Death Scene 1 [Marvin](Robbie x Marvin)
Robbie drug his feet on the ground, grunting and growling as he moved. He wanted so badly to hold on to his last bit of humanity, but it was quickly fading. His mind was quickly deteriorating, and he was hungry. Famished, more like it, and he couldn't help the loud grumbles coming from his stomach. He looked around as he moved, searching for a meal throughout the building that had exploded not too long ago. There had to be someone dead over there. He was so driven by a deadly state of mind, hadn't even noticed the woman in black teleporting away.
Eat... Must eat... W e N e e d t o e a t . . .
"Aanghhh..." Robbie groaned, sniffing the air, catching the faintest whiff of blood. Controlled by hunger, eyes blacked out, he ran towards the direct area he smelled the blood from. He gripped a piece of debris, his claws scratching against it as he moved it. After moving as much as possible, he set his sight on someone familiar. His dear love, Marvin.
F o o d . . . ?
No... Not food.... This is our kitten...
Marvin lay limp in his arms, nearly dead from the explosion. "" Robbie growled out, tilting his head at her. Marvin was barely able to lift his head to look at him. Robbie had become angry. Here was Marvin, his poor little Kitten King, bleeding out on the ground. He wanted to know the cause of this, and for a while that distracted him from his hunger.
Marvin could barely breathe. He was stuck under, what felt like, thousands of pounds of debris. He tried to hard to move, to live, to try and make it out of this, but it was too much. Way too much.
Please. Please. Someone. Anyone. Help me, please. I don't want to die yet. P l e a s e, h e l p m e.
Marvin thought, frantically trying to breathe and escape at the same time. He almost gave up.
Almost. Just as he went limp again, he heard the faint scratching of what sounded like claws against the debris.
Skritch! Skritch!
He heard the claws scratch, again and again. As if whatever was on the other side was desperate to get to him. Perhaps someone was here to save him!
Marvin pushed at the rocks as well, before his arms gave out. He couldn't move anymore, it would strain his body. With a forced breath, and a prayer in his head, Marvin stayed still. And seconds later, he felt arms wrap around him, pulling him out from under the rocks. He hadn't even cared when he felt his shoe come off. He was just glad someone saved him.
Thank you! Thank you! I'm alive... I'm alive... I'm a l i v e .
He was even happier when he heard a familiar voice. "" Marvin weakly lifted his head, overjoyed to see the face of his zombie lover. "'s me..." Marvin wheezed. His voice was hoarse, and his throat looked bruised. "What...happen..?" Robbie asked, greatly concerned for him.
Death Wiish.. She broke in... Never saw the bitch coming.
"A real... Real...bad lady hurt me..." Marvin said, struggling to speak.
I should've paid attention.
"Where...mean lady? Robbie...fight her..!" Robbie exclaimed, growling to prove his anger. " Don't...don't do that..."
She'd kill you. She'd kill you, and make sure I can never bring you back.
"Robbie strong! Ro...Robbie...can...can..Do it!" "I...[coughing]...I don't want you'll get hurt-"
Marvin broke off into a fit of terrible sounding coughs. They got so bad as to he started cough up a little blood, witch caused Robbie to remember something he wished he could've forgotten forever.
Robbie was still hungry.
T a k e a b i t e.
H e w o n ' t m i n d.
I...I won't.
J u s t d o I t!
Leave me alone!
"R-obbie? [Cough] Robb-ie, are... Okay?" Marvin asked, noticing Robbie space out. "Y-yes. Robbie...fine.." Robbie stuttered, though it went unnoticed by Marvin, who thought only of it as a part of Robbie's speech pattern. "Oh.. Okay..." Marvin said, weakly lifting up his head to wipe the blood from his mouth, grumbling at the stain of blood on his shirt.
Marvin didn't know that stain of blood just so happened to leave a loud smell. At least to Robbie.
S e e ? H e d o e s n ' t m i n d a t a l l . O t h e r w i s e, h e
w o u l d ' v e b e e n s c a r e d
r i g h t n o w.
Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!
L o o k a t h i m. D o n ' t y o u s e e i t ? H e ' s o f f e r i n g y o u a c h a n c e !
Robbie tried his best to ignore the voice in his head. The voice would usually give him advice, usually to keep him alive, well, and happy. But now? Now, it was telling him to hurt Marvin. He wouldn't do it. He couldn't do it.
I o n l y w a n t y o u t o b e
o k a y . I o n l y
w a n t t o h e l p y o u s u r v i v e . T h a t w a s a l l I e v e r w a n t e d !
Robbie realized the voice was right. It never had given him bad advice. It always helped him. So...maybe it was right this time as well. Maybe Marvin would be okay, despite how he looked right now.
You're right.
You've always been right.
I guess he won't mind...
If I o n l y
t a k e
s m a l l
b i t e.
With his mind giving in to hunger, Robbie opened his mouth wide, lowered his head, and bit down.
Marvin heard the loud grumble come from Robbie's stomach. At first, he figured it was the zombie growling, perhaps because he was hurt. Then he recognized what it was. Hunger. Of course, Marvin knew Robbie would be hungry every now and then, but he never thought he, himself, would be the meal.
That's why he was surprised, scared, and confused when he had felt he had been bitten. What bothered him most, was that he didn't know he had been bitten until he felt the blood drip from his shoulder to down his arm.
Why... Why would he...
N... This hurts... It hurts...
It hurts!
E v e r y t h i n g h u r t s !
Marvin screamed as the pain finally hit him. He could feel himself trying to escape the grasp of the zombie holding him, though he knew it was no use. Once Robbie set sight on his prey, he never lets go.
That was the sound of flesh being ripped apart. And yet, despite knowing he would die by the hands of the man he loved, Marvin kept trying to get away. Fighting. Fighting for his life, because the pain was too much to bear. He didn't want to give up, but he knew there wasn't much he could do anyway. He was weak, and Robbie was strong. There was a difference. A big one.
Why? Why are you hurting me? I thought you cared. I thought you cared, darling
It doesn't matter anyway.
I still love you.
I s t i l l l o v e y o u.
I s t i l l l o v e y o u.
I s t i l l l o v e y o u.
"I...I you..."
That was the last thing Marvin said, before the life faded from his eyes as they closed, sealing his fate and forever gone. The worst thing was, Robbie never knew he was dead.
Even after the several days he carried Marvin around, Robbie never wondered,
"Why won't he open his eyes?"
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