Chapter Nineteen
(y/n)'s POV
It was Friday night, and I had no clue what the group was doing this week. I was about to ask Kath when she conveniently decided to be the most cliche fictional plot device ever and text me the plan.
"Hey!! Race is having a get-together at his house, and we're gonna have a hang out! No alcohol or anything, just party games and stuff."
"that seems very unlike Race to throw a party without the booze, but cool. i'll be there"
"Yeah, Davey and Crutchie told him he couldn't. I don't know why though, or why he cared enough to do it. Maybe he's low on it anyway and doesn't wanna buy more."
"yeah, that's weird but fair. what time is everyone meeting up?"
"Around 6:30, but I was planning on picking you up and like 6:45 if you want?"
"yeah i'm down. guess we could be a bit fAsHiOnAbLy lAtE"
"It'll surely draw Jack's attention ;)))))"
"that's not why i'm down, kath -_- not everything is about him, i have other friends too"
"Of course you do. But Jack isn't just any friend."
"you. are. ridiculously. stupid. see ya later"
"Yes indeed you will. Oh, and dress better than just sweatpants and an old t-shirt! It's a party, after all."
I sighed, leaving her on read and putting my phone down on my bed. I was glad there wasn't gonna be alcohol, since often times when my friends were drinking things got insane. Plus I hated the strong scent of it in the air, lurking into every corner of every room until you go outside for a breath of fresh air.
Instead, it was just a get-together. I could handle a get-together. That would be fine.
I wandered to my closet to find an outfit Kath would approve of. She was the type to bring me back to her house and demand I change there if I wasn't dressed well enough. Especially since she, being wealthy as all hell, had really nice outfits. I didn't even remember a time when she wore a plain t-shirt out of the house.
Because of that, I used a little more scrutiny than normal when examining viable options. I could wear a skirt, but I really wasn't a fan of those. I also could wear skinny jeans and a nice blouse with a leather jacket and combat boots.
Yeah, I liked that option a lot better.
With that in mind, I started grabbing ideas. I had light-wash skinny jeans and black ones, as well as a couple of decent blouses or button ups.
My favorite (and only) leather jacket, which was pretty plain but worn down from lots of use, as well as my nice black Doc Martens sat on my bed.
I was careful to lay the shoes sideways because otherwise it was gross, nobody wanted their shoe soles on their blankets.
I moved on to scanning my options for shirts. A gray blouse with lacy details on the collar, a black button up with extremely shiny buttons, and a muted lavender button up with slim white stripes. I
decided to still stay on my mostly colorless brand and choose the gray blouse, and grabbed the light wash jeans as well. I decided to change my fun sunset designed socks to plain gray ones too, before checking the time.
I picked up my phone, first noticing that the time was 5:49pm. Next, I noticed that Jack had texted me a couple minutes ago.
"could we talk at Race's party? I haven't seen much of you recently lol, nothing major" I read, causing a small smile to spread onto my face as it heated up.
Yeah, I surely never minded talking to Jack.
Jack was the boy that used to pick up and carry his friends bridal style in 7th grade.
Jack was the boy who helped me come out as bisexual freshman year, and was the second person I came to about it, knowing he understood. After all, he'd come out the previous year.
Jack was the boy who still brought me candy on Halloween because he knew I loved it, and watched horror movies next to me with the gang all night.
Jack was the boy who punched my ex boyfriend sophomore year when he found out that he'd cheated on me.
Jack was secure, yet fiery. Jack was the home that you never expected, but ended up needing the most.
I never could mind talking to Jack.
Sure, I wondered what he was thinking and why he needed to text me about it, but he was mysterious in all his wonderful, glorious ways.
Jack Kelly was hard to understand, hard to truly know, but once you did it would surely be worth your while. He was perfectly imperfect, and the smartest idiot I had ever had the pleasure of meeting.
I still remembered when I met him. It, coincidentally, had all been because of Race.
4th grade Race, still calling himself Anthony, had met me in his class, and stuck to me like glue. So when he asked if I wanted to sit with his friends at lunch, I agreed wholeheartedly.
My only other friend was Kath at this point, and her father made her go to some stuffy private school until entering high school. I wanted friends to spend my school recess with, since sitting alone and picking flowers for the teacher got old pretty quickly.
So that beautiful October day, Anthony guided me to his table that was filled to the brim with lots of boys, along with a singular girl. They all introduced themselves, and I could hardly remember anyone's names.
But Jack seemed like the leader, everyone's best friend, so I surely remembered him. Alongside him, the ones who stuck out to little me were Smalls, the only girl, Crutchie, who was memorable for obvious reasons, and Albert, who I admittedly had a crush on until 6th grade.
That was a really nice day, and now I had a support group that I grew up with. Additions came every once in a while, but we accepted them with open arms just as they accepted my little 4th grade self.
This party was going to be alright. But now I was feeling a bit sentimental and stuff. Gotta clear out that emotional junk before Kath would be picking me up.
I guess blasting silly showtunes it was.
(1082 words)
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