U.S.J's Under Attack part 3
Present Mic told Nezu what Izura had ordered her classmates to do and they got there just in time to see all the dead Villain bodies in a row with body parts to go to the right bodies by Iida as the others are still fully killing the remaining ones still alive.
They even saw Izura fighting the very inhuman creature that raped Ashido and left her to be just fully raped. Izura saw All Might and he fully punched the thing into the ground making both the leader and Kurogiri to panicked as they left after seeing All Might's grand entrance.
Yaoyorozu's quick to hand All Might a sword he cuts the thing's head off and it died as the other teachers took over and let the students relax plus Snipe shot the five as they had each taken a turn fully creampieing inside of Ashido.
The police showed up and took the bodies as Izura's classmates gave their statements, but Izura never did as Present Mic had the whole thing recorded for them making them to accept it plus the arrows and camera as well, too for the case.
Izura knows she fully can't go to jail cause she's dead. They can't arrest someone whose dead fully. Izura's with Yenndo as she sleeps on a bed he managed to sneak in for her. As Izura looks at Yenndo's domain, a strange sense of both melancholy and nostalgia.
It came over her seeing the odd bed. Well, bed's a loose term. It looked more like a nest of a sorts of mismatched pillows and blankets, among other things. She couldn't explain why the urge came over her. She wanted to see exactly how comfortable that strange nest was.
All she would remember's that she had leaned against the closest pillow/blanket and she's almost instantly asleep. There's a very high comforting and protective presence in the room and it took her a moment after she woke up later to attribute it to both Lolbit and Yenndo's presence.
It's letting both Lolbit and Yenndo to talk as they stay near by. There's also lots of fifty Squisheen pillows and the quilt's keeping her warm as she's safe where she's at fully. Yenndo turns to Lolbit right after getting Izura into her 'nest'.
"She had to order them to kill the Villains? I wonder how the kids are feeling." Yenndo said as he gently rubs Izura's head making her to smile at the feeling she's getting from it all. Yenndo smiles as Izura deserves to smile more.
"There's a therapist in the school. He'll help them out." Lolbit said to Yenndo before heading off to give Circus Baby their report as they couldn't find them anywhere. Circus Baby's upset as they don't know who it is making her to hate this fully.
Lolbit came back to seeing Izura cuddling with one of her fifty Squisheen pillows making Lolbit to hold their laughter in as the site's precious making Yenndo to agree as both power off to sleep unaware that Bonnet had sneaked in and cuddles with Izura.
Izura woke up to Bonnet in her arms as Yenndo has her up for school and he'll be there in the crowd watching the sport fest festival making her to nod as she can't wait to see what the others can do. Bonnet whines as she keeps trying to sneak into Izura's bag.
Izura thought it's cute, but she needs to go to school, but Yenndo can bring her with him which calms her as it seems Bonnet got attached to her very fast. It's been over two weeks since that very Villain attack/raped making the other girls to wonder.
"What's going to be happening to Ashido?" Uraraka.
"Will she be alright?" Hagakure.
"I hope she doesn't quiet." Jirou.
"She can get stronger. She just needs to get pass this with therapy sessions and she'll be alright. I just know it." Yaoyorozu.
"I don't know, kero. It's a gang rape and there's five males there really, kero." Asui.
"She'll be fine, girls. Ashido's pretty strong really. We went to school together and I even saw her give a large Villain directions to the police station than where he needed to go to save two follow school mates." Kirishima said as everyone's impressed.
When Ashido entered, the girls grabbed her and started talking about that one time making her to blush as Kirishima thumps her up and turns away making her to get him back for this as she explained what actually happened during that time.
Shota came in and saw the girls talking about Ashido saving two old female school mates with some false directions leading to the police station. He hides a smile behind his scarf making it to be hidden from his class as he heads to his desk to start class.
Izura got fully everyone's attention as she claps her hands loudly making them to pay attention to her.
"Aizawa-sensei has four very important things to talk to us all about, so please give him your full attention for these matters. Sensei, class's floor's all yours." Izura said as she went back to her sit making him to be impressed with her as he turns to everyone.
"Thank you, Midoriya. First) I'm pleased with how all of you kept your heads with what happened over two weeks ago. Your classmate, Ashido Mina's been raped and will be going to therapy sessions until she's fully over it, so please give her space boys until then."
"Yes, Aizawa-sensei." The boys said as Mineta looks scared as he didn't expect to do what Izura ordered them to do and yet Izura didn't even bet an eye as if she's use to this, but the truth is far worse as Izura's more use to being rapped than the killing fully.
Izura knows what Ashido went through a lot of raping moment sin U.S.J and sent her to the very therapist for that sort of case more so than a normal therapist who would of told her that she had deserved it for looking like a freak and for being a weak ass person who couldn't defend themselves fully.
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