's Blog. I hope you enjoy reading his entry. He is a bit of a nutcase but he is hot so it's okay :) Don't forget to vote. Till next time.
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