The Meeting
"There, go on." Steve pointed to Tandy and Tyrone sitting at a table in the corner. Jack nodded gratefully and walked in that direction.
"Hi Jack!" Tandy beamed at him. "How are you?"
He shrugged. "I'm doing pretty well. You?"
"Great." She gestured for him to sit down. "So you transferred in this year, right?"
"Yeah." Jack pulled out the empty chair and dropped into it.
Tandy sipped her drink and leaned forward. "Okay, all I need to know is what your powers are and the extent of them."
Jack sighed. "As far as I know, only telekinesis. And it's pretty weak, I can barely levitate a pillow."
"Well, you are an NPCS." Tandy pointed out.
"What has that got to do with it?"
"When an NPCS first discovers their powers, they often start out very weak. Oftentimes they only discover one power at a time." Tandy shrugged. "Your power will grow, and then once it does, you might discover new powers."
"Oh. Okay." He wasn't optimistic. His power was just not that strong. Doctor Bookman had told him it was unlikely it would grow at all if he didn't show improvement soon.
"How about any physical advantages?" Tandy asked.
He shrugged. "I played soccer for several years. It's helpful."
She laughed. "That would be helpful. Tyrone played for a couple years, as a goalie."
The big black boy nodded silently.
Jack looked at him again. He found himself analyzing the older boy's body language and composition, based on that knowledge of him playing soccer. He was relaxed, barely paying attention. But his foot was moving slightly, bouncing gently against the dark tiles of the coffee shop's floor. So he was ready to move. Quickly, if need be. Jack wondered why.
"Have you got any questions for us?" Tandy asked him.
"How come there are no graduating students for my category? There's hundreds of kids here, but you said no one was graduating who was an NPCS." He hadn't even thought of the question properly before it was out of his mouth. It was weird that something like that should happen, in a school that he was pretty sure had a nursery (for newborn supers, the ones that didn't regularly set themselves on fire anyways) and an assisted living facility (not that it was really ever used for supers, they didn't age like that).
Tandy looked at Tyrone, whose change in body language indicated that he was very much paying attention now. They shared a look that clearly said 'We know something that you don't but we don't want to tell you what we know.' Jack watched curiously.
Tandy finally sighed. "They disappeared."
"What?" That was not the answer he had been expecting.
"They disappeared." Tyrone spoke for the first time. His voice was very deep and gravelly. "Just stopped coming to school."
Jack frowned in confusion. "How? They- that can't have happened, the school has to keep track of supers, doesn't it? They can't just let students disappear, they have to have a system."
"They do have a system." Tandy said, setting her drink down. "These kids... they slipped it. No one knows where they are. We aren't supposed to know, but one of the students in the class above us broke into the administration office to edit some of his files and he found out. Wasn't long before half of the school knew."
"How many were there?"
"The total count of students that have gone missing is around 20. Not much in a school this big, but...." Tandy trailed off.
"But?" Jack looked at her, frowning.
"NPCS students have a reputation for being some of the strongest, most ruthless, dangerous superheroes." Tyrone spoke again. "Their power levels can be off the charts, even compared to OWMS kids."
"Are they all NPCS students? The people that disappeared?"
Tandy shook her head. "The majority are, but some of them were C-triple-S students as well, which is almost more nerve wracking. Those superheroes are trained to be spies and assassins. What they're doing with their time if someone got them to leave the school.... it cannot be good."
Jack chewed his lip and nodded quietly. The world of superheroes was starting to feel like some crazy TV show.... then again, it was the world of superheroes and there probably wasn't a set "normal" for anything.
"Any other questions?" Tandy asked after a moment of rather tense silence.
"No. I've asked my roommates most of them."
"Alright. Well it was nice to talk to you, Ty and I have to get going." Tandy stood, pulling her jacket over her shoulders. "Job interview."
"Isn't that what you had earlier?" Jack frowned.
"Yeah, follow-up interview." She chuckled. "We might be getting more than just internships, which would be absolutely fantastic actually. C'mon, Tyrone."
Tyrone stood, his huge frame towering over the table. Tandy pushed her chair in and waved at Jack. "See you soon! Winter Finals start in a couple weeks."
Jack nodded." See you."
She smiled and turned, walking off with a spring in her step. Tyrone lumbered after her, impressively light on his feet for someone his size.
Jack leaned back in his chair and watched them walk away. His head was buzzing a little. That was a strange conversation, but something told him most conversations with Tandy were.
[A/N Hello friends, I'm tired.
I'm getting over pneumonia.
School is starting up again.
Sorry I didn't get an update up during break.
Musical is starting.
I have a lead role.
I have writer's block too.
We'll see how often I can get updates up.
Please be patient.
Love you all.
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