So lets start episode 7……
Days passes by n ragsan gets bsy in dere lyf.Bt still dey had a fresh memory about eo!!..a feelng had developed inside dem unknown to demselves.
On d other side one more feelng is developng but it's atrocious ….RUDRA’s obsession is increasng more n more every second. He jst wanted to get ragini nyhow.n rags ignorance is makng him more crazy. His insanity has no boundaries…
“Whats going on here”-sanky asked to uttara n laksh; who r drooling into laughter ,peeping inside sujata’s room.
“Hahahahhahahaa…bhai look inside u”ll get ur answer”-replied uttara holdng her stomach.
Sanky frowned n peeped inside the room n ws shocked to see her choti maa jumping or u cn say dancing wearing loose grly pink trouser wid t-shirt n a band tied on her forehead wid caption -“LETS DO ZUMBA”
.his eyes gets bigggggger….
Laksh n uttara cnt able to ctrl dere laugh n endded up by fallng inside d room.
Suji stopped as she saw dem.sanky tried to balance lakutt…all r lookng at eo shockngly.n den again lakutt bursted into laughter.
Sanky tries to supress his laugh .sujata understood dat she again bcame a JOKE.
Tears droplet formed in her eyes.sanky saw it n shaked lakutt. sanky moves to console suji bt before him annapurna comes n hugged sujata .
Ap asked her ,d reason for cryng.
Suji said-“jijji ..i always wanted to bcome lyk u..modern…n i saw dat modern people do dis zumba…….soo…i also tried to do dis..but ended up by makng fun of myself nly”
Ap said _"dat shez really precious n unique in dis world.she dont need to change herself for d society or nyone.however all family members loves her 🙂 ”
Suji asked-“sach jijji”
Ap nodded in yes.
Suji wiped her tears n again hugged ap .
Laksh uttara n sanky hugged suji from back.n holded dere ears n said-“we love u chooo much suji maa”
Suji smiled at dem.
Uttara-“maa m soo proud to b ur daughter.n u always wl b d bstest mother in dis world.”
Laksh-“n u dnt need to do all dis zumba …u already have such a s*xy figure sweetheart” n winks at her.
Suji widens her eyes n all laughed.
Sanky adores his family bondng n smiles.
Rags ws jogging wearng a grey track suit.
She halted at a place , bends down taking deep breaths.
Someone patted her shoulder.she tilted her head a lilltle to found rudra standng wid a smile on his face, wearng a hooded grey jacked n trouser.
“Hey ragini ..remember me…!!!”-asked rudra showng his dimple smile
Rags stand straight n faced him -“oh sir.. u here!!!”-asked rags wid confused face .
“.mmmm!!yeah i thought of fishng so came here”-said rudra throwng his hands in air.
Rags frowned
“Oh common ragini….dis is park ..n all comes for joggng m also here for dat nly”-said rudra lokng at rags.
She shooks her head n den smiled..
“Okay sir …..m leavng now..its gettng late..i need to go to d clinic..catch u later.bye”-said rags bidng adieu to him
He nodded his head n saw her running towards her car..
His lusty eyes were scanning her s*xy figure.
“SOON I”LL MARK U MINE”-said rudra smirkng.
“Rudra since den i ws callng …..”-words gets sealed in biswanath’s mouth as he saw d wall when stepped inside rudra’s room.
D wall ws full of rags pics..some are private pics….n some closeups of her lips n eyes…
D walls proves dat rudra is really gettng insane for her.
“Dad …!!how dare u to enter my room”-said rudra comng out of washrroooom,n pushng bishwanath out of d room.
“Dats y u dnt let nyone get inside ur room ..hmmm….i thought u became sensible..responsible after comng from u…u”ll never change..i forgive all ur crimes n always gave u freedom ,i thought u”ll bcome change one no not at all…its all my mistake nly…i shouldnt have gven u so much of freedom…here m tryng my best to make u d leader of our party n on other side u r wastng ur tym on a grl…wts all dis rudra..hmmm!!answer me!!'” -shouted bishwanath singhania.
“Shut up dad…y r u shoutng so much..ahh!!see my ears strted paining….”-he calmly goes n sits on d chair n continued-“okay so let me make u clear…thnku so much for wtever u have gven me till m nt at all interested in ur party varty..i jst want her”-rudra gets up n moves towards bishwanath poitng his hand to rags pics….
He startd movng around bishwanath n says gritting his teeth-” i want her nyhow….i dont know how u”ll make her i jst want to have her here wid me…!!”
“Its enough of u rudra..stop dis drama..u have to join dis party…orelse i”ll throw u out of my property”-said bish in anger.
“Hahahahahah …dad dad dad…..dis much anger is nt good for ur health…relax dad…n i wanna tell u one thng …”-said rudra whisperng in bish. Ears
“I know ur secret dad BOOOOM”-COMPLETED RUDRA shoutng in bish ears.. n den started laughng loudly.
Bish gets hoorrified.
“Now b a good father n do as i say”-said rudra lookng at bishwanath .
“Hey didu..look at devil(shekher) enemy’s son…he newly joined politics…oh god..hez soooo handsome …!!!”-said swara adorng d person in tv while sittng in couch.
Rags smiled at her childsh behaviour n comes to see d person!
She ws shocked to see sanky gvng speech..
“U know wt didu,he jst came to politics bt is handlng it soooo well…hez lyk his father durgaprasad nly ,a true leader ..i have full confidence dat he”ll surely became d bst politician one day..mark my words didu :)”-said swara makng rags comng out of shock.
“Swara change d channel…dey r our enemy…u shouldnt praise dem lyk dis…understood”-said rags
“Ahh!!wen dey became our enemy??wt wrong did dey have done to us??dey r jst devils enemy..n m soo proud of den..dey r d real leaders..even i always voted for dem nly.i jst love to see d tym wen always dat devil gets defeated by maheshwaris.hahahahha it ws such a lleasure to see dat devil’s pissed off face”-said swara smirkng.
Rags nooded her head in disbelief n goes towards her room.
“Yes say bishwanath”-says shekher attendng bish. Call
“Shekher i want our frndshp to grew into relationshp…wts say? I want rags hand for my son rudra”-said bish.
Shekher gets shocked ..he thinks of smthng n says-“i…i cant..”
Bt before he could complete bish says-“i know wts d reason for ur denial….dont wry after marriage also ,all d property of ragini wl b in ur name nly. Even i”ll gve u more den now wts ur u agree or..??”
“Agreeeeeed”-said shekher wid a wide smile n cutted d call.
“Ragini.. Ragini..shramishtha..swara ..”-shouted shekher as he reached his house.
“Wt happened Chachu..”-asked rags steppng down d stairs.
From d other side sumi also came.
“Swara had gone for her classes…bt wts d matter”-said sumi
He smiles widely n feeds sweeets to rags n den to sumi n says-“m very happy today..get ragini ready soon..biswanath is coming to finalize ragini marriage wid his son rudra”
Sumi smile faints aways n rags gets shocked…sumi ws about to say somthng to shekher wen rags said-“but chachu i dont wanna get married ..atleast not so sooon…n i dnt even know sry bt i cnt accept dis proposal”
Shekher gets angry n throws d sweet box in floor..
He goes straight towards ragini n SLAPPED her hard..all her hair falls in front n she holds her cheeks wid her palm in shock . sumi runs towards her bt shekher stopped her by holdng her wrist n says to rags-
“U….inauspicious grl…i ws handling u since soo many years…frst ur bad luck killled ur parents ,n den snatched all d happiness from dis house….n now also doing d same thing…no never..i wont let u destroy nythng now…u r a burden to us n i”ll get rid of u as soon as possible …n nobody cn stop me in now.”
“I ws bearng u jst bcoz of ur money…my fool brother named all d money in ur name…n added a clause dat All ur money wl b transferred to ur husband wenever u”ll get married..i always hided u in dis house..u were lyk GOLD LYING HEN to me..i prisoned u jst lyke golden bird. .so dat u cnt get married to nyone….but but but destiny wants smthng else nly… i”ll get alll more den i ever expected..hahahahah ….its said na dat patience fruit is always sweet to taste…”
Rags couldnt believe her ears ..dat her cahchu’s real face is dis. ..more den sad..shez angry n now she cnt take dis nymore n bursted out!!..
“Chee…i nver imagined dat u”ll b lyk dis..i respected u as my u…u r reallly a devil”-shouted rags wid moisted eyes .
“U… dare u to open ur mouth in front of me”-said shekher leavng sumi’s hand n holdng rags hair tighty .
Sumi protested n hit shekher bt he pushed her forcefully n odered his bodyguards to lock her in room.
Sumi shouted to leave rags n rags cries to see sumi .
Shekher dragged rags n locked her in her room n said-“now nobody cn stop dis marriage..u cnt spoil my years planning n patience .”
Rags shouted to leave her by banging d door hardly n cried ….she goes towards window n tries to open it bt saw guards standng down it. She closed d window wid lots of anger n helplessness .
Rags ws sobbing sittng down in floor holdng her knees n buried her face inside it.
She remembered her mom n dad n cries more.
She heard door opening sound n quickly looked up .she thought sumi or swara had come to rescue her bt d voice thrilled her veins.
“Waitng for me ragini ji”-rudra voice comes as he enetered n bolted d door.
Rags widens her eyes n she gets shieverd seeing him proceedng towards her………….
So guyz wt wl happen now??
How rags wl get out of dis situation??
N about which truth rudra ws talkng to bishwanath.??
Stayed tuned wid me to know about all dese!!
So guyz done wid another chappy!!hope u all lyked shower ur views in d comment box 🙂 🙂 🙂 …
Lots of love
Keeep rockng n stay blesssed
Yours fairy 😉
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