Izura and Insane Izura's Wrathy Rage on the Monoma Adults
Izura got a plan and she had made sure everything went smoothly as she has a way to keep the members safe as Mineta can use his balls to make them sticky to the ground and Ashido can make it very slippery while Uraraka can tag them in the air without them seeing her coming.
"Especially if she's from behind them really and ties their arms behind their backs. We'll need that for Toga the most. Uraraka, think you can get the pants on and take control of this?" Uraraka looks egger for that as Toga's going to be getting it really. Izura needs to get poor Monoma alone as she needs to help him out no matter what the cost really.
The match starts and her plan begins as Monoma got trapped as Izura got to him very fast while Toga never expected this from her own girlfriend as she's on top of her and seems to be enjoying this as they're in somewhere pretty dark, but they can still see each other. Uraraka dominates Toga fully making her to feel weird as she's squirming underneath Uraraka.
Mineta and Ashido almost got Kodai, Yanagi and Shoda in their trap as Izura focuses on Monoma who's very submissive making her to pull him into a hug and shock him out of it as it seems something bad's happening and he can't tell anyone about it or else something will happen to him or whoever he's protecting really.
"Remember, Neito? I couldn't tell anyone how I felt about my incubator cause I thought no one's going to believe me about it. It seems you're having the same problem as I did before, Neito. Whatever's happening over at your house, you can tell me. I'll help you out no matter what the cost really.
I don't want my cousin's boyfriend to feel like he has no one in his corner like I did until I gained them and was slowly getting use to it as I never had anyone care for me before until I met my new family and gained friends. I know it'll be scary, but you're a big brave boy who can handle anything.
Don't let whatever's fully happening at your house to take away your bravery and your very will to save others as you can tell someone and they'll help you out fully. Please don't be late like how I was." Izura said making Monoma to be shaking as he's trying soo hard to hold back the tears, but Izura broke him down fast.
"I won't let anything to hurt you nor will Toshi ever let anything to hurt his boyfriend." Monoma lost it there and then as Izura holds him and she used her wings to allow him to cry in peace and not have anyone hear his cries making him to feel protected and safe as she sings a song that'll help him get over this.
"Some deserts of this planet were oceans once
Somewhere shrouded by the night, the sun will shine
Sometimes I see a dying bird fall to the ground
But it used to fly so high
I thought I were no more than a bystander
Till I felt a touch so really will no longer be a transient when I see smiles with tears
If I have never known the sore farewell and pain of sacrifices
What else should I engraved on my mind
Frozen into icy rocks, that's how it starts
Crumbled like the sands of time, that's how it ends
Every page of tragedy is thrown away
Burned out in the flame
A shoulder for the past
Let out the cries imprisoned for so long
A pair of wings for me at this moment
To soar above this world
Turn into a shooting star that briefly shines but warms up every heart
May all the beauty be blessed
May all the beauty be blessed
I will never go
There's a way back home
Brighter than tomorrow and yesterday
May all the beauty be blessed
Wave good-bye to the past
When hope and faith have grown so strong and sound
Unfold this pair of wings for me again
To soar above this world
Turned into a moon that always tells the warmth and brightness of the sun
May all the beauty be blessed
May all the beauty be blessed." Izura singed making Monoma's memories to flow into her mind making her to be super royalty pissed, but she hides it to keep him very calm as he doesn't need to be scared of her as she needs to find a way to get Monoma out of his very goddamnna it own house. Izura's not going to be leaving whoever his protecting behind either.
Uraraka has a knocked out Toga from dominating her while Kodai got trapped and Mineta used his balls to trap her hands behind her making Uraraka to tap and had her follow her with the ropes and Ashido knocked out Shoda as she punched him in the chin. Yanagi was tapped by Uraraka like Shodai was as well making her to drop them off at the cage.
They noticed that both Monoma and Izura's nowhere to bee seen or found making them to see Monoma sleeping as Izura walks over making them them to not do anything as she's not in a bad mood as they moved out of the way as Izura walks Monoma towards Hitoshi and then walks away.
Shota knows she's going to be going to the Monoma household, but she vanished making him to be cursing in his mind as Hitoshi brings his boyfriend to his place as Izura floats in the air above the house of the Monoma Family as she's bleeding blood out of her tear ducts making her to be royalty pissed.
Her body outline went dark and her eyes were black with white dots as her wings were pitched black and she has horns on her head making her to sense a baby that feels like a equal mixture between both of Hitoshi and Neito making her to be very upset as she finally figured out why Monoma's like this making her to be really outraged.
'They dare do this to Monoma? Just because of someone using a Quirk on him after Hitoshi had sex with him? And that Quirk made him pregnant with the baby? Unacceptable!' Both Izura and Insane Izura though the last one together as they separated into two begins and Insane Izura fully knows to not target children.
Izura went to find the baby and found her, but the little one's has scars making her to lose it big time before she saw a small four-years-old child was holding the baby in the closest to keep it safe making her to see Monoma in the child, but a different father making her to be very upset now about this fully.
'Twice and they're still do this to Monoma and his two children? OUTRAGEOUS!' Izura's now fully pissed as she gently picks the two up and kept them from seeing what's happening as Monoma's a big brother of four and big cousin of six making her to take them with her as the adults got killed by her insane self.
Hitoshi saw her walking into his room and placed the two little ones into Neito's arms and he calms while Hitoshi also saw the other ten children making Izura to explain they're Neito's four siblings and six cousins making Hitoshi to allow them on his bed as Izura went to bed as she'll deal with the punishment tomorrow as she went to her own room and sleeps with both Yenndo and Bonnet.
AN: Neito and Hitoshi will be a couple, but Neito won't be dead until six more chapters has fully passed. Neito's four siblings and six cousins' names are: Neiko Monoma (Sister), Neiya Monoma (Sister), Kyola Monoma (Sister), Lyon Monoma (Brother), Lomar Monoma (Male Cousin), Ryuga Monoma (Male Couisn), Ryuka (Female Cousin), Laronda Monoma (Female Cousin), Jyako Monoma (Male Cousin) and Chelsie Monoma (Female Cousin).
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