Chapter Twelve
(y/n)'s POV
"So (y/n). Crutchie told me there was a 'moment' between you and Jack that I should know about," Kath prompted while we were driving. She was behind the wheel in her expensive car, and I was tired and fully ready to go home and pass out. Social gatherings, no matter how small, always left me thoroughly drained.
"Not really," I answered after a long second, rather lamely might I add.
"Oh really?" She hummed mischievously. "Because he said that you and Jack were just staring at each other when he woke up this morning. And you fell asleep together. Plus, in the middle of the night when I got up to get some water, you were laying together, cuddling like you were basically married,"
"It means nothing, it's just another step to this whole plan thing," I muttered unconvincingly.
"He obviously likes you, you like him, just get together already!" She glanced over at me, a huge smile adorning her face.
"It's not that simple! I just... if we get together, it's gonna feel like I'm just manipulating him the entire time and I... I'd never enjoy being with him because I'd just feel so fucking guilty," I explained, voice dripping with distress.
"You're not the one manipulating him. You never were, sweetie. It's the other three of us. You were just a pawn in Race's whole plan, and we don't even do our planning with you anymore. You don't need to feel bad. If anyone should, it's us. I mean, especially Race, but Crutchie and I have a lot of blame to take, too." She consoled gently. It did make me feel a bit better, because I knew she was right.
I was pushed, I was told what to do, and I just went with my orders. Sure, I knew about the whole thing but I didn't cause it.
I sat silently, contemplating this new angle to the internal battle that was always going on in my head. It never ended. Sometimes there were lulls in the fighting, but my thoughts argued a lot.
Whether I should get up, in front of a class, and turn in a late assignment. Whether I should agree mindlessly when my sleep deprived brain zoned out on someone talking. It was always a battle.
"Thanks Kath. But I'm still scared I guess. What if he loses interest? What if I lose interest? What if we just don't work as a couple, break up, and ruin our friendship? I'm just... I'm not ready, I guess," I confessed slowly, my mind racing once again. The momentary calm had been in the midst of a mental storm that raged once again.
"It's senior year, (y/n)! If you want something from here, you have to get it. You know he's planning on moving out to Santa Fe next year like he always dreamed. He only won't go, or he'll only come back, if there's something major tying him here. I think you're the only one that actually can," she gently hit my arm.
"But what if he doesn't and we just end up long distance? I'm gonna try to pursue acting and maybe be on Broadway, Kath, and I need to be here. And if he really wants to go there, who am I to stop him? Plus, long distance is so much worse than the real thing, because you can't look at them in real time and they're miles away and they could easily fall out of love with you, Kath,"
"He's not gonna do that. And I know damn well that he's gonna go to Santa Fe and it won't be nearly as exciting as he dreamed and he'll come back after two months, tops, to finish college somewhere else." She insisted.
"Just because he presumably likes me doesn't mean he actually wants to date me," I told her blankly.
"Why exactly do you like Jack?" She asked after a couple seconds, smirking evilly, the kind of expression that terrified me when she wore it. Well that subject change was sudden.
"Why'd you change the subject?" I asked, letting my suspicion show.
"I was just thinking about it. Now answer me,"
"Fine. Well, where does one even start with him? He's ridiculously loyal and funny, and a really sweet person. He cares endlessly, and he'd got a good head on his shoulders. And it most certainly doesn't hurt that he's absolutely gorgeous and his voice is amazing and when he talks to you or holds you, you just feel like you're at home. He's just... he's amazing," I rambled, thinking back to all the "moments" we've had together.
She was silent for a second, but I saw the biggest grin on her face, no longer holding the scheming quality it had moments ago. She wiped away a fake tear before glancing, licking eyes with me for a moment before reverting her gaze back to the road.
"That was beautiful, and you sound straight out of a John Green novel," she said quietly.
"What can I say, sometimes I'm not the most awkward person alive or a living meme." I declared lightheartedly. She rolled her eyes, laughing at my dumb remark.
"It's like when we were little and it was before you lost most ability to socialize with human beings!" She giggled.
"I did that so young, you must have a fantastic memory," I said, jokingly wistful.
"Yeah, we both know I'm pretty great. Also, that's your house so bye!" She waved, stopping the car. I rolled my eyes and climbed out, definitely ready to get home and change my clothes. Plus reflect on stuff that happened at all, but mostly to change my clothes.
Jack's POV
"Crutchie told me something happened earlier." Davey said, and I knew I was either gonna get congratulated, lectured, or both. He'd had me stay at his house late for this whole talk.
"Yeah, somethin' happened I guess," I said, face heating up. I could hear the thickness in my accent and knew that it was a dead giveaway to my feeling of awkwardness right now.
"What happened between you and (y/n)?" He asked impatiently.
"When we were asleep we started cuddlin' and she was pressed against my chest when I woke up, and then she woke up an' we whispered to each otha for a bit an' then we sat up and we had a... a moment. We just looked into each otha's eyes an' didn't even blink until Crutchie woke up and saw us." I explained, not even bothering with decent grammar, which normally would bother Davey, but right now he looked... not angry, but unreadable.
And Davey, on average, was an open book, it was easy to read him.
"Jack, do you know how she could feel about you?" He asked after a while of silence. I shook my head, quirking an eyebrow and waiting for him to continue.
"Because you keep talking about these 'moments' and obviously they make you like her a lot and it works. But what if it's all an act? Or orchestrated? You know that Race and Crutchie are in on it, and I had a talk with her this week and she said that Kath was also in the scheme, and that (y/n) knew about it. She said not to tell you but I think it's important,"
"This mornin', we were alone and she was completely unprompted." I tried desperately to prove him wrong. I really didn't want to be wrong on this. I hated being wrong in general, but I was always right about people. And I wanted to think for a minute that the girl I liked could possibly like me, and that I wasn't just being manipulated.
"She knows about the plan, though. I don't know if she's still even trying, or if the strings are being pulled on her, too. But I just, I want you to be careful, okay? I have faith in you, and you'd be great together. But I am scared that you'll get hurt," He said, resting a hand on my shoulder.
I shrugged him off and got up to go.
"Thanks fa' the talk, Dave. Miss Medda'll be expectin' me home," I didn't bother to turn and look at him as I left.
I didn't know what I was feeling, but I knew I didn't like it. Maybe Dave should have just kept me in the dark. That would have been a hell of a lot less confusing if he did.
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