Chapter Two
(y/n)'s POV
"Oh yeah strip for me," Kath laughed as I took off my shirt, changing into a different tee to sleep into. I scoffed and kicked her arm in retaliation. This was one of our weekly sleepovers, like we had every Friday since 3rd grade when we declared ourselves best friends. Little us must have been right, since even after we grew up into seniors we still got along almost too well.
"Shut it you hoe," I giggled back, pulling a loose, soft t-shirt over my head.
"Only for you," She winked, earning a fake gag from me.
"I'd rather fuck Race," I snorted. She pinched my arm.
"Speaking of fucking, we need a plan to get Jack to fall madly in love with you. I can get Race to ask him what he likes, and then see what applies to you and play it up a bit!" She suggested. I nodded thoughtfully.
"KATHERI- I'm just not going to acknowledge that. Okay deal, text him now," I agreed, but she was already whipping out her phone, fingers dancing along the screen.
"Hey, with (y/n) rn. Could you ask Jack what he finds attractive and stuff?" She said while she typed. I smirked in satisfaction. Maybe this would be pretty okay, I knew I wouldn't use him or anything, but a guy like Jack actually falling in love with me, if the plan worked, would be insane. I wasn't the type that got all the guys, I was a girl who had her friends but no particular love interest. I was happy that way, but it was still kinda nice to imagine someone crushing on me.
I heard her phone produce a sound of Race screaming so I knew he texted back.
"He says he doesn't know why he's texting about it, but he likes when girls are smart and independent. Good looks and a healthy amount of sass don't hurt," She read, grinning.
"Oh my god, that's so you! He'll be pining for your ass in no time!" She nearly screamed but I shushed her. We were at her place and her dad was home, and despite knowing him all there years he still scared me. He just gave me the heeby-jeebies, ya know?
"As if, if that was the case he'd already like me and then he'd have already admitted to Crutchie and Davey, those three know everything about each other," I argued.
"Then we shall ask Crutchie for help and tell him to keep it a secret. He's not as huge of a blabbermouth as Dave," She said with authority. I nodded, as this was all completely factual. Davey couldn't keep a secret to save all of our lives.
Kath pulled out her phone again, this time to contact Crutchie.
"First, I'll just tell him that I need help in a plan that requires info on Jack and keeping a secret. If he agrees, then we can make a group chat with us two, him, and Race on plans and stuff,"
"You're taking this really seriously, Kath."
"I really like my revenge and you know this. How dare they make a bet on us? I'm choosing the side that doesn't involve me and making sure it wins so I don't get pulled into it again. And also being a matchmaker is hella fun," She said while typing out her message to Crutchie. I watched over her shoulder, having nothing better to do. He started typing back immediately.
'im in, what do i have to do?'
Kath and I grinned wickedly at each other, and she set up the group chat, sending a synopsis of the plan.
'This group chat was formed because we have a goal: Race and Albert were dumbasses and made a bet about who Jack will fall in love with, and we decided Race would be more right. Also, I'm mad at Albert for betting on me and like revenge. Race bet that he'd fall for (y/n), so we're making it happen. You guys in?' She typed out. It was like a fucking novella of text.
My phone buzzed next to me (I always kept it on silent) and I knew the text came through. The group chat came alive with the two boys agreeing, excited to be part of a little scheme, a conspiracy if you will.
'the only thing off limits: I'd rather not flirt, and we're not going to end up dating. This is for a bet, then we move on with our normal lives. I ain't kissing the guy if my life depends on it.' I typed.
understandable. i'm up for a scheme and all, but he's still my best friend. i don't want him getting hurt
Kath smirked at her plan coming together.
Now, we need plans. What if we just get them to hang out more? Have (y/n) brag about a good grade at lunch, just mention stuff he likes.
Racetrack Idiot
yeah, this would be much easier if we read romantic novels or something
idea! what if we push (y/n) onto Jack and they do that cute thing where they fall together and he gets all protective. i saw him read a book with that once and he mentioned how cute it was
Kath audibly gasped and I rolled my eyes.
"Why mention it in front of me? What if I didn't wanna fall and die?" I groaned.
"We shall do it when you least expect it! Don't worry, even if he's not romantically interested, he's a protective friend. Everything will work out perfectly fine," she comforted. She had a point there, he really did love his friends. Not more than painting, but it was close. And that was saying something.
"If I die, I'm coming back to haunt you real bad," I decided. She nodded thoughtfully.
"This that not always the plan for all of our schemes?"
"You're definitely not wrong," I picked up my phone to text the group chat back.
'fine, but I only trust Kath to do it so if any of you two try, i'll have both your heads on a platter'
Kath laughed out loud at the text. She shot me a look that said "Yeah, good choice", making me laugh a bit.
"Now, let's do our nails!"
"I hate having nail polish on my nails though," I whined and she shot me an evil look.
"They can be dark purple and sparkly! Or gold, so it's worth it." She urged, leaning over to grab her huge bucket of nail polish and other nail stuff I didn't understand.
"Fine, only my fingernails and I want the purple sparkly one," I concluded and she squealed in delight before covering up her mouth.
(1131 words)
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