Twiniplier {Mark}
''Oh god, why did I agree to this again?'' I wonder aloud.
''Because you looove us,'' Jack exaggerates.
''Right, sure,'' I reply. I look through the catalog of characters trying to figure out who to use considering this is my first time playing Dead by Daylight.
''Do you guys have any recommendations on who to use?''
''Y/N, I usually use Claudette,'' Mark states.
''Okay, so don't use her then."
"Hey, wait a minute!" All the other guys laugh as they realize what I'd done.
"Nice one, Y/N," Bob compliments.
"Hey, no, don't take her side," Mark demands.
"Why not? We'd rather have Twiniplier around than Markiplier," Jack explains. Mark starts spluttering in disbelief as all of us ignore him. I end up choosing Claudette despite my previous statement. Wade quickly gives me a run down of what to do and what the controls are as the game loads.
"I just realized that I'm stuck on a team with Mark, we're gonna lose!" Mark gets all defensive again causing all of us to erupt in laughter again. As the game loads in, Mark, Bob, and Jack groan as Wade lets out a triumphant laugh.
"What? What's wrong?" I question my team.
"This map sucks for us. It's really small so Wade can find us easier," Bob informs me. I nod in understanding even though he can't see me.
"Yep, especially since I'm using the Doctor." Wade saying that causes the guys to groan again. Even though I had no idea what they were upset about, I figured it couldn't be good.
I happen to spawn next to one of the generators and as soon as we could move, I go right for it. Apparently someone else wasn't far away and had the same idea.
"Oh hey, who'd I just find?" I ask.
"That'd be me," Jack says as he blows up the generator. I do a moment later and he starts freaking out.
"Go!" He repeats over and over again as we both scatter. I run a good ways away, actually right into the center of the map. There I find a generator along with Mark and Bob. The three of us work on the thing and Jack soon joins us. With all four of us working on one generator, it got done pretty quickly.
"Nice guys," Bob says before all of us head in different directions. The direction I go, just so happens to lead me right into Wade.
"Hiya there, Y/N," Wade sneers making me scream because he scared me.
"No, no, no," I mutter as I try wiggling out of his grip. It was really no use because I was super close to a hook.
"Damn it, one of you guys come save me!" I scan the map to see that one of them is kinda close to me, but Wade is close to them. As for the other two, they're both almost on the other side of the map.
"I'm comin for ya," Jack tells me. Needless to say, non of them made it and I ended up dying. Jack was taken out next because he tried to save me, but Wade found him first. Then Mark and finally Bob.
After a few more rounds I started to get the hang of it. Being a survivor isn't that hard once you actually understand what you're supposed to do. Finally it was my turn to be the killer.
"What killer are you being?" Wade asks as we all get set up.
"I decided to use the Plague. Her character design is super cool and badass, like me, so naturally I had to pick her," I explain and Mark scoffs.
"Yeah, no, I agree with Y/N. She's way cooler than you'll ever be," Jack tells him and Wade agree.
"Oh sick burn," Bob comments making us all laugh. I learned pretty quickly how to use the Plague and boy was that bad for the guys.
"Ah! Shit! No! Y/N, spare me please,'' Mark begs as I'm about to put him on a hook for the third time. I stop, not placing him on the hook just yet and he stops squirming.
''What's in it for me?'' I question.
''I'll help you hunt down the others,'' He offers causing the others to protest.
''I don't accept your offer of betrayal. Now you must die for your sins,'' I say in a fake regal accent, placing him on the hook.
''What! No!'' Mark exclaims as he's swallowed by the entity. I quickly hunt down and take out the others winning the game.
''Damn, Y/N, that was quite the game,'' Jack states.
''Thanks, the screen just says 'Ruthless Killer' now,'' I recite.
''Yeah, I'd say so,'' Mark recalls what had happened to him. I smirk attempting to hold back my giggles, but failing miserably. Everyone else doesn't even try to hide it. I think I just found one of my new favorite games and you can bet that I'll be playing it a hell of a lot.
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