Chapter Three
Jack's POV
"Seriously, you've been actin' weirder than normal. What's goin on?" I needed to know why my friends were questioning me so much on romantic crap.
"Well we-" Crutchie started to speak, but Race slapped a hand over his mouth.
"Because, we just... ship you with someone," Race said lamely. I raised an eyebrow, trying to make him go on and just tell me already.
"You can't know! Then you'll never like her!" Race said quickly.
"Does she like me, or did this come from nowhere at all?" I asked, curiosity driving me. I really was flattered if she did, but I didn't want a girlfriend or anything.
"She's not into you yet, but I know you don't like anybody so it's always a possibility to like her," Crutchie answered.
"Can you tell me who it is?" These two were being impossibly vague and I didn't care too much, but I was still interested. I mean, I never would be into her, but sometimes it felt good to be liked or shipped with someone.
Even if I was the famous Jack Kelly, the guy who was notoriously a flirt all around school but never, in all my three years here, settled.
"Nope! But the only hint we can give," Crutchie glanced to Race, who nodded. "You know her. Well, you at least know of her,"
"Cmon, that ain't helpful at all, Crutch!" I whined. It was a Sunday night after going to hang out on Main Street with the boys, and the three of us were hanging out because I wanted answers. A wasted night so far, they hadn't budged at all.
"So, why didn't Davey come to hang with us tonight?" Race decided to change the subject. I shrugged in response.
"I dunno, said he had homework or somethin'. Probably a big project if I know him," the others nodded, humming in response.
"Should we play video games or...?" Crutchie trailed off awkwardly. The tension in the room could be cut through with a knife, which was strange. There dudes were two of my best friends, conversation was always so easy.
"Yeah, you guys know what I have. Or, we could play that horror game I downloaded." I offered.
"You mean the cute dating sim?" Race teased.
"It was tagged as psychological horror, okay?" I said defensively. The two shrugged, going down to the basement where the PC we'd be playing on was.
"So, Doki Doki Literature Club... let's conquer this cute ass shit!" Race yelled opening the game.
(y/n)'s POV
I was staring at my phone, scrolling through the depths of tumblr when I was interrupted by a FaceTime call from Race, a picture of him making a stupid face lighting up my screen. I quickly sat up and pet my hair, combing my fingers through it before answering.
"(y/n) I'm scarred for life," he said immediately. I quirked an eyebrow, noticing Crutchie and Jack in the background.
"And why is that?" I questioned, and I saw the two boys in the background perk up, not completely hunched over the desk they were at.
"Sayori died!" He wailed. God, that boy was dramatic.
"You're playing Doki Doki? Who's paying you to?" I teased. Race looked into my eyes through the screen.
"Jack wanted to play. It said psychological horror in the tags so he thought it would be fun," he said.
"I didn't know it would be this sad!" Jack interjected from the background.
"It literally said psychological horror, how did you NOT expect to end up like this?"
"How do you know about this game, (y/n)?" Race asked slyly.
"Because I played it last summer. I went the Yuri route." I said as if it was obvious. But to be fair, I mentioned playing it multiple times.
I saw Jack trying very hard to ignore the conversation, which made me smirk. Race followed suit after realizing what I noticed. He was at least interested in what we were saying.
'Flirt' I mouthed to Race, and he nodded.
"What's a pretty girl like you doing playing a dating sim, eh? Why not just date?" He had a sly tone in his voice. I groaned in my head. For how much he did it, Race sucked ass at flirting.
"And have my love interest die? No thanks," I laughed. Race wiggled his eyebrows.
"Well I'm dying to pin you-"
"Would you shut the fuck up, I'm playing a game," Jack snapped in the background.
"Yeah, I don't wanna watch phone sex!" Crutchie added, clearly onto our little scheme.
"Well then, I'll have to talk to ya later Race. See you guys Monday," I acted embarrassed, as if I'd actually been brought back to reality after being wooed or something. Race winked. I wiggled my brows.
"Bye (y/n)!" Crutchie got out just before the image of them disappeared and left tumblr in its place, having automatically gone back to the top of my feed. I got back to scrolling memes as I was before. It was too quiet without the boys being idiots, so I turned on Bonnie and Clyde, grinning when When I Drive came on.
Now that I thought about it, Jack looked a lot like Jeremy Jordan, who played Clyde. It was almost uncanny. I screenshotted the picture and opened up my last text conversation with Jackie Boy🤠 and sent the picture along with "you look like the actor who plays a 1930's criminal on Broadway, it's kinda freaky", setting down my phone afterward.
I glanced around my room before deciding that I wanted to get ready for bed. I got up, leaving my phone behind.
Race's POV
I fought back a huge grin as Jack glanced at his phone, and I saw his face light up before he momentarily abandoned the game, seemingly texting someone.
"Who ya textin'?" I asked, slinging an arm over his shoulders. It was awkward, but I think it fit for the teasing that would no doubt ensue. It could be (y/n). Please be (y/n).
"Oh, nobody," He said fondly. I looked down to his phone to see it was indeed (y/n), telling him he looked like some actor from one of those musicals she liked. I elbowed him.
"Yeah, absolutely nobody would text you sending a picture of an actor from a musical and say you look exactly like him," I teased.
"Why are you so chill about teasing me about her, you and her CLEARLY have a thing going on," He said suddenly, kinda out of nowhere.
"It's just casual flirting, don't worry your pretty little head," I flicked his temple, which made him smack my hand. I saw him trying to fight back a smile.
$50 here I come!
(1130 words)
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