Chapter Twenty-Four
(y/n)'s POV
Monday came faster than I anticipated, and now I was sitting at my usual lunch table, surrounded with friends all having their own conversations. Race turned to me with a smirk.
"So, (y/n), homecoming's coming up. Got a date?" He teased. I rolled my eyes playfully.
"Not as of right now. Why, interested?" I teased, winking dramatically at the end. He played along, waggling his eyebrows flirtatiously. I decided not to mention the friend-date with Jack, since I knew everyone would take it the wrong way and I was not in the mood to get teased immensely.
"Yeah, you definitely should go to the dance with this sexy fish." He responded, still wiggling his eyebrows up and down. I laughed loudly, and heard Katherine do the same from beside me.
I glanced over to Jack, who had been talking to Crutchie previously. Now, both were watching the scene in front of them unfold. Crutchie smiling, Jack with an unreadable expression.
"Too bad you and Spot are perfect for each other and if you don't go with him I'll kill you." I teased playfully. We all knew the two boys had a thing for each other, but neither had been willing to admit it yet.
"Betrayal! I'm not goin' with Spot, but now you definitely don't get to go with all this." He gestured to his lanky body. I rolled my eyes fondly.
"Oh no, whatever will I do?" I asked, looking him straight in the eye with a deadpan expression.
"I know, I know, youse heartbroken. But it's not me, it's you." He rebutted. I gasped dramatically, laughing.
"Wow, okay, ouch. You suck, Race!" I giggled.
"Don't worry, I'm sure someone else will be very willing to attend homecoming with you." Race said slyly, before glancing in the direction of Mr. Jack Kelly himself.
"Yeah, and I think youse could do way better than Racer." Crutchie added with a bright, teasing smile.
"Excuse me? There ain't nobody better than me!" Race interjected. I snorted, letting that serve as my answer.
"I'm pretty sure anyone at this table would be better than you." Katherine sassed him. I laughed, elbowing her arm playfully.
"Kath's right, you're the bottom of the barrel Racetrack." I added.
"Youse can say that again." Jack snorted. I fist bumped him from across the table. He silently seemed to ask if we were still going together, to which I nodded. He got the message and smiled, the kind that was bright enough to replace the sun and have the world still function properly. He had a great smile.
"What about you, Jackie, youse takin a special someone?" Race turned his attention to the handsome brunette.
"I have a friend I'se is goin' with, but her identity is a secret." Jack said playfully.
"But it's two weeks until homecoming! We's all gonna die of curiosity before we know who the mystery girl is!" Race whined, but I could see something behind his playful expression. Panic? Fear? Maybe he thought the mystery girl couldn't be me, since I definitely would have told him.
I definitely wouldn't tell him.
It would be a fun little surprise, and a way to get him a bit antsy. If I was gonna play along with his scheme, I was gonna do it in my own way and have fun with it.
"Be patient, Race. Good things come to those who wait." Davey interjected, rolling his eyes.
"Plus, who cares who Jack goes with. We can give the 'if you hurt him, we hurt you' talk to her at the dance anyway, nobody needs to know in advance." Crutchie added. Katherine and I looked at each other, and I could tell she was trying not to laugh and give our little secret away.
Soon enough, the subject changed and eventually the day was over. It was a boring day, and I was glad to get home and flop on my bed, ready to take a nap when I heard my phone buzz. I picked it up, looking at it through bleary eyes.
Jack had texted me, asking if we were gonna match our homecoming attire. I'd told him I didn't particularly care, as long as I could wear dress pants instead of a dress or skirt. He was obviously fine with that, knowing I felt awkward in skirts (I couldn't describe the feeling other than feeling like I looked like a newborn giraffe. My legs looked incredibly stupid. It wasn't my thing).
We agreed to wear dark gray, and the conversation wrapped up with him telling me he had homework, and he'd text me later that evening.
I was about to follow Jack's lead and start my AP psychology homework, when my phone started buzzing over and over, and the screen showed I was getting a call from Kath.
I picked up, and before the phone even met my ear I heard an excited squeal.
I laughed, shaking my head fondly at the pure, childlike joy she was experiencing. This happened a lot, but I could tell this was different. Sure, Kath was a pretty girl who got asked out a lot, but Davey was her friend for years. If he was interested, it wasn't for any shallow reason.
"That's great! You said yes, right?"
"OF COURSE I SAID YES! We decided to wear like a jade, kinda dark green color. Gah, I'm so excited! You have to come shopping with me this weekend to get out hoco outfits!" She gushed. I laughed, nodding despite the fact that she couldn't see me.
"Yeah, of course. We always do, Kath. Now, I should do homework, if you wanna stay on the line and chat while I do, that's chill, but I wanted to let you know because I have a lot to do." I told her, getting up and going to my desk. She told me she wanted to stay on the line, so we did.
Most of it was her rambling about how excited she was for homecoming, and me commenting every so often, but we did talk about other stuff. From our futures, including pets we wanted to own (I really wanted a ferret, while she is DESPERATE for a samoyed dog), and anything else we cared to discuss. The world was our oyster, and we liked to imagine we'd conquer it together.
Just as it should be.
(1075 words)
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