Anti's Knife (AntiBoy)
"Come on! Sing tha' song! Sing tha' song!" Jackaboy said, giddily jumping up and down as he giggled. "Ugh, Jackie, what song are you referring to? There are several million songs." Anti replied, deadpanned. While he feigned annoyance, he fought back a smile at Jackaboy's childish actions. "Come on, you know! That one song you used to sing! You know what 'm talkin' about!!" Jackaboy said, jumping up and down. He looked like a child who wanted icecream. Anti had no doubt in his mind that Jackaboy probably did want icecream. "I shan't." Anti said, starting to walk away.
"I'll break your knife!" Jackaboy yelled, dangling Anti's knife in his hand. Anti froze in his tracks, turning around slowly. "N-now, now, Jackie, let's be rational here!" Anti said, moving closer towards Jackaboy slowly. Jackaboy brought his other hand toward the knife, and held it in a position as if he were going to break it.
"I won't break it," Jackaboy said, causing Anti to sigh in relief, "If you sing tha' song." Anti's relief went away. "I. Hate. You." Anti said. Jackaboy gave him a "No you don't," look. "So what's it gonna be? Your knife, or your dignity?" Jackaboy asked, smirking at Anti. Anti glared at him, before closing his eyes and sighing. "Fine. I'll do it. Just, please give back my knife?" Anti said, his sentence coming out more as a question. "I'll think about it." "FfFfFfF-fine."
Jackaboy cheered childishly, "Yay! Okay, okay, okay." Anti sighed. This was a huge blow to his dignity, but it was worth his knife. He started singing quietly.
"The other night dear, as I lay sleeping, I dreamed I held you in my arms. But when I awoke, dear, I was mistaken. So I hung my head and I cried,"
Anti sung, quietly at first, slowly moving closer to Jackaboy, who had his eyes close and was smiling.
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, You make me happy when skies are gray, You'll never know dear, how much I love you, Please don't take my sunshine away,"
Jackaboy opened his eyes, smiling and giggling childishly. Anti did a little spin towards him as he sung, singing just a bit louder. Anti, who was starting to enjoy himself, hadn't noticed Jack and the other egos walk, as he kept singing.
"I'll always love you and make you happy, If you will only say the same, But if you leave me and love another, You'll regret it all some day."
Jack looked confused as to why Anti was singing, until he saw Jackaboy holding his knife. He then understood. Schneep smiled, happy to hear his little glitchy boy singing again. Marvin held in a laugh, Jacques & Angus did as well. Robbie just liked his voice.
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, You make me happy when skies are gray, You'll never know dear, how much I love you, Please don't take my sunshine away,"
Anti, now close enough, put one arm on Jackaboy's shoulder and the other around his waist. Jackaboy, surprised, dropped the knife on the table conveniently placed next to them. The two started slow dancing.
"You told me once, dear, you really loved me, And no one else could come between, But now you've left me and love another, You have shattered all of my dreams,"
Robbie sung along quietly, taking small glances at Marvin as he did so. Marvin caught Robbie looking at him from the corner of his eye, and smiled.
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, You make me happy when skies are gray, You'll never know dear, how much I love you, Please don't take my sunshine away,"
As Anti & Jackaboy danced, the others watched in tears and awe. Especially Schneep.
"In all my dreams, dear, you seem to leave me, When I awake my poor heart pains, So when you come back and make me happy, I'll forgive you dear, I'll take all the blame,"
Jackaboy had tears in his eye, but it was because he was happy. Also, Anti's singing voice was amazing.
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine,"
Jackaboy and Anti had these looks in their eyes. These looks downright said, "I love you." Both Jackaboy and Anti sung the last lines of the song together.
"You make me happy when skies are gray, You'll never know dear, how much I love you, Please don't take my sunshine away,"
As they stopped singing, Jackaboy gave him a kiss on the lips. It was short, but it was sweet. "I love you, Jackie." Anti said, with Jackaboy replying with, "I love you too, Anti." The other egos clapped and cheered. Jack wasn't sure if he should cheer or fanboy, Schneep was definitely fanboying, Jacques and Robbie were crying at how beautiful that was, Marvin cheered, and Angus did all of the above. Anti jumped, looking towards the other egos in surprise, before letting go of Jackaboy, and moving back a bit, turning his head away in embarrassment. He grabbed his knife and tried to walk away.
"No, no, no, no, come back here, meine sohn! You cannot leave like zhat!" Schneep yelled. Anti stopped for a moment, put his knife in his pocket, then went back and picked Jackaboy up in his arms, causing the hero to squeak in surprise, and tried to leave again.
"Zhat's not vhat I meant! Come back, I have to set zhe rules!" Schneep yelled, trying to catch up with Anti, who was running at this point. "Sorry dad, not right this second!" Anti yelled, making Schneep stop dead in his tracks. "...V-vell, just Sex bevore marriage?" Schneep said, as it came out more like a question.
While Schneep was now doing a happiness dance, the other egos just stood there, laughing. "Really, Schneep? No sex before marriage?" Jack asked, smirking. "Zhere will be no fucking ov Anti until he iz a married man." Schneep said, completely serious. Everyone started bursting out laughing. "If that's the case, leaving him with Jackie isn't a good idea." Angus said, recovering from his fanboy moment.
That sent Schneep running down the hall. "Mozherfucker! Anti, you bring your zail right out of zhat room!" He screamed, making everyone start laughing.
[Okay, I think I'm proud of this???]
[Also I really ship this.]
Requested by : Headless_Flowerboy
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