" adi. .why you are standing here.." adi looks back when he heard pragya's voice. PRAGYA looks at him as he was not crying and was sad . She knows that he was scared as she never raised her hand on him..adi looks at pragya who knows about her very well as she is now worrying about him. Adi breaking the silence, mumma..I hate to be here..I know dadi, aliya bua are good but not that egoist ..he stretches the last word while pragya says, adi..I know you are angry on him..for that you are speaking like this..is this the way I thought you..whatever he did was wrong for that you will speak like this..if others hears this ,they will say I didn't brought up you well ..adi, sorry mumma..how dare he was about to slap me..even you didn't raised your hand on me.. I will not leave him.. PRAGYA smiles saying , I was sad that you will be worrying about him but you are thinking what to do next..adi ,mumma..I am not a small boy to cry like this...I am bold as like miss.PRAGYA ARORA.. pragya chuckles saying ok boss ..now come..all are waiting for you as they are worried . Adi, let's go mumma..and will reply that team pragya will never fail. Pragya stopping him ,who is team pragya..adi, you and me..pragya, then adhu...adi, she is Mr.mehra team..don't ask me more ma..I am feeling hungry..let's go..
They both headed towards the dinning area. All were waiting for them but abhi was the one who was worrying more. He never want to raise his hand on his own son but he is not letting any chance when he nears him..he looks at pragya and adi coming and was relieved and looks at aditi who smiles at him. Aliya looks at adi saying here ....adi came..dadi smiles at him while he looks at abhi with a smirk. Abhi in his mind , he is back to his form..this one is enough to prove that he is my son..I know I used to be like this ..when I am young but now I am seeing my son like me. His smirks are killing me..I thought he will be upset but he came with a smile and what happened..sure pragya would have consoled him. Pragya makes adi to sit and serves him. He looks at aditi who was just looking at him with smile. He just turns after looking at her and thinks soon she will understand everything and then she will be on our side . He just ate and abhi asks adi, jaan ..where you went..I know you will not go anywhere but these people n.a...they got feared of your silly acts especially your mumma... Adi closed his eyes in anger while pragya sighs him to be quite.she looks at him angrily and pats adi's shoulder who looks at her with a smile. Adi, I know Mr.MEHRA...as they love me ..they atleast got sad ..not like you who left us. Abhi felt a pain while hearing his words . He leaves from there while pragya scolds adi asking what you said now..I told you not to say any words .. adi, mumma..i said only the truth..he left us when we needed him..now i don't want him..even you know I don't want to stay here..but for you and aditi..I am here.. he leaves saying this while pragya looks at him sad.
In abhigya's room...
Aditi looks at abhi who was sitting on the bed with sad face. She walks to him while he looks at her with a blank expression. Abhi, I am trying to near him...but he hurts me more..aditi, papa..he is always like this..he needs more time to change . But sure if he likes you then he will love you more than anything in this world. Abhi ,are you sure ..he will change and I can win his heart..Aditi, I am sure papa. ..now don't be sad as I will get sad seeing you like this. Abhi takes her in his arms while pragya and adi comes there. Adi looks at abhi and pragya eyes him to say sorry but adi nods no. They too were speaking in eye contact which confused abhi and aditi . After so much confusions, adi opens his mouth saying i am sorry..Abhi feels happy after hearing his voice but his heart beats to hear his voice calling him papa. PRAGYA looks at aditi saying you didn't slept yet ..tomorrow you have to go to school..come ..better sleep now. Abhi gets a call so he leaves from there while pragya makes adi and aditi to lie on the bed. She starts to tell some inteesting stories which made them to close their eyes as now pragya was reading her book. But her thoughts were about something..
Fb starts...
" what you want now ? Already I said I will not stay here " pragya yells at abhi while entering the room. " I am patiently explaining you but you are just behaving like a kid" abhi tells while locking the door. " whatever you say..I will not stay here..what's there between you and me? " pragya asked while abhi smiles at her. Abhi" if you want to leave..go I will not who you.." pragya looks at him with a blank expression.. pragya, 'what you mean..to say this ..you took me here.."
PRAGYA gives a disgusting look and turns to leave but abhi continues ," listen fuggie..before you leave..I want to clear a point..you only can leave but my kids will stay here.." pragya turns towards him asking" what you mean..they are my children..then how can they stay without me.." Abhi , again I am saying that they are our children..not yours or mine..why can't you understand that they too need a mother and father idiot.. pragya lost her patience asking did they informed that they want us to be together. Abhi, " you will never understand a simple thing..making them complicating..
Abhi takes his phone and comnects with the t.v. and plays the video. Roshni, aditi..tell me a thing..don't you miss your pals? Aditi looks at her and says ofcourse ..I miss him..I want to see who is my Pappa and i too want to play with him like my friends do and I want my mumma and Pappa together.. I really want them to care for us. The video ends ...
Abhi , for this. .I am struggling till now..and you know onething..aditi will never tell straightly that she needs me because you will get sad..same with adi. Now he is in anger but I am sure ,he too miss me. I want my children to be happy...pragya looks at him without uttering a word while abhi continues if you want to go after knowing that out kids need us and here ...he takes a document where adi and aditi are legally handed to abhi .pragya, this can't happen..we didn't got married...then how will you get the custody .Abhi smiles nearing her says that's what you told..we never married then how can children's be with you..I have equal rights on them..as like you..I took the DNA test and submitted the report to the judge with this audio. He only permitted me to take them along with me but I didn't want them to leave you as I know you can't live without them..pragya looks with tears in her eyes. Abhi , I know I did a big mistake as I left you when you needed ..for that I was dying from the day you left me. I was lifeless without you in my life..that day I thought about me but not about you or my child. I am not a good son , nor a lover but I want to be a good father..I too want my children to love me. He falls on his knees while pragya sheds her tears. She can't see him like this as she too kneels before him and suddenly abhi hugs her saying i am sorry fuggie. .I am sorry..pragya just pats his back for a comfort and says nothing is wrong in you ...Abhi, how can you say that I am not wrong..because of me...you left your family . .your friends..everything..you left me too..how did you beared all the pain alone ...you would have felt that I should be with you at your pregnancy right..but I failed ...fuggie ...pragya breaks the hug and makes him to look her and holds his chin. .. PRAGYA, see..I don't know whether I could forgive you now.. as I need some time..but sure I am not angry on you..I am really broken down from inside..Abhi wipes her tears saying take how much time you need..but don't leave from me...please fuggie .don't leave.. pragya looks at him while screen flashes between their faces ..
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