Chapter Ten
(y/n)'s POV
The week was awfully boring, just the same shit as always with the added fun bonus of now definitely having an obvious crush on Jack. I had gotten good at hiding it, but I was still a bit flustered around him and my face was always slightly pink and shaped into one of those smiled reserved for someone super special.
A few people who were bored with the idea of a house party with no alcohol (or just not party people) decided to get together for a movie night at Davey's house. Les was out and Sarah rarely bothered us, but when she did she was pretty fun to be around and definitely one of the nicer siblings-of-a-friend that I'd met.
I was one of the people who didn't particularly want to go to the party, so movie night it was. I hated crowded places and loud sounds thanks to this wonderful thing called anxiety, which made it a bit of a struggle hanging out with the whole group at once.
We'd picked Frozen to watch because it was really fun to yell at, and Davey was in the kitchen popping a couple bowls of popcorn.
Katherine had her arm around my shoulders and Crutchie was laying across our laps like the true drama queen he was. Kath was scrolling through memes on her phone and I was watching, occasionally making small talk with Crutchie. He somehow managed to make small talk minimally awkward. I didn't know how he possessed that power, but it was a gift to mankind.
I half-heartedly laughed at a meme Kath showed me as she scrolled mindlessly. Nights like these were pretty common after a long week, and often times we decided sleep over at the house of whoever was suckered into being the host.
The voices hushed and I smelled the beautiful scent of food and looked up to see the boys returning with one bowl each. I sighed in relief and satisfaction. This may not be a proper party, but it was technically a party and no party was complete without snacks.
"Thank God, it was getting boring," I declared, earning a little burst of laughter from Jack, who was also nudged by Davey. They were acting kinda weird lately, but I didn't bother to question it too much. It would, inevitably, only lead to more confusion and lame excuses.
"You missed me that much?" Jack winked and I rolled my eyes.
"Sure, whatever you wanna call it. Now sit your ass down and put the movie on," I sassed back. He gave a goofy grin but pressed a hand over his heart in mock-surprise and hurt.
"Young love," Crutchie said with a wistful voice while sitting up and scooting off of Kath and I's laps. I flicked his shoulder and Jack rolled his eyes, because of course, he wasn't crushing on me yet. We'd only just hatched our first scheme, and I had no clue what else would happen because Kath made a separate group chat to discuss situations to put us in.
"Gross. The only love I can facilitate is for my delightfully dumb dog," I retorted, waggling my eyebrows playfully. Crutchie chuckled and kicked me with his good leg, going to sit with Davey on the second, shorter couch while I was nestled between Jack and Kath on this one.
I subconsciously scooted over closer to Jack, since he was warm and I was perpetually cold. It didn't help that I had forgotten my hoodie at home, which I normally just snuggled into when I got chilly.
Jack was like, a human heater anyway so it was all good.
The movie started and Davey got up to turn off the lights, leaving us only illuminated by the cold light of the screen. And yes, I liked stating the difference between cold light and warm light. I was an artsy nerd, okay? Yeah, I knew color schemes. Beat that.
I was soon absorbed in the movie, and snuggled closer to Jack little by little. Neither of us noticed until we were pressed up against one another as I relished the heat like I'd never felt warmth before. He was a different type of warm, the kind you didn't get from a cozy jacket or sitting by a bonfire.
I glanced up at him to see him avert his eyes to the screen. I knew he had been staring, or at least glancing, at me. Yes, this was good. I just had to ignore my feelings and know that this could be used for our plan. I looked back to the screen, but gently set a hand on his knee, as a little reassurance. He flinched, and I was ready to take my hand away, but then he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer.
I, of course, followed suit and decided to rest my head on his shoulder, since when we were sitting down we were close to the same height. The tee he was wearing was soft, and I smiled slightly, and decided to spare a quick glance up at him.
He was even hotter than normal at this angle, and I could see the light blush that dusted his face in light coming from the TV. I looked back to the movie, but didn't bother to pay attention. Instead I let my mind wander around the whole thing that was happening. I nuzzled deeper into his shoulder and blinked a bit, suddenly feeling a tad bit tired.
It had been a long week, and by now it was surely 8. Normally I was able to stay awake longer on a Friday night, but I felt so warm and safe. I yawned quietly and closed my eyes, ignoring everything besides Jack's touch. I really enjoyed cuddling with the human heater.
Jack's POV
My face burned, despite how cold (y/n)'s body was. How the hell does a person even get this cold without being dead? It was foreign, but it felt kinda good. I glanced down when I heard a small yawn, and sure enough, her eyes were closed. It had been a pretty hard week, so I understood, silently pulling her closer to my body, if that was even possible. At this rate, she'd be in my lap any second.
Dear God, did I actually think that?
My face burned even hotter and I tore my eyes away from her, trying to at least pretend to actually pay any attention to Frozen.
I glanced around the room after a couple seconds, only to catch Kath looking over at us with a smirk. I raised my free hand and put a finger to my lips. She looked like she was about to burst out giggling any second.
She ignored me and started giggling, pointing at us and capturing the other two's attention. I shot her a glare and glanced at them. Davey was raising an eyebrow and Crutchie was giving his usual sunny smile with just a hint of mischief behind it. He reached toward his hip and dug in his pocket for something.
Oh dear god no, he was reaching for his phone.
I rolled my eyes and glanced back at (y/n) , hoping she hadn't woken up in all the commotion. All she'd do is explain it away with being tired and it didn't matter that it was with me, and truth be told that would gonna make me kinda sad.
I didn't have time to look back up at the screen or Crutchie before an iPhone flash bathed me in harsh light for a second. Afterward, I turned to give him the meanest glare I could muster, but he gave me that smile that made most of my annoyance flush away. He was a witch, I swear.
"What exactly are you two up to?" Davey whispered. Katherine reached over to the remote and paused the movie, a clear indicator that we were all done watching it for now.
"I don't know, she initiated it," I whispered back. It was a lame excuse, but I technically wasn't lying. I saw Kath's face light up at that, which was a bit weird.
"Then why's ya arm around her shoulder?" Crutchie asked innocently.
"Well... I don't know, okay?!" I whisper-shouted, heating blooming on my face.
"Leave the lovebirds alone, guys. But just so you know, you're adorable together, I ship it, and if you break your heart I'll punch you in the face," Kath interjected sweetly, making me flinch. The movement made (y/n) stir, and I held my breath watching her. After she didn't show that she was awake, I sighed in relief and looked back to Kath with the slightest nod.
She un-paused the movie, with her and Davey paying attention while Crutchie was texting away on his phone. I had little doubt in my mind that he was texting that picture to Race, since he had said last week that they were scheming together.
Crutchie's POV
I sent the picture I had taken to Race, and it was adorable. The way Jack looked at (y/n), you could see the love and protectiveness in his face. He opened it immediately, and soon I got a message back.
"put that on a new group chat with me and al. i wanna show him that he is gonna lose the bet"
I shrugged and complied, earning a smug emoticon from Racer.
"dammit. tho, i am happy for Jackie. but i aint givin up the money until he verbally admits it and there's proof or im there, or they start dating"
I glanced over to my best friend again and smiled at the sight. His eyes were closed, and his head had fallen onto (y/n)'s. I took another picture and poked Davey. His face studied me curiously, and I pointed to our sleeping friends. He looked over and smiled softly.
It seemed like Race was gonna win the bet, but that didn't seem like the important part anymore. Those two were cute together, and I knew that they had something special between them.
(1700 words)
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