Chapter Twenty-Eight
(y/n)'s POV
I grinned as I walked into school hand in hand with my new boyfriend.
We hadn't crossed paths with any of our friends yet, but I knew we would soon.
As if on cue, we then came across Davey, Race, and Albert talking about something in the hall. Jack winked as he smiled mischievously at me, before turning at waving pleasantly at them with his free hand.
"Morning guys!" He called out, grabbing their attention. We stopped in front of them, standing shoulder to shoulder with our hands entwined. We'd made sure to look at couple-ish as possible.
"Morning." Davey said, sounding a bit confused. His eyes followed our arms to our hands, before looking back at us questioningly.
"You two seem awful friendly, did anythin' happen?" Albert asked. He shot Race a look. Race, in return, smirked and wiggled his eyebrows up and down. They both turned back to us, one far more excited than the other.
"Nope, just an average Monday. We should head to class, bye now!" I interjected politely, smiling like a kid in a candy store. We walked away before they could say anything else and stopped at Jack's locker, laughing jovially.
"That was so good! Oh, the look on Race's face when we said no! People need to pull pranks like this more often, it's hilarious!" I giggled. He answered with more laughter, and when I looked up at him I felt all warm and tingly.
This was the handsome boy who happened to be my boyfriend.
How in the world had I gotten so lucky?
The rest of the day continued like that. Jack and I could hardly contain our laughter at lunch, when he stole Katherine's normal spot at lunch, the two of us often getting lost in our own conversations.
Katherine had pretended to be mad, but I could tell she was happy that I was next to Jack. And her sitting next to Davey was definitely a bonus.
For the whole week we were inseparable, which was genuine. But it was pretty fun to pull a prank while still getting to hang out with my new boyfriend.
Our faces were nearly permanently pink and we were lovesick puppies. I was happy to know Jack felt the exact same for me as I felt for him. I was honestly the happiest I'd been in months.
My newfound joy wasn't just because I was in love and viewing the world through rose-tinted glasses. I was also happy to be done with feeling like a manipulative prick and hiding my feelings because I was afraid of them.
I'd embraced my love for the cowboy, the painter, the silly dork who was so kind and amazing.
Finally, on Monday of the next week, Jack and I decided it was time to conclude our prank and come clean.
It was already lunchtime, and I was here early. Kath sat across from me in her new official spot, and we were talking about an English essay that was due soon.
Soon my friends came in, lunch and loud conversations in tow.
Albert, Davey, Race, Crutchie, and Kath were all here. Now we just needed Jack, who was "conveniently" late.
I chatted with Crutchie while waiting for my boyfriend. On the outside I seemed perfectly content and normal. But on the inside, I was definitely evil-laughing about how my friends would look when the ruse was revealed. Their reactions would be immaculate, I was sure of it.
After all, my friends were nothing if not drama queens.
I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder, and when I saw Jack sitting down I leaned in and gave him a peck on the lips.
"Oh hey babe." I said casually. He smiled, his eyes sparkling and I almost didn't hear the gasps around me as I looked up at him, lost in his beautiful eyes.
"Hey, sorry I got held up in art, didn't hear the bell." He explained, smirking slightly to me. I could see the blush on his face, since we were still a pretty new couple. PDA may have been natural to an extent, but it definitely still flustered us both a little bit.
"SINCE WHEN?!" Kath gasped, drawing my attention. I laughed, and before I could answer Race abruptly stood up.
"I knew it! Albert, you owe me 50 bucks!" He declared. Albert rolled his eyes before forking over the money reluctantly.
I giggled, leaning into Jack.
"When did you get together?" Davey asked semi-calmly, but I could see the smile making its way to his face.
"Homecoming." I answered simply.
"This evil genius decided we'd mess with ya a little before revealin' our relationship." Jack added. I nodded, still laughing a bit.
"I'm glad you's happy." Crutchie said with a smile. I glanced at Jack, who still blushed and nodded.
"Yeah." I spoke softly. "We are."
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