Joint Training part 2
AN: For those who didn't see it in the second book, Izura has changed her last name fully to remove her bad past with her incubator and is now calling herself an Afton full-time now as she's being treated like an actually family member finally.
Back at the Amusement Park, Michael's just walking around when he saw that both of C.C and Elizabeth have tears in their eyes as Naruto and Gaara are in school right now with Terrence schooling Mason and Peri a bit with numbers. Terrence's also helping Mason to pronouns his words a bit more better.
Michael walks over and holds them as he asked what's wrong before he heard the very shouting and he had gotten mad there and then really badly. Michael heard before he had saw that both of William and Ivory were fighting like they did in the very past making him to be pissed as he thought they had gotten over it, but he guessed not.
It's making him to not stand for it and he did the same thing he did to them in the past like Izura did to them and her classmates as this is not going to be a habit of going back to how things and they've been in the past as both of Mason and Peri plus, Eri, Ero, Hitoshi and Izura doesn't need to see this really.
Both felt bad afterwards as it's hard making them to wonder how the others felt, but they've then noticed then that Hound Dog who got kidnaped by both of Eri and Ero together making Michael to know they saw and know they need help asap making Hound Dog to noticed the problem and talks to them to get it off their chest.
It's making them to finally feel better about it more as both feel like they can't be together fully anymore. Both saw that they're booked for a therapy session every four days a month per year by Izura as if she knew about it after seeing it only once and she knew they needed help for this.
It's making it very much oblivious that Izura's far too much of an adult and is far too much of a child for her own mental health to handle it all fully properly making them to worry for her as she needs to talk about it to get it off her chest and to be a normal teenager, may she be a dead one really.
Izura has ordered her whole class plus class 1-B to have NextGen Abs Stimulator for their bellies, arms plus legs making them to have a lot of muscles which helps them out with their Quirks like both of Bakugou and Kirishima making them to like it very much since it's perfect for the two of them.
Izura looks to her uncle as it's time to know how this is going to be working making him to gently rub her head which has her to lean into him more since she's positively attention hungry as it's making him to be outraged with her incubator, but he's happy she's with Yenndo making him to know Yenndo will look after her fully.
'I still remember what father did to mother and how Vincent had jumped onto his back fully back then really.' Shota thinks as he fully chuckles mentally at that memory as it's very funny and he had just enjoyed what he did to their sperm donor fully while William would've agreed with as he laughed at that scene from back then.
(AN: Imagine that it's Vincent and his parents in the video only with William holding Shota in his arms as a small child)
"Alright, everyone. Listen up. There's going to be five rounds and two teams of five while the rest are teams are of four. You'll be fighting each other to see how much you've improved with your Quirks and I expect this to be very clean and no dirty moves whatsoever from any of you, kids.
Lots will be drawn to make this fair and those who have the same number are a team and will work together during this joint training today. Line up to pick your numbers." Shota said as both him and Vlad King let's them pick out their lots as Izura wonders who her teammates are plus the plan to use with them.
It seems to be taking a long time to figure it out since they're writing it down to make it easier for them to remember it as she wonders why's it's just taking this long to finish it up really. Izura just hates waiting making Bakugou to have Yaoyorozu to distract her a bit which worked as toys were out and she's playing with them.
"O.K, the teams for Class 1-A's are as follows: Team one: Koji Koda (Anima), Denki Kaminari (Chargebolt), Tsuyu Asui (Froppy), Eijiro Kirishima (Red Riot) and Hitoshi Afton (Mind Master). Team two: Yuga Aoyama (Can't Stop Twinkling), Momo Yaoyorozu (Creati), Toru Hagakure (Invisible Girl) and Fumikage Tokoyami (Tsukuyomi).
Team three: Tenya Iida (Ingenium), Shoto Todoroki (Frosty Blazing King), Mashirao Ojiro (Tailman) and Mezo Shoji (Tentacole). Team four: Katsuki Bakugo (King Explosion), Hanta Sero (Cellophane), Kyoka Jiro (Earphone Jack) and Rikido Sato (Sugarman).
Team five: Izura Afton (Vixen, the Kitsune), Minoru Mineta (Grape Juice), Mina Ashido (Queen Nebula, Queen of Pink Aliens) and Ochaco Uraraka (Uravity). Next is Class 1-B." Shota said making Izura to nod as she'll look after her teammates as Vlad Kings does his class next for their teams.
"Class 1-B's teams: Team one: Jurota Shishida (Gevaudan), Hiryu Rin (Long Weizi), Kosei Tsuburaba (Tsuburaba) and Ibara Shiozaki (Nature Goddess). Team two: Itsuka Kendo (Battle Fist), Manga Fukidashi (Comicman), Kinoko Komori (Shemage) and Shihai Kuroiro (Vantablack).
Team three: Juzo Honenuki (Mudman), Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu (Real Steel), Pony Tsunotori (Rocketti) and Sen Kaibara (Spiral). Team four: Togaru Kamakiri (Jack Mantis), Setsuna Tokage (Lizardy), Kojiro Bondo (Plamo) and Yosetsu Awase (Welder).
Team five: Reiko Yanagi (Emily), Nirengeki Shoda (Mines), Neito Monoma (Phantom Thief), Yui Kodai (Rule) and Himiko Toga (Copycat). The captains for the teams are next." Vlad King said making Shota to know he should've seen this one coming, but he knows Izura will look after her three teammates no problem.
"Captains are: Asui, Iida, Yaoyorozu, Bakugou and Afton for class 1-A." Shota said as Izura hopes she'll be able to lead them really.
"Captains are: Tsuburaba, Kendo, Honenuki, Tokage and Monoma for class 1-B." Izura raises her hand making everyone to look to her.
"Question. Why does a member of team one have their last name as their Hero name just like Todoroki-kun did for his first name before I had to fight him to change it since it would put his future family and parents in danger? Plus why does member of team three and two have Real Steel and Comicman as their Hero Names if it'll just reveal their Quirks before they even gets the chance to use it?" Izura asked them.
"She does have a huge point there, Vlady." Midnight said as he just sighs at this fully. Izura had to fight Todoroki to fully change his name and chose Frosty Blaze King making it easier for his Hero name and now that she points this out to class 1-B making all three of them to be very much uncomfortable about them as their Hero names now really.
Vlad King sighs as he face slaps himself making Shota to chuckle at his niece making Hitoshi to fight to hold in his laughter while Nezu smirks. It's making it even worse as Hizashi has just let loose a loud sociopathical loonatic laugh with his Quirk at the ceiling loudly as it's too much for him.
It's fully making Izura to tilt her head in just full confusing as she's confused to what she asked that's funny to her uncle Hizashi really making Shota to sigh and rub his forehead as he doesn't know how to explain this right to her as Midnight can see that something's fully wrong with Izura.
"What? Did I ask something very wrong?" Izura never had a normal childhood cause of her damn stupid incubator as she looks close to tearing up and letting lose the tears making Shota to hate Inko greatly for this which even All Might hates Inko cause of this as well, too since poor, poor Izura shouldn't be like this really.
"No, just didn't expect that kind of question to be asked really." Shota said as Izura looks even more confused.
"But Heroes aren't allowed to use their names or anything connected to their Quirks. That's how they either get killed or get their families killed." Izura explains further making many to look very shocked at her as she has a point there.
"She does has a point there." Nezu said as he agree with Izura's questions and reasons for it making the three to look scared of what she just said making Shota to sigh. Izura looks confused now making Shota to let her hold Nezu making him to look annoyed at him for this fully making Shota to not care right now really.
Izura holds him like a teddy bear and nuzzles him gently making him to ignore it for today only. The first teams are up and they went to their section of the training ground for their match, but Izura got tired and fall asleep in Bakugou's lap making him to groan a bit about it, but he didn't even try to stop her.
He noticed she did look very tired actually making him to know that's not very normal as Shota looks concerned about her now and that's a bad thing as something had badly happened to her and they need to know what it was making him to think fast and rethink everything to figure it out fully.
"Is she?" Class 1-A asked quietly making both Shota and Hizashi to look to each other before back to them.
"Most likely, but her and her boyfriend hadn't done the deed yet really, so..." Hizashi said as Hitoshi touches Izura's belly and a large imaged shows up in his head freaking him out.
"Dad... Papa..." Shota allows it since there's a glow on his hand meaning a dead ability for Hitoshi now really.
"She's six months long and there's eight fully inside of her." Hitoshi said making everyone to be very much shocked as Bakugou's furies and hugs Izura a bit tighter which got Nezu to squeak in protest as he doesn't like that thank you very much there.
'Looks like Hitoshi has a death ability of his own now really.' Shota thinks as he nods to his oldest child who nods back to his dad as Hizashi takes Nezu and places him on his shoulder. Yaoyorozu made a teddy bear for Izura who cuddles with it as she's in a deeper sleep now making Bakuogu to groan a bit.
Shota knows William's going to be in full rage and would want to kill the person, but with sooo many who raped her over time cause of her incubator... It's going to be hard to find out who got her pregnant making them to not like it at all as dear Hitoshi's more pissed as this is his cousin here.
'That mother fucking bastard... If I ever find him, he's dead.' Hitoshi thinks as he can't believe she got pregnant. Hitoshi never noticed that he's a pyromaniac since he wants to turn the damn asshole into ashes making Hizashi to noticed it much fast as this is not going to be a good thing for the family.
Hitoshi, along with Henry and sometimes Michael, are someone who loves to set fires — and, for whatever reason, can't stop setting them — is a pyromaniac. The family or friends doesn't need another one who's a pyromaniac making this to be a bad thing fully really for them all as a whole really.
"Let the first round begin." Nezu said to distract everyone making it to work. Shota sighs as he also had noticed the signs and he's now very worried about his older son. Shota doesn't want Hitoshi to go and set things on fire making him to make sure that Henry helps him out with this.
'Since him and Michael are the same, but Michael has semi-control over it more really.' Shota thinks making Hizashi to chuckle in his mind as he knows what Shota's thinking and he's fully agreeing with him on that one since both do have a habit of doing that really making both of William and Shota to hate it greatly nonetheless really.
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