Chapter Five
(y/n)'s POV
"I swear it's like Mr. Weasel WANTS me to fail his class. He's such a sucky teacher, he doesn't even help when you raise your fucking hand and ask!" I complained to Kath.
"Calling him Weasel won't up your math grade, you know," She pointed out calmly, eating her strawberry yogurt.
"Yeah, but it makes me want to slap him less," I grumbled, taking a bite of the cold pizza I brought for lunch. I hardly ever bothered to use the microwave, especially when the food was just good served cold.
"Slap who?" Albert sat down with his tray, leaning in. He was pretty huge on gossip.
"Wiesel. He gave her a B on a test that she worked hard on," Kath explained calmly.
"Yeah, and not even a high B! A fucking 82%! I spent too many hours studying and crying over that fucking test to get an 82%!" I complained. He made a sympathetic face and reached over to pat my shoulder comfortingly.
Just then, Davey and Jack sat down.
"What's got you so gloomy?" Jack asked, concern laced in his expression.
"Weasel being a fuckhead, that's what," I grumbled.
"What did he do this time?" Davey sighed.
"He gave me an 82% on the test! That thing is huge for the grade and if I don't want my parents to stab me in the head I need to get decent grades! I spent HOURS studying over that dumb thing!" I whined, and halfway through Crutchie sat down, soon followed by Race and Elmer.
"I can help you study for the retest, if you want," Davey offered and I nodded thankfully.
"Thank God. Now I just have to make sure my mom doesn't check my grades for a while..." I thanked him, giving a small smile.
"I got an 86%, if I beat him up will you join?" Elmer lightened the mood, and I cracked my knuckles.
"Hell yeah, do ya even have to ask?" I giggled. He grinned. My friends were wizards at cheering me up.
"So, did ya hear that one of the DeLanceys actually has a girlfriend?" Race asked. My eyes widened and I shook my head.
"How the hell did that happen?" Albert laughed, leaning in.
"Who is it?" Kath added, sounding surprised and actually abandoning her yogurt for a second.
"I heard it was Alice, the girl with the pink hair? Freckles? I hear they started making out behind the school and now they're together. Hardly keepin' their hands off each other!" Race gossiped, grinning. We all gasped. I knew her, she was actually an ex friend. Super toxic and soul sucking. I almost felt bad for the DeLancy.
"Which DeLancy brother is it?" Crutchie asked.
"I heard it's Oscar. I think I saw 'em together earlier. Lookin' at each other from across the room like a couple of saps," Jack joined in, fake gagging.
"I almost feel bad for Oscar," I laughed.
"Why? I haven't talked to her, but she seems nice. A bit aggressive though," Davey joined.
"She and I used to be friends. Total bitch, likes to one up you on everything," I explained. They all nodded with wide eyes.
"Than they're perfect together. A shithead and a DeLancey," Elmer declared. I clapped dramatically along with him. Most other people still seemed very confused.
"Oh yeah! I remember her! She was awful, I hated her," Katherine exclaimed, and I nodded.
"Yeah, the one who spread those rumors and stuff? Total fuckhead, poor Oscar's gonna have to deal with that now," I laughed.
"Wait, what rumors?" Crutchie asked.
"Once she said that we were gay and dating and I was all like 'I'm straight, dude. She's not but I am and both parties have to be not-straight' and stuff died down after a month," Kath explained. I rolled my eyes.
"Dude, guess what! My siblings are going away this weekend! We can have a party!" JoJo announced, sitting down in one of the few empty chairs left.
"What're they doing?" Albert asked while shoving a couple fries into his mouth.
"Got some dumb camping trip for family bonding and I got my parents to let me stay home!" He grinned excitedly. "Which means that everyone we know is invited to a huge rager. No alcohol, we're not that irresponsible and I'm not cleaning up vomit,"
"Then what's the point?" Race whined.
"Yeah, what do people do at parties when they're not wasted?" Albert chimed in.
"Have a genuinely good time with their friends, and remember it in the morning?" Kath replied sarcastically, rolling her eyes in the most dramatic manner she could muster. That's my best friend, always too extra for her own good.
"Why would anyone want that?" Jack scoffed, but the grin on his face gave him away.
"Jack, last time you were drunk you cried because you saw a picture of a dog and it was 'just too cute'. I don't think you want the temptation," I sassed back, and I saw red bloom on his neck and ears. The almighty Jack being embarrassed was actually a pretty adorable sight.
"...Shaddup," He said after a couple seconds, triggering an explosion of laughter at the table, including Kath and I. JoJo reached over to high-five me, and for a minute we were all lost in the bliss of Jack's drunken crying.
He truly was hilarious and super emotional when he was drunk. One second, he'd be hugging you and smiling bigger than anything you've ever seen, the next he's crying because you're "just too nice to him and he doesn't deserve it".
"Anyway, what if someone were to sneak in their own liquor and not let Jack have it?" Race asked with a sly smirk. We all rolled our eyes, because of course Racer would ask that.
"No. Drugs. Or Alcohol." JoJo repeated, making me laugh and Race pout in fake sadness. At least we all had something to look forward to this weekend, which was nice.
I continued to eat my lunch and listen to my stupid friends be ridiculous together.
(1019 words)
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