Perfect Father [SchneepAverage]
Schneep screamed. "Vhat the vell?!" He yelled, looking around the room. "Y-yo! What's- what's up, Scheepy V?" Chase greeted, stuttering. "Zhis shit is vhat's up!" Schneep screamed, gesturing around the room, where multiple things were broken, including the couch. "O-oh? Uh, this? I can fix this-" Chase started, only to be interrupted by a loud thump. "VHAT THE FUCK VAS ZHAT?!" "U-uh? So, how do I explain this... Okay, so, the kids and I were playing a few games, right?" Chase started. "I'm guessing by kids, you mean Anti & Robbie." Schneep commented, right hand on his hip, standing in a sassy pose.
"Y-yeah. Anyway, we were playing a game, and Anti got a little...over excited...and flipped over the table. He glitched and fell on the table, and broke it. Then, after that, I tried to fix it, but it litterally was snapped in half. So, I decided we should do something else and got a few board games. That didn't end well, because Robbie ate the board, despite me screaming for him to spit it out and trying to take it out of his mouth," Chase went on and on about how Anti and Robbie basically caused hell, before he got a good look of Schneep's face, which held great disappointment. "I-I'm sorry, Henrik, I'm such a disappointment." Chase said, on the verge of tears, hanging his head low, "I'm such a bad dad, you think I'm a bad dad, don't ya' Hen? I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry..."
Schneep couldn't and wouldn't stand this. He pulled Chase closer to him, his own tears starting to fall. "Oh, Chase, stop it. You are a perfect father. Stop downing yourself zhis way, or I will be forced zo give you cuddles and kisses until you die of happiness, damnit!" Schneep said, hugging Chase tightly.
Chase couldn't help but smile, as Schneep went on and on about how he would love him to death. "Zhese kids, however, are grounded until zhe next life!" Schneep says, yelling to make sure Anti and Robbie heard him. It was obvious they did, because after that was heard, two loud, "Oh fuck,"'s could be heard from upstairs. Chase couldn't help but laugh at Schneep's face when he heard them curse. "I know zhe fuck zhey didn't." Schneep muttered, letting go of Chase and charging upstairs like an angry mother.
A few hours of cleaning later, Anti and Robbie sat in the corners of the room, only allowed to move at bedtime, with Schneep standing in the middle of their room, and Chase in the doorway. "Do it again, you'll be doing a whole lot more zhen sitting in corners, got it?" Schneep asked, getting quick, "Yes sir"'s in response.
Schneep turned back to Chase, who was trying his hardest not to laugh. He shook his head, and grabbed Chase's hand. "Come on, before I put you in zime out." Schneep said, as they walked out. "I'd have to be a bad boy first, baby." Chase responded, causing the two boys in the room to go, "Ewww!" Schneep rolled his eyes, though without missing a beat, he replied with, "Zhen I have a special punishment for you, bad boy."
Chase blushed, choking on air, making Schneep laugh as they reached their own room. Let's just say what happened next, made it impossible for Anti and Robbie to sleep that night.
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