Izura pranks and scars Endeavour with many accomplices helping her out
Izura doesn't like Endeavour and she hates how he treated both Dabi and Todoroki making her to think of something as she wants him to be embarrassed even more so than how he is now as she wants to take it up a notch making her to think as she needs to do this and fast really before he goes home from night patrol.
She has a plan now as she has just the plan that as she knows will work on him as she fully has someone who wants to join in making her to have christianstearns to be glitched over and have them join in as this is going to be awesome making christianstearns going to be joining her big time on this.
Izura sneaks out and then got christianstearns/Charisk565to go with her as they went to where Endeavour is making them to smirk as tuna fish started to rain on Endeavor and one flops him in the face with their tail making both to hold their laughter in at the site as Izura got Calm-Tigress to record this live for them both. (AN: Yes, I know she's a Beyblade fan, but I needed someone to be very fast enough to record all of this)
Calm-Tigress follows Endeavour making her to get every single thing as christianstearns/Charisk565 wants him to dodge knives making him to dance to avoid the knives making him to look around and not noticed Calm-Tigress thanks to Izura as she's going to be having fun with this fully really.
Both xxSquirrelflightxx and TigerJoyKitty joined in as Izura got one to dump dead mealworms onto him making him to freak as dead crickets showed up next by the other one making them to have fun as Endeavor's looking around making him to look crazy until Cassidy jumpscares him very fast making Izura to know she wants in.
Both Jullz08 and WillowNKat5158 popped out and scared Endeavor making him to fall fully backwards as he looks around the area making him to wonder where they're even coming from as Mukuro7 caused both goo and slime to be dumped fully onto Endeavor making him to be all sticky and slimly as Calm-Tigress was fast to captured it all.
Cassidy jumps out of nowhere making Endeavor to fall face first into the ground making Izura and the others to almost lost control on their laughter as Cassidy's going hardcore on him as Vincent and Vanny plus William, Shota and Hizashi were almost laughing as Izura then shows up as her true-self.
Endeavor saw a little girl crying with a white dress on as she's sitting on the sideway before she scared him with white eyes and black tears running down her face as Cassidy joins in as the 'older sister' making him to fall backwards before he bolts as they chased him down as he's wide-eyed at he had seen.
Both Izura and Cassidy were enjoying this as they run after him as their mouths are wide and a high pitch scream came from their throats making Endeavor to cover his ears before he tripped and then he looks behind them, but they're gone making Izura to undo her eye's powers as it's going to be even more fun from now on.
Cassidy went to William and giggles as she had fun making them to noticed making them to look down and then The_Fallen_Seraph made it to be raining dead birds, a huge flock of white crows making Endeavor to use his hands to block the birds from falling onto his head as he goes under a tent to protect himself.
CrestFallenStar made Endeavor to jump out as she used an air horn on him as Izura kept them all hidden from Endeavor's site making them to enjoy themselves as William, Vincent, Vanny, Shota and Hizashi were trying to hold in their laughs as Endeavor's now rocking back and forth right now.
Ky-Sama_Kitsune pokes Endeavor all over the place as she pokes him countlessly making poor Endeavor to have a weird smile on his face as he laughs like his insane making him to look very insane like he needs to be in a mental asylum which's what Izura wanted to happen to him fully as PhantomFaller13 made Endeavor to have dead cockroaches being rained onto him.
Then enchatia made dead beetles to rain onto him as Endeavor's soo close to losing it and going into a mental asylum as MissKaiilily, Kai-shiro, Kairi_D_Ocean and KaidoKurahana had dumped icy cold water all over him making him to shiver and have blue lips now from the cold water as both Kikihunter45 and PrismStar_23 had dead moths dumped onto him.
William, Vincent, Vanny, Shot and Hizashi wouldn't allow it as Cassidy managed to make poor Endevaor to jump as she pretends to be his daughter who's furies at him which scared him even more and made him to look even more crazier before William had went down and had gently got Endeavor out of there making all twenty to whine that their fun is gone now.
"It's being fully stopped by papa, my uncles and auntie! Papa! Moe~" Izura whines as Shota hugs her making her and the others to pout at their fun being ruined and stopped which made Izura to send the eighteen others back to their homes making her to hate them which has them all to just sigh at this as she's going a bit too far with this fully.
William looks after Endevaor until he's back to normal at the hospital as Izura hates this as the next morning, the video's getting a lot of views and HPSC got Endeavor's Hero License to be fully suspended until he's mentally recovered from what had happened to him fully as Izura, her friends and Cassidy had almost gotten him into the mental asylum that night really.
It's making Izura to ignore those five greatly making both Ivory and Henry to sigh at her actions. All five were upset as Fetch chases only three of the five of them since Vanny has two kids to look after and Shota's pregnant making the three to be unable to use their powers all thanks to Izura who had made a chocker to stop their powers and Quirk.
This is pushing it with her childishness, but it's making Izura to ignore them fully as she looks after her babies. Todoroki knew it's Izura as Fuyumi was shocked at her being there as she was sleeping in her bed actually making the police to wonder who the Villain is as they're calling them Hypnotic Sadist.
Tsukauchi ignores that Izura did that herself with friends and got it hidden as it would seems she wants Endeavor in the mental asylum and she remembered what Michael said about C.C sitting on Fredrick's back when they were still alive and Izura managed to find a way to have it be done for movie night that very night making everyone to be shocked at C.C's bravery that day really.
Izura's walking around when she saw a music room making her to head over to it as there's many musical interments there to play with before she heard footsteps and she hides as she fears she wasn't suppose to be there making her to be scared as they got closer to where she is, but picked up a interment and then walks away before playing it.
Izura's shocked as it's Mason making her to stay where she is, but she remembers she can fully teleport making her to do so as to not let Mason see or hear her making it easier as Mason never knew she was there making it far easier as she didn't want to disturbed him if he wants to be fully alone right now really.
Izura saw she's with both Yenndo and Bonnet making her to tuck Bonnet in and went for a nap with Yenndo making him to know she's hiding from one of her three teen sons making him to fully ignore it and just cuddles with her as everyone's doing whatever they want today as they know what she, her friends and Cassidy tried to do to Endeavor that night really.
'And we don't fully regret it at all one bit really.' Izura and Cassidy though at the same time as Charlie looks annoyed that she didn't get invited and Henry gave her one shot only making her to smirk as he blames Cassidy for that one as Charlie caused Endeavour to have nightmares of what he did to his family, but worse and how dead versions of them blame him.
It made him shot up in bed and hug Fuyumi tightly as he cries making Natsuo to never have seen his father like this before as Endeavor had cried himself to sleep after that making Fuyumi to stay to look after him as Natsuo went back to sleep and Cassidy was pleased with that one fully and Charlie got a 'reward' for it fully.
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