Sport Fest Festival part 7
Since Quirks came in the year twenty-fourteen, normal has fully vanished from the world as a very whole thanks to Quirks coming in more and more every generation to everyone fully around the very world and yet out there's still somehow many...
'People who are still trying to fully hold onto the word 'normal' in the world? What stupid humans they are really.' Lolbit didn't like that, but can't argue since Izura's dead and not human anymore. Izura dodges a punch and she just kicked him in the stomach and sent him flying out of the ring fast.
"What got ya fully pissed there, little listener?" Hizashi asked Izura.
"Oh people trying to hold onto the word 'normal'. That word had just fully vanished the very moment that Quirks showed up in the year twenty-fourteen since Quirks aren't fully normal and will never be normal, so they forced people to suppress their Quirks if it's not in the family.
They forgot that Quirks are either a) inherent by either parent, b) a fused hybrid of both or c) a whole brand-new one. I actually feel sorry for those who've been fully forced to suppress their Quirks cause of this and become Villains." Izura did as many loudly agree with her there.
"So your saying you're giving them the right to write to you to get it off their chest?" Shota said as this one is going to be huge.
"No. I'm GIVING them the full RIGHT to KIDNAP me and TALK about it in PRIVATE where no one can fully JUDGE them for THEIR Quirks." Izura said fully shocking everyone there and watching the live show on t.v making one very sorting girl to do so afterwards.
"OH BOY! SHO! Talk about being a Heroine early! You think she can handle this?!"
"No, but we can't stop her either."
"I was afraid of that." Izura shrugs and walks away as she's not going to lie to them about her feelings on the matter. Ashido vs Ibara's making everyone nervous as one's a Vine Quirk and the other's a Acid Quirk. Izura knew what she did there fully.
She's taking a nap on Yenndo's lap once again woth Bonnet in her arms as she likes his warmth fully making him to blush cause of her while Bakugou's trying to figure her out as her thoughts on that matter's not a normal one.
'She's fucking right about that very fucking word fully as 'normal' isn't fucking here anymore.' Bakugou thinks as he looks back down to the cat fight. Ashido sent acids making Ibara to block, but her vines are cut by the acid as it's eating them.
It's making Ashido to clap her two hands together and open a hole in the middle before she moved her middle, pointing and ring fingers which caused her to shoot acid out even further. Ibara's vines gone destroyed and then Ashido slides in.
She knocks her out making Ashido to be the winner. A break's giving to fix the floor up as many were enjoying this as food and drinks were being giving out to them making this better than last year's festival. Todoroki vs Iida got them pumped.
Iida can dodge with his speed, but Todoroki can also freeze the very ground and make him slip-slide out of the ring which did happen after ten minutes of both dodging each other's attacks fully. Iida still accepts his lost as now it's fully Yaoyorozu vs Bakugou.
It's making her to be ready as she made a shield fast to block those many explosions of his the best that she can. Bakugou saw that she also had a wooden sword with her. He can see that she's ready. Midnight got out of there after saying begin.
Bakugou let's lose an explosion at Yaoyorozu making her to block and run through it as she whack Bakugou in the head. She even had kicked his feet out from fully underneath him as she points the wooden sword at his throat fast.
He sent explosions at her making her to back up letting him to get back up off the ground before he attacks. He knocks her sword and shield off and just did physical fighting against her making her to try her best as she needs more muscles to do much.
Yaoyorozu had managed to get Bakugou in the face making him to grin at her as he looks at her from the side making her scared, but she kept her ground as she blocks her dodges counterattacks from him. Bakugou gotta give her credit.
'She's lasting fucking against me. Let's fucking pick it fucking up a bit.' Bakugou thinks as he smirks and was quick to make it look like he's throwing a punch when in reality he's going for a fast kick making her to gasp as her stomach got aimed at since he moved to her left fast.
He caught her before she hits the ground as she's fully unconscious from that kick to her stomach. Bakugou helps her to Recovery Girl's domain for some healing as the arena needs to be fixed up. Bakugou had fun going up against her actually.
'Not fucking bad there, crafting bench.' Izura wakes up as she's getting more tired than she fully should be making her to wonder why that's happening as she looks up at the randomizer as everyone saw the old matches with the winners to make it fair as she didn't know that All Might and Mr. Tsukauchi has bets on her.
Izura vs Kirishima - Izura
Ashido vs Ibara - Ashido
Todoroki vs Iida - Todoroko
Yaoyorozu vs Bakugou - Bakugou
Randomizer rolling!
Randomizer completed!
Izura vs Todoroki - ?
Ashido vs Bakugou - ?
Izura heads off as she wonders if she'll get him to use his fire side again as it seems there's a story behind it making her to make sure he uses his fire side as he needs to let it all off his chest right now. Endeavor better be ready for what's coming to him fully
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