Endings become new Beginnings
Davetrap had just arrived in front of Jack in Jack's Freddy's location
Davetrap: Old Sport! It is I! Dave "the Springtrap" Miller! I came back, I always do!
Jack: you're late Dave. You know I don't like to be kept waiting
Davetrap: well- Do you remember the last time we saw each other, sportsy? And you said that I was outnumbered?
Jack: of course I do
A bunch of broken down animatronics appeared behind Dave
Davetrap: Well, NOW who's outnumbered? Sportsy, I'd like you to meet my army. Boy, I've had a busy month... Tracking down every possessed robot left... Every murdered soul... Back at my disposal! Robots possessed by dead kids, robots possessed by dead nightguards! This is my army! Now who's outnumbered? I locked the front door on the way in to. You're trapped, and now, YOU'RE gonna learn how it feels to be alone and outnumbered!
Jack: My God, Dave. You're just as predictable as I thought
Davetrap: oh? And what do you mean by THAT?
Jack: Dave... I knew exactly how to confront you a month ago. All of this? A carefully hatched scheme for you to bring them here. You've gathered them all in one place. Every 'survivor' of Freddy's, all in the same room.
Davetrap: what are you talkin' about, old sport?
Davetrap stood and looked around
Davetrap: wait, is that fuckin'-
Davetrap looked back at Jack
Davetrap: Do I smell gasoline?
Jack: I made mistakes when I set up Fazbender's Fright. Buying a fun-house in a theme park? You had tons of ways to escape that flaming building. This building? I designed, from scratch. This building was designed to be a tomb. Your tomb. You're the one who's trapped. You, and every lost soul here. You're all going to burn. Can't you see?
Davetrap put his hands behind his back and looked down
Davetrap: Clever. Very Clever. Gatherin' us all here... But, there's just one error in your plan, old sport...There's no way out.... for anyone. If you strike a match, you're gonna burn with the rest of us!
Jack: That's the plan.
Jack took out a lighter
Jack: Goodbye, Dave.
Jack lit the lighter and it all went black
Jack was back in the flipside with his Sister Dee whose soul is in the Puppets. His brother Peter who was converted into a phone guy after he died in a springlock suit. His old Freddy's boss Steven who was killed by Henry and converted into a phone guy. The good side of Dave. And Jack's soul formed as Jack's dog before his dog died, Black Jack.
Dave turned to Jack
Dave: wow.
Everyone else turned towards the two
Dave gained a sad face
Dave: you just... Burned it all down. With yourself inside. All to catch me.
Jack: To catch all of the remaining souls. They're all going to be free, Dave.
Dave: For what it's worth... I'm glad it's all over now.
Steven: Not quite yet. Don't we have something else that we need to be doing...?
Peter: I believe we were gonna face a grand and intoxicating evil?
Steven deadpanned: okay, nope, don't like the sound of that.
Dee narrowed her eyes at Steven
Dee: Don't be such a big baby, Steven. 5 against 1, we can do this.
Jack: well, this is it. Take us to the Void, Blackjack. It's time to kick some magenta ass
A door going deeper into the Flipside opened up
They all entered to lowest level of the flipside
Jack: so this is the void eh?
Dave: Cozy.
Steven: this place is like my old bachelor pad, but nicer.
Dee: well? Where is he?
Blackjack grew an angry expression: HE IS NEAR.
HIM: Visitors? How quaint. Has judgement day finally come?
Dave was angry as well: Yeah, stop hiding, you salmon-colored fuck!
HIM: as you wish
Henry: So, my jailer returns... with 5 visitors no less. Thrilling. What do you need from Henry Miller?The Voidwalker.
Peter: we need you to lay down and stop moving! Like, forever!
Dee: yeah, we're on a quest to save every soul, and right all wrongs!
Henry: oh, how amusing. If you think there's any hope of "saving" my poor, fragile little soul... You're mistaken.
Dave: oh no. We're just here to clobber you a fuckton of times, over the head!
Henry: William. Oh, how bitter. You've finally found me, and you've decided to join the others in killing me. Fancy that.
Dave: I sure have, Henry. My God, I just- you really pulled the wool over my fuckin' eyes, y'know that? I don't know what you did to my head but... I can't forgive you for what you've done. For what you've done to me, and everyone else. This has been a long time comin'.
Henry: what I'VE done? You helped me, William. Every step of the way. I couldn't have done it without you. Or likely, I could've. With ANOTHER human meat-shield. Or, apologies, whatever you are. You look as human as the rabbit suit that you used to wear. I never figured out exactly what you were, but a human, you are not.
Dee: you're one to talk about humanity! You murdered kids, tortured adults...
Peter: destroyed families...
Steven: ruined lives.
Jack: This is the end of your pathetic "legacy", Henry.
Henry: oh, what do we have here? A gigantic, soulless, orange infant, 2 rotary phones, a sock puppet, the purple muppet-baby that the world tried to forget, and the Dog of Christmas Past. I'm Dr. Henry Miller, and I'm going to teach you all what you failed to learn the first time I slaughtered each and every one of you.
Henry: Just try and stop me, you photo-negative canine.
Henry had a bunch of weird things surrounding him with giant eyeballs
Peter: How on earth are we gonna hit him with all of this spite surrounding him?!
Dee: We need to clear the spite before we attack him. It's the only way.
Everyone started to attack the spite surrounding Henry
Henry: Attacking with physical blows? How crude and ineffective. I prefer to use honesty, whenever possible.
Henry looked at Steven
Henry: Steven. Your death was meaningless. An impulse. Part of a bet that William and I had. You died for nothing.
Steven fell over onto the floor from the realization
Dave: Holy fuck.
Jack: Jesus Christ- Don't let your guard down, everybody! Keep battling the spite!
Henry: Time to address the other absurd telephone-man here. As if one wasn't enough...
Henry turned to look at Peter
Your own family died just to get away from you. You were an orphan, yes? But, that includes your own siblings too. You meant more to the world as a phone-headed boss at a fast food restaurant than you did to your family when you were alive.
Peter then fell similar to Steven
Jack: Dear GOD- Don't retreat, that's what he wants! Our anger just pushes us harder!
The anger of everyone made them feel more powerful as a group and stronger
They attacked more spite
Then was stopped by Henry again
Henry: Well, time to address the sock-puppet in the room! You couldn't save a single one of those children, and you sure as hell can't escape me. You couldn't that day at the diner, and you certainly can't now.
Dee fell forwards this time on her knees and cried with tears over her masked tears
Jack: Oh GOD- We're gonna fuckin' FLAY you alive, Henry!
Henry: I'd like to see you try.
Jack, Dave, and Blackjack finished the last of the spite, then Henry spoke again
Henry: I've grown weary of you, mutt. You sat by and watched your old vessel commit atrocity after atrocity. Dead children, all the lives he wove... and you held me here, refusing to kill me while you had the chance. Allowing my evil to leak into the world again... All of this is your fault. You think you're wise, but you're just like Fredbear. A goddamned coward.
Fredbear... The REAL Fredbear... The one who revived Jack from his death in a springlock suit... he was gone from the flipside for years, and never returned to help the lost souls
Blackjack collapsed as well
Dave: Holy Fuck! How. Evil. Are. You?!
Henry: you helped me, didn't you? You've always helped me.
Dave: You poisoned my brain! You broke me. You ruined my life!
Henry: You had no life. You were always broken. I merely played with you. Toyed with your affections.
Dave: That's not true-
Henry: You have killed just as many children as I have, William. The same hell that I was spared awaits you soon.
Dave then fell along with the others
Henry then turned to Jack
Henry: Now, to finish this. Jack. You are a cancer. You have no soul inside you. No LIFE inside you... No right to exist.
Jack: I know I don't. But, neither do you. Say whatever you want. You've taken everything from me already.
Henry: You can never undo what I've done to her,, YOU KNOW.
Jack: Maybe not. But... We can make sure it never happens again.
Jack then helped everyone up
Narrator: Jack's Swuad fuckin' won!
(There is a Narrator in the game)
Everyone went full on attack
Steven kicked Henry's back
Dee bent Henry's right arm backwards
Peter tackled into him with his right elbow up
Dave strangled him with a line of sausage
And Jack headbutted Henry's head
Henry: I- I don't- I don't understand- I'm- I'm the Protagonist- How can thiiiiiii
Henry stood still unmoving
Steven: He's done for. We've won.
Henry: Won?! Won... Let me tell you... I have been sealed here for an epoch.... and yet, my influence- The culmination of my being... I leaked into your world. Go ahead, let me DIE. I'll be back. I always-
Dave: Shut up and die, you pink-fuck!
Henry: God damnit-
Henry then vanished
Peter: So, is- Is that it?
Dee: have we-
Steven: ... won?
Dee: It's- it's over. We can leave!
Steven: We showed that pink h-h-h-HECKER who was boss, didn't we?
Dave: So... Does that mean it's time for us to go? Our... Happiest Day?
Dee: Of course it does, Dave. But, first. I think we all have someone to thank.
Dave: Ohhhhhh...
Steven walked in front of Jack
Steven: Okay, me first. Look, employ- Jack. I never really knew you all that well. I guess I've never really known anyone all that well... Here I am, workin' a dead-end pizza job, my head is a phone, etc, etc... Next thing I know, you show up, and it all comes crashing down. My wife was a lie, my life was a lie, my kids were probably robots or whatever. But... That's the thing about you, Jack. You fix things. Even though you couldn't fix yourself, you fixed me. I hope you'll somehow be able to join us.
Jack: Goodbye, Steven. You deserve some rest.
Steven: Thank you, Jack. And I'm sorry. For everything.
A beam of light flashed Steven away
Peter then walked up to his brother Jack
Peter: Alright, time for the second phone-headed guy in your life to do this. Look, bro, you know I've never been any good at goodbyes. Wasn't any good the first time, or the second time, and this is no exception. But... If there's one thing I can say about you, it's that you don't give up. You come back to people, even when they don't necessarily deserve it. You always do. You vowed to find her, and you did. None of this would've been possible if it weren't for you. I'm glad you saved me, but frankly, I would've given up my salvation in exchange for hers. And yet, we both get to go together. This is the first time we've really been together in this Era. The first time since Mom and Dad died... And it's all because of you.
Jack: Peter-
Perter: I'm sorry I left you two alone. And I'm so sorry for blaming you for what happened. Thanks for never giving up on her. On me.
Jack: Goodbye bro... I hope I can join you both soon.
Peter: See ya, Jack.
Peter was gone in a flash of light
Dee flew over to Jack
Dee: Okay, my turn. Bro... You're a good guy. You've made your fair share of mistakes, but... I've never met anyone willing to go as far as you have, just to right their own wrongs.... and often, other people's wrongs. You fought against the universe and won. You saved my soul, Jack. All of our souls.
Jack: sis...
Dee: I'm so glad that you found me.
Jack: I am too Dee. I'll join you all soon, I just know it.
Dee: Goodbye, Jack. And thank you. For everything.
Dee was gone with a flash of light
Dave walked next to Jack last
Dave: So... Just me and you now, eh, sportsy? And that purple mutt. Look I-
Jack: Dave. I lied to the others. I couldn't bear to tell them- I'm not going to be able to join you guys.
Dave: You mean-
Jack: I'm soulless, Dave. I'm a meatsack. There's no part of me that can follow you. You're going to have to leave me behind.
Dave: Jack... I don't know what to say... I'm going to miss you, sportsy. I- I won't go. I CAN'T go. I can't lose both you AND Henry. You're the tangerine to my aubergine! The clementine to my aubergine! I'm not strong enough to go alone. Not again.
Jack: ...
Jack put something into Dave's hands
Dave: Sportsy, what's... What did you just give me?
Dave looked at his purple hands to see a collar labeled "Blackjack"
Dave: But- This is... Your soul?
Jack: Take him with you. He won't leave you.... That's kinda his thing. You two can leave together. You two have each other now.
Dave: Old Sport, I- I don't know what to say, I-
Dave started crying
Dave: So, this is it, then... I guess this is goodbye...
Jack: Dave- You are a complete and utter WEIRDO. It shouldn't be at all hard to say goodbye to you! And yet- .... It is.
Dave: Sportsy, I-
Jack: Goodbye, William. I hope you can find peace with what you've done.
Dave picked up Blackjack sadly
Dave: Goodbye, old sport. Thanks for putting me back together...
In a flash of light Dave disappeared with Blackjack
Jack reappeared inside of the Freddy's location
Fire still burning heavily
Animatronics spread across the floor burning
Jack's body stood with him looking down
Nose completely gone and parts of his orange skin deteriorating
Jack then looked up and smiled
To see him
The REAL Fredbear, looking back at him
Jack nodded
And the Real Fredbear nodded back with a smile
Jack himself smiled as the flames of the fire consumed him
A news station talked about the restaurant Jack made going up in flames, and even a note Jack wrote to put up some gravestones for a list of people for their souls to go to rest
????: -ort, old- ort-
Jack blinked open his eyes
"Dave? but, I thought-"
"I don't know Old Sport, but it seems... there seems to be some multiverse shenanigans"
"is it just us?"
"Oh, no, everyone else is here... and I mean everyone..."
A robotic spring bunny suit walked over to the two
"Old Sport..."
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