"...It's no secret that Cornelius doubts my loyalty to the ministry." Dumbledore's voice sounded as Krystal made her way down the stairs, "...for years he's feared that I want to take the title of Minister Of Magic from right under his nose."
Krystal now found herself sneakily listening to the conversation between Sirius and Professor Dumbledore.
As a member of The Order she felt she had every right to know everything Dark Arts related, but as a mature young women (who just turned 16 a week after school let out) she knew the difference of right from wrong, she also knew that right now she was just being a nosy person listening in on a private conversation. Because if it was Order related Dumbledore surely would have called all of the members to discuss whatever topic he was talking about at the moment.
"...Make no mistake, the ministry will try and get it's toes into Hogwarts, I don't know when but I can feel it." Dumbledore finished, the sound of chairs scrapping against the wood floor had Krystal running back up the stairs to make I appear like she was just coming down.
"Ah miss Montgomery, I trust your vacation away from school is going well."
Krystal took a seat on the last few steps and answered him, "it's going good."
"And how are your apparitions lessons going?"
"Kreacher's had to stock up on Dittany because she keeps Splinching slightly." Sirius filled him in with a slight smirk and a humored shake of his head.
"Destination, Determination, and Deliberation." Professor Dumbledore stated.
Krystal's cheeks flushed red
"I know, and I am's just that sometimes, well instead of focusing on the destination my mind will start thinking of other things." Her loving smile gave away what she was really thinking of when apparating.
"Ahh young love." Dumbledore smiled as he picked up on her lovestruck face, "and how is young Mr Diggory?"
Krystal and Cedric wrote to each other constantly, "he's doing good, I actually spent my birthday week with him and his family, they took me to the beach and I was able to see Angelina as well."
And as soon as her words were out of her mouth the large clock sounded causing the large old picture of Mrs Black to screech.
Kreacher scurried out and began covering the yelling lady up. "Miss Krystal is going to be late ma'am"
"Shoot." Krystal got up, and in a mad dash to get her jacket, purse, and scarf she knocked over the umbrella holder causing the portrait to yell its threats and profanities once more. "Sorry sorry." She apologized.
"Maybe if we apparate?" Professor Dumbledore suggested.
Krystal smiled and grabbed onto his arm, "Thanks for the lift."
"Oh no, you see I too need to get to Diagon Alley and I was hoping that you would, how did you say, give ME a 'lift'."
Krystal let go of his arm and backed away a little, "I can't, I could hurt you."
"I have every faith in you my dear, now come, time waits for no man or in your case Madame Malkin."
Over the summer Krystal had indeed moved in with Sirius Black, she also opened a Wizarding bank account like she said she would and picked up a job as Madame Malkin's assistant.
She nervously stepped forward and once again took Professor Dumbledores arm.
"Breath Krys" Sirius said gently, "and focus on your destination."
Krystal shot him a nervous smile, Sirius was a good teacher, patient and determined. Given what she read about his and James' mischievous days in Hogwarts she was surprised at how much he actually learned while there, but he had managed to catch her up magically-wise to the rest of the wizards her age and then some.
Krystal closed her eyes and breathed like Sirius had coached her, she imagined the outside of Madame Malkin's Robes for All Occasions shop and before she knew it, that all too familiar lurch deep in the pit of her stomach sprang forward but was quickly replaced with the surprising feel of solid ground under her feet.
"Well done Krystal my dear."
The sound of Dumbledores voice caused her to open her eyes, she looked herself over twice but couldn't find anything hurt or missing.
"How are my eyebrows?" She asked looking up at him.
"Shapely and well groomed." He commented with a chuckle.
"Just wanted to make sure I didn't leave anything behind." She admitted with a nervous giggle.
"My dear, I do believe you just performed a perfect apparation, now off to work for the both of us."
The two said goodbye before parting their separate ways.
"I'm sorry I was almost late." Krystal apologized.
"Don't even worry about it ducky," Madame Malkin quieted her. "But do you mind, there's a customer in one of the changing rooms, he needs measurements taken and some seams need to be taken out. I have to pop into the bank to drop off this money."
Krystal nodded and just like that Madame Malkin stepped outside before apparating away.
"Madame Malkin had to step out momentarily but I am her assistant and can help you with whatever you may need." Krystal said as she made her way over to the dressing rooms.
"Does that include a slight snog session?" The voice sounded, "because I am in desperate need for one of those."
The door opened and Cedric stood there grinning from ear to ear.
Of course Krystal had told her boyfriend all about her job so it was no surprise he said he would be stopping by to pick up some new school robes, she didn't expect to see him so soon.
But Krystal didn't question any of it, instead she anxiously threw her arms around Cedric's neck and he brought his lips down on hers, and just like he suggested they did indeed have a small make out session right there in the dressing room.
"So Madame Malkin said you needed your measurements taken as well as to have some seams taken out?" Krystal asked once the two pulled apart.
"Yes." Cedric said stepping onto the small platform.
"For your school robes?" She asked as the charmed tape measurer took Cedric's proper measurements.
"No, for my work robes." He admitted, "You see my parents were so impressed that you had a job they suggested I get one to gain experience so when we brought you back, on our way home I stopped in at Quality Quidditch Supplies to pick up some new goggles and decided to ask if they were hiring."
"Really?" She asked enthusiastically "that's just two shops down."
He chuckled, "yes my darling, and the robes they've given me to work in are just a tad short."
Krystal nodded in understanding, she knew her boyfriend was tall so it only made sense that his robes would have to be longer.
Madame Malkin got back just in time to ring him up.
Krystal walked him out after he paid, "When's your lunch hour, maybe we can meet at Florean Fortescue's." Cedric offered before stealing a last kiss and going about his way.
Krystal was happy, she had gotten to see her boyfriend. She knew the day was only going to get better as her love had promised to meet her at the very Ice Cream Parlour she had been dying to try every since reading about it in The Sorcerer's Stone when Hagrid purchased two ice creams for both himself and Harry.
"Was that your boyfriend?" Madame Malkin asked with a sly smile.
"Yes ma'am."
"He's quite the charmer, and very good looking."
Krystal couldn't help but smile, "that's my Cedric. "
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