Game Night
AN: This chapter is going to be a very long one and All Might's not in it plus it's different than the video. Enjoy either way!
Izura sneaks the remnant into Hitoshi also and made sure he's at the very same power level as the others making him to be able to keep up with the rest of the family making William to not mind it as he keeps trying to figure out how this was even possible in the first place.
William used the new stage he made and got everything set up as he has Shota, Izura, Hawks, Endeavor, Shigaraki, Dabi and Toga on the stage to do twenty questions, but in a different way making it perfect as Ivory and Henry give him an hand with it all.
The six seven are on the stage and Izura wonders what her father's doing this time as she saw Shigaraki, Hawks and Dabi again, but wonders why Endeavour and Toga is here on the stage with them making her to look around as she's confused.
"Hello, L.O.V and P.H!" William calls out to them.
"What do you need, brother?" Shota said as he knows that both Ivory and Henry helped him out with this.
"I would like all of you to take a vote." All of them were confused to what William means.
"What are we voting on?" Hawks asked as he looks at the camera not realizing that it's live which Shota will kill his brother, his sister-in-law and Henry for this later after finding out about it.
"You'll be voting on a person standing in this room!"
"Okay...?" Hawks said confused before the cameras pointed at him.
"Who would you like to vote?"
"Err.. *Hawks thinking* Endeavour." William's shocked as he thought Hawks would've picked Dabi.
"Alright." Hawks confused to that.
"What does voting d-" Camera pointed to Izura making her to know it's live and will kill her father personally if he does something stupid on live T.V fully.
"Hello, Izura! Have you chosen who you want to vote?" Izura thinks and nods to the camera.
"Uncle Shota of course! I vote for him!" William's proud of her voting for her family member.
"Alrighty!" Camera points to Endeavour who looks like he doesn't want to be here.
"Okay, Endeavor. Vote." Endeavour's eyes went into small black dots on his face at the tone William used on him.
"Uh- Dabi." William's shocked he'll vote for his son like that.
"Kk. Bye." Camera points to Shota.
"I vote Dabi. No doubts." William wonders if Shota knew about Dabi.
"Oop- okay." Camera pointed to Shigarkai.
"Heya, Shiggy and yes, I know only those you trust can call you that. Just for today." William said as to keep Shigarkai from 'killing' him even thou he can't die again.
"Uhhh- Okay." William's glad Shigarkai's not mad at him for calling him 'Shiggy' like that on live T.V. The camera points to Dabi.
"Hawks, please." William's happy Dabi's very polite.
"Alright, you simp." William said and Dabi didn't even care he got called a simp on live T.V before the camera moved to Toga.
"Hello, Toga! Your vote? It's the one that counts!"
"Okay. :D" the camera moves back to Dabi confusing him.
"You got the most votes, so I'll give you the questions that everyone has to answer." William told Dabi who seems fine with it.
"That works for me." Ivory come up and hands the questions over to Dabi before leaving the stage. Dabi looks down to the questions and reads the first one out loud.
"'What's your nickname most said?'" Dabi said as he looks up to everyone.
"Chicken Nugget." Hawks said making him to hate that nickname.
"Abuse-" Endeavor stops fast as both him and Hawks had bug-eye looking eyes at what Endeavor was about to say.
"What?" Static thanks to Vincent making it to look like the camera loses focus there before Izura and Shigarkai shows up next.
"Glitchy Little Fox Princess. Dad calls me that." Izura said as she blushes a bit making Shigaraki to not care, but William has proud dad vibes coming off cause she said his nickname to her.
"Crusty." Izura spins fast to face him freaking him out there.
"And why didn't you give Quirk Medicine to fix your crustiness from your Quirk? We have medicine for sorting Quirks. INCLUDING YOUR OWN QUIRK, DUMBASS!" Shigarkai looks scared as Dabi holds his laughter in at the site of this.
"I believe Simp!" Toga said making Shota to look at her and thinks 'Really?'.
"That's because you are one." Toga looks back to him.
"What's yours?" Izura looks proud about something as she looks to her uncle/teacher as William looks confused.
"Dadzawa and Momzawa." Toga loved those nicknames as well, too making William to hold his squeals in at that as he'll never live this moment down no matter what the cost really.
"First letter of your crush." Dabi said as the second question.
"T/D.." Hawks said as he doens't like this really now.
"R." Endeavor said as he can't believe this really.
"Y." Izura said as Shigarkai looks annoyed by this question.
"I guess M." Izura knows it's Miruko, but will keep it a secret until they announced it themselves.
"U." Toga said as Shota looks tired.
"P.M." Dabi looks shocked, but plays it off.
"I didn't expect all of you to have a crush-" Dabi looks down at the next question and didn't like it at all.
"Have you ever killed anyone..." Hawks looks shocked before looking guilty.
"As a kid.. I did accidentally.."
"I think I was the reason for them, but I haven't." Izura looks down with black covering her eyes making Shigaraki to call out to her which made the camera point towards her.
"Brat?" Everyone looks to her.
"... Uncle Shota? Will you be disappointed with me?"
"What's wrong, little one?" Shota only calls her that if he needs to hug her later.
"I killed ten people in self-defense since they kidnapped me and was about to sell me. I also ordered my class 1-A as their Class President to kill the Villains who attacked the U.S.J since it was a 'Kill or Be Killed' situation during that time.
I also killed Stain and I killed someone on I-Island cause they were about to kill Melissa Shield. ... I also killed two Villains during the Summer Camp... One of them was Musclar who went to kill Kota Izumi and the other had a Quirk that changes his teeth into blades. I wasn't going to let him hurt anyone with them." Izura confessed.
"Oh, little one. I'm not mad nor disappointed. Self-defense is a common thing. The U.S.J wasn't something that should have happened. You save millions of lives by killing Stain and saved a life on I-Island plus saved two classes from a man who would have killed them and a small child. I'm actually proud you defended soo many lives." Izura nods as she remembers that one saying that she kept using no matter what.
"Pro-Heroes kill if they know for a fact that the Villain isn't coming out alive." Endeavour agrees with her as he rubs her head after she said that.
"Agreed there, kid. Agreed there."
"My family by a Quirk accident and then in self-dense since he had a shoot gun in his hands." Izura turns to Shigarkai.
"Your father tried to kill you? Hope he's burning down in Hell for that." Shigarkai likes her a bit more after hearing that from her. Dabi looks tired.
"I've only asked three questions and am tired already." Dabi looks down and sees the next question.
"Would you fuck Hawks-" Dabi's shocked as he can't believe this at all as he has a bit of shadows covering his eyes even Hawks were shocked by this while Endeavor was disgusted by the question.
"What the fuck?!"
"I would totally fuck myself if I wasn't me." Hawks said making Endeavor to look at him weird.
"If in another universe, I would fuck Hawks, but only if Dabi's allowed to join plus I was eighteen to make it more legal." Izura said as her answer making Dabi and Hawks to be shocked by this while Endeavor's more shocked she'll allow a Villain to join in.
"Ew." Shigarkai said as he wouldn't even think of doing that.
"Even if I found him attractive, I wouldn't. Da- I mean his Boyfriend wouldn't be happy.
"Who is Hawks dating?"
"Just answer-"
"Never in a million years." Dabi looks down to the paper and sees the next question.
"Single or taken?" Dabi asked with a smile.
"It's complicated." Hawks said which Izura knows it's because of who his boyfriend is that it's making it complicated.
"Taken." Endeavor said making Izura to stick her tongue out at him making Dabi to hold his laughter in cause Endeavor doens't see it and she took it back in before the camera moved to her.
"It's complicated like Hawks." Shigaraki said making Izura to wonder if Shigarkai and Miruko would reveal it soon.
"Taken." Many girls were shocked and crying in outrage that Shota's taken making even Miss. Jokes to be upset about this cause she wanted him and kept trying to make him divorce his husband which William wanted Shota to say it and to happen on lived T.V as no one fully deserves his brother, but that loud blond Pro-Hero, Present Mic.
"Fuck, Marry, Kill me." Dabi said making William to hide his laughter as that's Ivory's question making her to see Henry trying to hold his laughter in.
"Fuck-" Hawks said with a oval shaped black eyes at Dabi before going circles with the bottoms pushed up.
"Kill." Endeavor said shocking Hawks and William had to flinch at that one as that's not a good thing at all.
"My answer for if I would fuck Hawks, it applies to this question, but in reverse way with Hawks being allowed to join in." Izura said making Endeavor to look shocked at her answer.
"Marry." Shigarkai said making Izura to wonder if Shigarkai's bisexual or just Gay for Dabi and Straight for his woman.
"Marry." Toga said making Dabi to question the question.
"Kill." Shota said making Izura to flinch mentally at that answer.
"I'm glad nobody has died yet." Dabi doens't even know that two people in that room and the one doing this show's dead with Ivory as well, too. Dabi looks down to the next question.
"Who would you hug here?" Dabi asked as he has oval shaped black eyes.
"You!" Hawks said making Endeavor to hate this even more know.
"The wall." Endeavor said as he can't hug any Villains here.
"First uncle Shota, then Shigarkai since he needs one real badly, then Toga, then both you and Hawks at the same time!" Izura said making Shota to smile proud at his niece and William has tears leaving his eyes as both Dabi and Hawk's looks surprised by that while Shigarkai's looking at her like she grew another head.
'She doens't hate my Quirk?! She doens't fear me?!'
"Myself." Shigarkai said making Izura to hug tackle him to the floor fast after he said that making him to be shocked as it feels nice and he only touched her with one finger.
'Damn, little one/my glitchy little fox princess.' Both Shota and William thinks as they smiled at the site and Toga took a picture of it fast.
"Shigarkai! Now... LET ME IN THAT HUG, IZU-CHAN!"
"JOIN IN!" Toga did and Shigarkai feels funny by this as it feels nice and both don't fear him at all.
"I guess Hawks, but I'll go with my little one." Shota said for his answer. Dabi looks down to the paper for the next question.
"How many siblings do you have?" Dabi's annoyed by this question.
" I think one." Hawks said as he's not sure about that.
"None." Endeavor said as Izura looks to her figures and counts fast.
"Let's see.. Um.. Older... Younger... I got seven siblings with three in-laws and four future in-laws which would be thirteen I believe." Izura said making Shota to have a weird smile with his eyes looking like tears.
"You count your in-laws and future in-laws as your siblings, little one?"
"Why not? Once married they become your siblings, don't they? I just don't know them that well to drop the in-law on them and call them my big brothers officially really." Izura said as she wants to call Ennard, Gaara, Adrien and Draco big brother like she does Michael, C.C, Terrance, Naruto and Harry really. She secretly calls Nightmare big brother since she knew about it.
"I think it's sweet. It means she's thinking of them and sees them as her siblings already." Toga said making William to not be able to win with Izura on this one.
"I agree there." Shota said as Shigaraki went next plus the only two girls here are still hugging him.
"Had one.. Before the accident with my Quirk..." Izura hugs him a bit tighter to get him to stop thinking about it.
"I had several, but I don't know where they are." (AN: Sticking to cannon for this one)
"I have eight with me being the third oldest brother." Shota said making many who's watching to be shocked by this while Nezu's watching for the entrainment it's showing.
"Yes or No question. Do you have any kids?" Dabi asked as this does seems normal.
"Not that I know of."
"Yeah- I have three." Endeavour said as Izura can feel someone's in pain somehow.
"Hawks, was that a yes or no?" Dabi asked Hawks.
"No-" Izura feels like she might have kids, but she's not sure really.
"I'm not sure... I keep having this feeling that I do have kids, but not sure where. It's complicated." Izura said as she seems worried about something.
"Nope." Shigarkai said as he's still thinking about that one with Miruko.
"No, but I do plan on adopting!" Toga said as she really wants kids with her girlfriend which Izura might be able to fix up for them somehow.
"Two with a third one in process." Many where shocked as that means he's a father already.
"Okay-" Dabi looks down to the questions.
"Are you ga-" Dabi asked shocked at the question.
"I mean- Yeah-" Hakws said as his answer shocking Endeavor.
"Nope- I'm straight.." Endeavor said as Izura seems troubled by this question.
"I'm not straight nor gay... It's complicated since my boyfriend has a Quirk that makes his whole body look like an bear animatronic and they would need an illusion disk that I made for them to wear in public to not freak them out. And I'm not into humans since I don't mind my boyfriend's body state." Izura said as her answer as she doens't know how to answer this question at all.
"What she means is her boyfriend has an illusion disk she made for him to have a young teen human appearance since his body is that of an animatronic cause of his Quirk since his Quirk made him unable to impregnant anyone without the illusion disk. Also little one doesn't really like her follow human beings as she prefers robots more really." Shota said making Endeavor to be shocked, but didn't say anything as it's what she prefers more most likely cause of her own boyfriend who she loves.
"I'm straight, but gay for Dabi." Toga looks shocked by this.
"One hundred percent." Shota said making many to freak cause he's not into females.
"Okayy thenn-" Dabi looks down to the questions on the paper.
"Do you like the host?" Dabi said making Izura and Shota to chuckle mentally cause this was Henry's question.
"I haven't met them, but they seem cool!" Hawks said making Shota to slap himself in the forehead silently.
"I guess-?" Endeavor said as he never met them before.
"I know him personally. He's my dad!" Endeavor's shocked as her father is doing this to them.
"Yeah, they're chill... Seems to be a very busy man thou."
"Only cause of the Amusement Park he owns with uncle Henry who's his co-founder partner, but he still has time for his many children." Izura said making Endeavor to be shocked.
"They didn't mind me using that place for dates, so I'm thankful to them really." Toga said making William to be happy about that.
"I'm surprised my brother can make you happy by allowing you to take your girlfriend to the park." This information shocks everyone as Shota and the host are brothers. Dabi looks down to the paper for the next question.
"Do you thinks Hawks is secretly dating someone?!" Dabi's shocked as he didn't think that this question would show up at all. even Hawks' shocked by this very question.
"He does tend to disappear Every three seconds. So yes." Endeavor said making him to look to Hawks.
"I know he is plus who the person is, but he's not ready to reveal it! We can't just force him to reveal this information! He might not be ready yet! Are you really going to force him to reveal it when he's not ready to reveal it himself?! He did said it's complicated and I'm not going to force him to reveal who they are!" Izura said making many to see a very protective person in front of them.
"Little one..." Shota said as he can tell she knows who it is. Both of Dabi and Hawks were shocked, but grateful towards izura as this means a lot to them.
"I could expose him right here and now if I wanted to, but I won't. So my answer is yes." Shigarkai said making Hawks to have tears in his eyes at this from Shigaraki.
"I saw him holding and flying someone yesterday."
"Yeah. I think he does."
"Damn, Hawks- you're gonna expose u- Yourself- Next question-" Dabi looks at the next question on the paper.
"Say your crush's full name." Dabi's not comfortable with this and neither is Hawks.
"WHAT DID I SAY?! DON'T FORCE HIM TO REVEAL IT IF HE'S NOT READY YET!" Izura shouts making many to whine since she did it very loudly.
"Sorry, princess... But I didn't pick this question out. Nor did the other two that helped me. It's from the HPSC who pickled that question." William knows someone did it behind their backs making the HPSC hunt him down for this which Terrance said to the viewers watching them.
"I wanna know who Hawks is secretly dating." Endeavor said with a smile making Izura to not like it at all.
"I'm dating Dabi.." Endeavor's shocked, then furies as he shouts at Hawks.
"A Villain?!" Endeavor's furies as Dabi walks over to Hawks.
"Hawks is out of this game." Izura's about to lose it big time as Vincent helps get both Dabi and Hawks away from Endeavor.
"Hawks! You can't be dating a Villain!" Izura lost it there and then as Toga let's go of Shigarkai and Izura grabs his legs making him to know what she's up to as they spin and then...
"Hey, Endeavor!" Izura calls out and then once he span around, Shigaraki slaps him with a ten second touch making him to have a hand print that's making Shota to not letcher her at all for this as Endeavor has a scar over his left eye thanks to Toga.
Hawks looks shocked as Dabi smirks, but hides it as this isn't his thing. Izura let's go of Shigaraki as she marches up to him and kicks him in between the legs making him to bend down onto his knees. Dabi loved that one as Izura looks furies at Endeavor.
"Love is love, asshole! Love is free to express to whomever you want to express it to, but you! You are NOT Hawks' father! You don't have the RIGHTS to tell him who to date and who to not date!" Shota had to stop her there and then as he pulls her away and hugs her, face in his chest.
"Endeavor, I think that's too aggressive. Children are watching this and that's not a good thing to show them." Shota said as he looks down to Izura and rubs her head calming her down as Toga holds Shigaraki in her arms.
"Married to Rei..." Endeavor said to the question making Izura to sniffle as she answers the question.
"Yen Hauling."
"Uraraka has been super happy since she announced she got a girlfriend. And I'm married to Present Mic." Shota said making Toga's ship to sail.
"Sheesh." Dabi looks down to the paper while Hawks hides behind him and rests his head against Dabi's back.
"If you can say one nice thing to Toga, what would it be?" Dabi loves that one.
"Nice stabbing technique-?" Endeavor answered confusedly. Izura looks up and turns to Toga.
"I wouldn't say anything since she's not my girlfriend and I don't want to be sent to the sun if I did." Toga can imaging Uraraka doing that including Shota.
"But instead I would ask if she can teach me how to use them myself? If that could work as a answer."
"Only if your father and uncle Shota here agrees to it!" Toga said making Shota not to mind it at all including William as well, too.
"If I can say one nice thing about Toga, I would say pretty eyes." Izura mumbles which everyone heard making Toga to smile.
"Same as her with the comment of the eyes."
"Thanks, guys!"
"She's pretty smart with her skills." Shota said making Toga to blush at that one.
"Hug or slap." William's going to enjoy this one.
"Slap-?" Elizabeth shows up out of nowhere shocking Endeavor and she slaps Endeavor in the face making Dabi's day even better as Hawk's also saw that one as well, too.
"Hug, onee-sama?" Elizabeth hugs her making Shiragaki and Toga to be shocked by her size.
"It's her Quirk. It made her small and looks like a twelve-years-old." Shota said as an answer.
"Hug would be nice-" Elizabeth hugs Shigaraki and he touches her with one finger.
"Hug please." Elizabeth hugs Toga making the girl happy like she did with Izura.
"Slap." Shota said making Toga to be confused, but...
"Hug!" Elizabeth said as she hugs one of her five uncles making Shota to hug her back and Toga's happy with how Elizabeth handled her uncle.
"Just five more questions ^^" Dabi looks down to the paper.
"What's your opinion on Eri and Ero?" Dabi's confused to that question as he has a black dot for eyes right now.
"They're adorable."
"My two cousins are very adorable! I even get to babysit them and play with them! Elizabeth loves playing dress-up with them!" Izura said as she does have fun babysitting them a lot.
"Err- Yeah, they're adorable.." Shigarkai said as he's not sure how to answer the question.
"My fav!" Toga said as she wouldn't mind babysitting them.
"Sweetest little twins." Shota said as Dabi looks to the next question.
"Right- Do you like UA?"
"Yes! Just wish that the U.S.J Attack didn't happen really." Izura said as she didn't like she had to order them to kill really.
"I guess. I did want to be a Hero, but father would abused me cause of my grandmother being one and abandoned him for it which isn't true since she did it to keep him safe." Shigaraki said making Izura to hug Shigaraki again.
"I wanted to go to UA, but I'm glad I did thanks to Izura! She's the best therapist I ever had!" Toga said making Shota to look very shocked.
"You kidnapped my niece twice?!" Shota shouts making Dabi to laugh as Izura blushes at that.
"Yes? She said we could! Remeber?!" Endeavor couldn't believe she said that on live T.V really.
"Yes, she did. And I never wanted to be a teacher. So no." Shota answered the question.
"Interesting-" Dabi looks to the next question.
"Is your Quirk powerful?"
"Yeah, I'd say so." Endeavor said making Izura to slap him with a fish to the face making Shota to be shocked before laughing at him.
"Where did the fish come from?"
"She glitched it over, father!" Michael said to his father only.
"Okaaaay-?" William needs to know what she can do fully.
"It's more powerful that Endeavor's Quirk. He wouldn't be able to last even five minutes against me." Shota's shocked again before laughing cause he knows it's true.
"Hey! I'll show you!"
"After the show's over then."
"Probably not." Toga said as she feels down by that.
"Kind of." Shota said after he managed to catch his breath.
"Okay. Two more." Dabi looks down.
"Do you like crocs-?" Dabi's shocked by that one.
"Ew, no." Endeavor.
"Fuck no! Sand can STILL get in cause of those fucking stupid holes! I hate them! If I see a pair, I'll pay and then burn them!" Izura shouts making Shota to hold her down in a hug.
"Hell yeah!" Shigaraki.
"A little bit." Toga.
"No thanks." Shota.
"Last question. Did you have fun here?" Everyone looks shocked at that one.
"I guess." Endeavor.
"Yes. It's nice getting to know everyone." Izura.
"Yep." Shigaraki.
"Yeah!" Toga.
"It's an interesting experience." Shota said as William kept it up for the fight making Endeavor to lost to Izura by three minutes cause she's bouncing everywhere and then a solid punch to the face from all of the bouncing knocking him out flat and he had scars all over his body.
"Where did?"
"I had a knife on me. I didn't say it's a Quirk on Quirk fight. It's an all-out fight. The bouncing allowed me to get all of the cuts in and a couple of stabs here and there as well, too." Izura said to her uncle making him to shake his head amused.
"Never change."
"I won't." Everyone left and Endeavor's reputation took a nose drive down even more thanks to this plus many support what Izura said about love and support HotWings which's what she had called their ship's official name making them to be shocked by that really.
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