Chapter One
(y/n)'s POV
"(y/n) I made a bet," Racetrack Higgins came running into the school cafeteria and plopped down at our table while we waited for the guys to arrive.
"Well hello and good day to you too, Race. But don't you always have some sorta bet going?" I rolled my eyes and spoke flatly.
"No, (y/n), I made a bet involving you." He explained, making me slap his arm.
"Jesus, dude. What's the bet, and how much is it for?" Obviously, I was pretty annoyed at this point. Sure, Race bet on a lot of things, and sure, plenty of them were people. But those were all random kids in his classes or friends that weren't in the group. Hardly us, and never me.
"So, Albert and I were arguing about who Jack likes, and he said Kath. I was like 'no, he and (y/n) would be the cutest couple,' and then he bet me 50 whole dollars if Jack fell in love with you," he explained quickly, keeping his voice hushed. I gasped and shoved him to the side.
"You two did WHAT, Racetrack Higgins?" I screeched, looming over him. He gulped nervously. People were starting to arrive and looking at us funny, but it was mainly the same shit as always.
"I just need you to make him like you, then once he admits it everything can go back to normal besides the whole Jack being hopelessly in love with you thing." He whispered after getting up. I groaned in defeat.
"You need to quit accepting every bet offered to you. But fine, I'll go along with your dumb scheme, as long as it won't ruin my friendship with him or anything," I conceded, scooting over to make room for Kath, who'd just barreled in, fuming.
"Albert made a bet on me!" She growled in my ear while sitting down.
"Yeah, I heard from Race. He technically bet on us," I added, rolling my eyes. I seemingly did that a lot, I'd never noticed that.
"Yeah, Albert said so while explaining the whole thing. Those boys are idiots, I told Al that I'm too busy and you don't like anyone, but that just can't fly!" She ranted, clearly still very annoyed.
"Yeah, Race said because he really wants to win the bet that I should 'make Jack fall in love with me' and I went along with it, so now I'm obligated to flirt with him or something," I rolled my eyes. Kath perked up with a smirk appearing on her face.
"Ooh, my little baby's gonna be a heartbreaker! Can I help? I want revenge on Albert for the whole bet thing," she pleaded, giving me sad puppy dog eyes.
"You too?! Fine, you can try. I'm not good at this love stuff so I'm relying on you and Race to do the heavy lifting. I'm makin' him help since it's his money. But if he doesn't give at least $5 to me, I'm gonna punch him," I ranted, before Jack sat down across from us, Crutchie and Davey in tow.
"Punch who?" He asked, flashing a charismatic smile.
"Race, he stole a little origami crane I made in history earlier. It was a really good one, too!" I lied, but it was pretty believable since I made a lot of random origami stuff all the time, and was very protective of it.
"Want me to get it back for ya? I got some leverage on him I've been dying to use," Jack asked, raising an eyebrow. I shook my head.
"Nah, it's cool. I mainly wanted an excuse to punch Race. You'll have to find some other situation to use your dirt on the guy," I shrugged, giving a side smile. He nodded. Crutchie, Davey, and Kath all just watching the free entertainment provided for them.
"He always deserves it, I'm sure you'll find something by the end of the day," Kath added, kicking my foot under the table. I gave her a questioning glance before she kicked my again and gestures to Jack, who hadn't taken his eyes off me for some ungodly reason.
"Today I started reading Love's Labour's Lost! It's pretty good so far, pretty interesting, even for Shakespeare," Davey told us excitedly. My eyes widened in recognition.
"Oh yeah! It also has a musical adaptation, so I know it pretty well too," I bragged playfully, flipping my hair. He rolled his eyes.
"You're a strange, unusual brand of nerd, ya know," he teased, and the rest nodded, humming in agreement.
"Maybe you're just jealous I have actual music taste, Dave," I shot back.
"Ladies, ladies. No fighting." Crutchie chimed in, and Davey reached around Jack to flick his temple. Kath and I laughed, while Jack just scolded him like the friend group dad he was.
"So, anybody got a hot date yet?" Albert asked, sitting down and nudging Kath, who in turn hit his arm.
"Ew, other people have cooties," I made an exaggeratedly disgusted face. Crutchie stuck his tongue out at me.
"Rude, I got my cootie shot last week!"
"What about you Jack, got a girl on your mind?" Albert cut in hopefully. Jack scoffed.
"Why would I? All the girls I know are," he paused to look at Kath and I, who made stupid faces at him, causing him to laugh. "Icky,"
I wrapped an arm around her shoulder, grinning.
"My child has learned from the best," Our friend group seriously had no clue how to take anything seriously, which Albert already knew. Plus, if he wanted honest answers, who would announce it right in front of the person they liked? You have to get them alone before it's even a possibility they'll admit something big.
And liking someone was big news in this group, everyone wanted to play matchmaker and get them together already. Normally, it was relatively successful, but pretty scary.
I knew from experience, one time I said that Elmer looked good with a new haircut and then suddenly we were destined to get married and have twenty children.
"Since when am I the child? I'm older than you!" Kath retorted.
"By two weeks, you entitled top hat," I scoffed.
"Should I even question the insult?" Davey teased, and I shook my head with an innocent smile.
"Why would you question the poor, innocent mother of Katherine here?"
"Jesus Christ you-"
"Your fighting is tearing this family apart!" Albert wailed, and I reach over to hit his head. He got mine in return.
"Look who's talking, ya acorn,"
(1097 words)
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