Portal To Another Realm [Septiceye Group]
Marvin jumped around in circles giddily, Anti muttering something about circles being cursed, as the group made the decision. Jack was deep in thought. Did they really want to go through universes? Marvin said it was harmless, and Jack trusted him. "So, nothing will be messed up?" Jack asked. "Right! Nothing will be bothered. Everything will be fine!" Marvin said, smiling brightly. "Alright then, I'm in. What about you guys?" Jack said, looking at the other Egos.
Schneeplestein had nothing else to do, as he was on vacation, so he said he was cool with it. Anti already wanted to go, so of course he said yeah. Chase was skeptical, but he would go for the sake of Schneeplestein. Robbie and Angus both shrugged. Jameson way too happily said yes (with Anti's help), or more accurately, "Golly gee, Satan's realm yes! (Translation: Holy fuck, hell yeah!)" Jackaboy was hyped to go as well, and nearly screamed Anti's ear off. Bing agreed, though only if he got to stay with Angus the whole time. Shawn Flynn just kept painting his doll, not wanting to go at all. It took Jacques Septique to convince him to go.
Eventually, everyone was ready to go, and so, with a happy as fuck grin, and a flick of his wand, Marvin opened a portal. "Y'all better buckle the fuck up, 'cuz here we go!" Marvin yelled, as he ran towards the portal. "Wait, that was a Kubz Scouts reference-" Anti was pushed into the portal by Jackaboy, who flew in afterwards. Jameson, silently screaming, "LET'S GO MOTHERFUCKERS," ran in as well. Everyone else, either holding each other or still skeptical, walked in.
Just as the portal closed, Signe walked into the room, confused as hell. "Boys? What the hell was that?" She asked, looking around. "Huh. Must've been my imagination." She said, leaving out of the room, the small spark of a green portal fading away going completely unnoticed by her.
[Alright guys, this part is up to y'all, send in AU's you want them to go to, different versions of themselves you want them to meet, or even games you want them to travel too. It's all up to you.]
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