Beaten Overhaul part 2
Izura saw that her insane self, that insane Izura didn't like what she had fully saw and growls making the lightning to strike the ground harsher and leaving burnt holes into the very ground as she fully haywires just like Lolbit would have making Izura to not fear herself as that's the wrong move there.
"HOW?! How do you handle it?! The pain! The torturment! The beating! The raping! Quirks being used on you! The words! Just how can you handle them!? If I was in your place, I'd kill them all!" Izura looks at her insane side and just knees before it.
"Then I would be nothing, but a heartless murderer. A criminal on the lose. A Villain. I'm no Villain. I'm no criminal and I only kill if I know for the fact that the Villains aren't going to be leaving at their own accordance." Izura told her as she hugs her insane side.
"It'll be alright." Her insane self nods to her as she hugs her back as she cries for her, her none existed childhood. Izura has her Heroine costume on as it's been two weeks and they found them making her to deal with some unknowingly by herself fully.
It's to make it easier as she blocks a punch to the police force making many to be happy as she swings him down to her right and Ryukyu holds him down for them as they entered the placed as Izura's fully leading the charge since she got them split into group of ten officers with five Heroes.
Sir Nighteyes shocked at how fast she got them to split up to cover more ground as she has a book bag which she used to steal all the books and other stuff in the house fast without anyone noticing it before Lolbit took it to her dorm room and Izura went back.
Shota knew and kept it a secret as she plans to raid the very other buildings later as they all went underground making Izura to kick the whole wall down fast making her to bolt forward fast as she use real bullets on the joints only fully.
Overhaul's shocked and Izura let's her insane side to scare them with a mental image of her making the two to shiver and froze enough for Lemillion to knock them out fast. Overhaul's furies as Izura got to the children fast and hugs them close to her.
Overhaul couldn't touch them as a white barrier went around the very two shielding them with two wings coming from Izura's back making him to be shocked with Shota as he never knew she can do that as the children gently touches the wings.
"Don't worry. You're both safe now." They looked up to Izura and she gently rubs their head making them to be contained where they are as they feel warmth and safeness for the very first time. Overhaul's furies and Sir Nighteyes attacks him as Shota dealt with his friend.
Izura stole Lemillion's cap as she ties it in front cause she has the children both on her back to get them out of here, but Overhaul opened a hole to the surface making Izura to go one hundred percent while the children used their Quirks for the very first time.
Izura kicks Overhaul out of the hole and she jumps after him fast making Shota to chuckle at her for that making Sir Nighteyes to be very worried. Izura's wings were fully huge and at a better length cause of the children's Quirks. Izura kept punching Overhaul over and over.
She even pulled her left arm back making a lot (AN: I'm guessing around two thousand. Not sure how many in the anime really) of titan sized fists to be slammed into him before he looks up and saw her, but it's her true state.
She has a pure white spaghetti strapped undershirt with just panties on and her feet are fully bare. She punched him in the face with her right hand and then she helped them learn how to turn it off by thinking of it as their brain.
"Which shuts off at night." It's now fully cooling down as they both fall asleep on her back making Shota to be soo very proud of her fully today as Hizashi had a whole lot of fun with the Villains making Shota to ignore it and let him have some fun with them.
Izura moves them to the front and held them as she runs to her uncle Shota who holds her as he makes sure all three are nowhere near Sir Nighteyes making Togato to help with that as he's still pissed with his mentor for what he did to his kohai in his office.
Both children got a checked up by Recovery Girl to make it far safer since both were traumatized by Overhaul and Izura's been there for them a lot with both Shota and Hizashi making them to allow a lot of tests for their health making Recovery Girl to be mad.
"I'm glad both are away from that man as he's a ruthless man who deserves to be beaten up by our Midoriya here." Izura blushes as she hides her face making Hizashi and Shota to chuckle at her a bit. Both were in the process of fully adopting the two into their family.
Izura looks after them as their caretaker until it's all done fully making her to have a weird look in her eyes before all three were gone and All Might chuckles as he walks in making all three to look to him for the answers as they don't get it.
"You gave her permission to look after them. You know what that means right?" Shota and Hizashi pales as their niece went straight to Yaoyorozu making them to bolt after her as that's too much plus there's Hagakure and Jiro as well, too.
"I don't regret that at all really, Chiro." Recovery Girl just chuckles as All Might does have a point as she saw Nezu and they saw his laptop which shows the screen as both children are dressed nicely for a tea party with Hagakure.
"Yep. Don't regret it." All Might said as both Shota and Hizashi shows up making Izura to jump the two and stop them from just fully ruining the tea party with real tea all thanks to Yaoyorozu making it for the tea party which would make her angry at the two adults fully.
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